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92 Cards in this Set

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When was the Russo-Japanese war?

February 8th 1904 - September 5th 1905

How many men were lost at the Battle of Mukden?


How many men were lost at the Battle of Port Arthur?


When was Port Arthur surrendered?

January 1905

When was the Treaty of Portsmouth?

September 1905

When was the Paris Conference?

17th September 1905

Quote from Tsar Nicholas II about representative government.

"I shall never... agree to a representative form of government..."

When was Bloody Sunday?

9th January 1905

How many workers marched on Bloody Sunday?


Who led Bloody Sunday

Georgiy Gapon

How many were killed and injured (according to most recent estimations) during Bloody Sunday?

200 killed 800 injured

Figes quote about the demonstration

"more like a religious procession than a worker demonstration"

Fitzpatrick quote about Father Gapon

"renegade priest with police connections"

CPSU quote about the workers

"It was their faith in the tsar that was riddled by bullets that day..."

How many members were there in the Assembly of Russian Factory Workers?

6000-8000 in 1904

Statistics about the build up before Bloody Sunday

120,000 strikers in January 1905

Waged had decreased by up to one quarter between October 1903 and October 1904

What triggered the Bloody Sunday demonstration?

4 factory workers were dismissed from the Putilov Steel Factories in December 1904

How many strikers were there after Bloody Sunday?

400,000 demonstrators in January 1905

How many students rallied at Moscow University?


When was the Prince Potemkin Battleship mutiny?

14 June 1905

Service quote about the revolution

"the monarchy's fate hung by thread"

Fitzpatrick quote about the outcome of the revolution

The political outcome of the 1905 Revolution was "ambiguous and in some ways unsatisfactory to all concerned."

When was the October Manifesto issued?

17th October 1905

What happened to land redemption payments?

For 1905 they were halved and later cancelled

CPSU's opinion on the manifesto

"fraud on the people, trick of the tsar"

What were the dates of the dumas?

1st: 27th April 1906 - July 1906 (dismissed within 73 days)

2nd: Feb - June 1907

3rd: 1907-1912

4th: 1912-1917

When was the Goldfields Massacre?


Quote from Nicholas about the dumas

"I created the Duma, not to be directed by it, but to be advised"

When were the Fundamental State Laws introduced?

April 23rd 1906

When was Sergei Witte dismissed as Prime Minister?

April 1906

Malone quote about the third and fourth duma

"The third and fourth duma were totally unrepresentative of the people"

When was the World War?

June 28th 1914 (Germany declared war on Russia 1st August 1914) until November 11th 1918 (Russia removed from War March 3rd 1918)

Ryan quote about the higher and lower classes

"It was easier for the Russian elite to tolerate such losses, however, because the death toll primarily affected the lower classes."

End of 1914, how many men were mobilised vs. how many rifles were put on the front line?

6.5 million men vs. 4.6 million rifles

When was the Battle of Tannenberg?

August 28th

Statistics of deaths and captures for the Battle of Tannenberg

70,000 men wounded or killed

100,000 captured

Statistics of war at the end of 1914

1.2 million Russian men were killed, wounded or taken prisoner

1915 war statistics

2.5 million more were lost

25% of all Russian soldiers were sent to the front unarmed

When did Nicholas go to the front?

Nicholas replaced Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich as Commander-in-Chief in August 1915

When did the leader of the duma warn Nicholas?

Rodzianko warned Nicholas about leaving Petrograd to go to the front August 25th 1915

How many Russians were lost because of German Occupation?

