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31 Cards in this Set

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Adjectives are descriptive words which are used to add detail to a sentence.

Kata sifat adalah kata-kata deskriptif yang digunakan untuk menambahkan rincian untuk kalimat.

Please hand me the blue paper.

Adjectives modify (describe) nouns.

Kata sifat memodifikasi (menjelaskan) kata benda.

The girl is beautiful.

Adjectives can usually be identified by asking what:

Kata sifat biasanya dapat diidentifikasi dengan menanyakan apa:

What is the girl? She’s beautiful.

Adverbs usually modify verbs, and they frequently end in ‑ly.

Adverbia biasanya memodifikasi kata kerja, dan mereka sering berakhir di -ly.

A wind blew violently and unceasingly around the town.

Adverbs can be identified by how:

Keterangan dapat diidentifikasi oleh bagaimana:

The dog ran quickly.

How did the dog run? It ran quickly.

Adverbs can be identified by when:

Keterangan dapat diidentifikasi oleh kapan:

When do I hand you the scalpel?

Please hand me the scalpel now.

Adverbs can be identified by where:

Keterangan dapat diidentifikasi oleh di mana:

Where is the baby?

The baby is inside the house.

Adjectives can tell the reader how much – or how many – of something you’re talking about, which thing you want passed to you, or which kind you want.

Kata sifat dapat memberitahu pembaca berapa banyak - atau berapa banyak - sesuatu yang Anda bicarakan, yang hal yang Anda ingin dilewatkan ke Anda, atau jenis yang Anda inginkan.

Please use three white flowers in the arrangement.

The easy way to remember nouns is that they refer to a person, place or thing. Even intangible or abstract concepts like ideas or thoughts are things.

Cara mudah untuk mengingat kata benda adalah bahwa mereka merujuk kepada seseorang, tempat atau hal. Bahkan konsep tidak berwujud atau abstrak seperti ide atau pikiran adalah hal-hal.

some examples of nouns: A mother,North America,The table,A plan,A wish.

To make regular nouns plural, add ‑s to the end.

Cat – cats.
House – house.

Irregular nouns should be checked in the dictionary because they follow no specific rules.

Child – children.

Goose – geese.

Man – men

Some nouns don’t change at all when they’re pluralized:You need to see these nouns in context to understand whether they’re singular or plural.

sheep, fish, rice, water.

Mark caught one fish, but I caught three fish.

Verbs. Verbs can describe physical actions like movement, less concrete actions like thinking and feeling, and that utterly awesome state of being, as explained by the verb to be.

Verbs bisa menggambarkan tindakan fisik seperti gerakan, tindakan kurang konkret seperti berpikir dan perasaan, dan bahwa negara benar-benar mengagumkan menjadi, seperti yang dijelaskan oleh kata kerja menjadi.

I always run home, then I jump on my bed. I like to think about jumping in the ocean.

A sentence must have both a noun and a verb in order to be a proper sentence.

Sebuah kalimat harus memiliki kedua kata benda dan kata kerja agar kalimat yang tepat.

I'll call the police.

The police always chase the bad guys.

I want to be a police officer when I grow up.

There are many rules about verbs, verbs can tell us when something is happening. English speakers depend on the verb tenses to give a temporal context (time) to the sentence.

Ada banyak aturan tentang kata kerja, kata kerja dapat memberitahu kita ketika ada sesuatu yang terjadi. Penutur bahasa Inggris tergantung pada kata kerja bentuk kalimat untuk memberikan konteks temporal (waktu) untuk kalimat.

I jump often. I jumped yesterday. I am jumping.

Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, future. The past is used to describe things that have already happened (e.g. earlier in the day, yesterday, last week, three years ago).

Verba datang dalam tiga bentuk kata: masa lalu, sekarang, masa depan. Masa lalu digunakan untuk menggambarkan hal-hal yang telah terjadi (misalnya pada hari sebelumnya, kemarin, minggu lalu, tiga tahun yang lalu).

Yesterday, I walked home.

The present tense is used to describe things that are happening right now, or things that are continuous.

Present tense digunakan untuk menggambarkan hal-hal yang terjadi sekarang, atau hal-hal yang terus menerus.

I like eating.

The future tense describes things that have yet to happen (e.g. later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now).

Masa depan tegang menjelaskan hal-hal yang belum terjadi (misalnya nanti, besok, minggu depan, tahun depan, tiga tahun dari sekarang).

I will run.


Using pronouns reduces the use of nouns, which can start to sound repetitive and mechanical. Imagine if you had to use your name every time you referred to yourself. You’d sound as odd as Queen Victoria. “Please pass Mark the potatoes. Mark likes the potatoes. The potatoes are tasty.” If we replace the Marks with I, and a couple of the potatoes with them, things sound much more natural.

Menggunakan kata ganti mengurangi penggunaan kata benda, yang dapat mulai terdengar berulang-ulang dan mekanik. Bayangkan jika Anda harus menggunakan nama Anda setiap kali Anda disebut diri. Anda akan terdengar aneh sebagai Ratu Victoria. "Tolong sampaikan Mark kentang. Mark menyukai kentang. Kentang lezat. "Jika kita mengganti Marks dengan saya, dan beberapa kentang dengan mereka, hal-hal terdengar jauh lebih alami.

Tom likes animals. He always