23 million

Brusilov Offensive statistics

1 million troops captured or killed in a ten-week offensive

Russia's expenditure on war between 1914 and 1917

1.5 billion roubles on the war

Economic statistics of the war

wages doubled but the cost of basic food quadrupled

by 1916 Petrograd was receiving one third of their required fuel and food supplies

End of war statistics

Russia had lost:

1.7 million troops died

8 million wounded

2.5 million taken prisoner

Ryan quote about the modernisation of war

"All the statesmen and generals in every participating country misunderstood the war modern war would be conducted." Ryan

Ryan quote about patriotism

"A wave of patriotism spread through Russia in August 1914"

Figes statistics about prime ministers

4 prime ministers

5 ministers of the interior

3 foreign ministres

3 war ministers

3 ministers of transport

4 ministers of agriculture

22 ministers under Tsarina Alexandra

Ryan quote about the blame of the war

"By December 1916 there was massive discontent within Russia and blame was placed squarely at the feet of the Romanovs"

Council of Ministers' warning to the tsar about leaving Petrograd

"your adoption of such a decision threatens Russia, yourself, and the dynasty with serious consequences"

Brusilov quote about the tsar's inability to motivate

"faced with a group of soldiers, he was nervous and did not know what to say"

When was the International Women's Day march

23 February 1917

When did the Petrograd Garrison mutiny?

27 February 1917

When was the Petrograd Soviet formed?

27th February 1917

When did Nicholas' Council of Ministers step down

28 February 1917

What did the Duma do when Nicholas attempted to dissolve them?

Formed a 12-man group named the Provisional Committee

When did the tsar abdicate?

2 March 1917

Feb Rev statistics:

150,000 workers demonstrated in Petrograd for the Bloody Sunday commemoration

The Russian winter of 16-17 was one of the coldest on record, regularly hitting -35 degrees and averaging -14 in Petrograd in Feb

25 February, almost all Petrograd factories had closed and almost 300,000 workers were demonstrating

How many marched on International Women's Day

100,000 workers joined the march

the number doubled the next day

How many men were in the Petrograd Garrison


Quote about "to arms"

"They are killing innocent people, our brothers and sisters!"

Rodzianko quote to Nicholas

"Popular risings, having begun in Petrograd are taking on uncontrollable and threatening dimensions"

Kerenksy quote about the old regime

"The old regime has left everything in chaos"

Guchkov quote about the Provisional Government

"The Provisional does not possess any real power"

Lynch quote about the Provisional Government

"in order to survive the Provisional Government had to keep Russia in the war, but in doing so it destroyed its own chance of survival"

When did the Provisional Government assume power

2nd March 1917

Malone quote about Lenin's return

"The most significant turning point in this period of dual government"

How many demonstrators during the July Days gathering?

at least 100,000

Llewellyn quote about the July Days

"It was sparked by continued opposition of the war... and the collapse of the government"

Perfect, Ryan and Sweeney quote about General Kornilov

"heart of a lion but the brain of a sheep"

Trotsky trained the Red Guard from...

40,000 radical workers

When did the Bolsheviks capture Petrograd and the Winter Palace

25th October

Pipes quote about the ease of the October coup

"many historians [believe] that the October coup was 'inevitable'. But it can appear as such only in retrospect"

What were the dates of the Constituent Assembly?

5th-6th January 1918

How much of the vote did the Bolsheviks win for the Constituent Assembly?


Who had the majority of votes in the CA?

The Socialist Revolutionaries

Phrase about the proletariat

"dictatorship of the proletariat"

Trotsky quote about the CA

"trust in the mood, but don't forget your rifles"

Gorky quote about the 'people's commissars'

"The 'people's commissars' have given orders to shoot the democracy"

Pipes quote about the machine gun

"The machine gun became for them the principal instrument of political persuasion."

When was the Decree on Press released

October 27th 1917

When was the Kadet party banned

November 28th 1918

When were the Right Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks expelled form the soviets?

June 14th 1918

When were the Left SR's expelled from the soviets?

July 9th 1918

When were the Tsar and his family executed?

July 17th by the Cheka

Lynch quote about Lenin and power

"Lenin had no intention of letting true democracy get in the way"

Lynch quote about the soviets power

"The notion that it was the soviets that had taken power and now ruled was simply a convenient cover"

When was the Sovnarkom created?

November 1917

When was the Soviet Constitution issued?

July 1918

When was the Eighth Party Congress?

March 1919

Lenin quote about the government

"there must be no government in Russia other than the Soviet government"

What was established at the Eighth Party Congress?

the Politburo: a five man committee responsible for deciding and formulating policy

the Orgburo: organising arm of the Communist Party

Secretariat: oversaw administrative matters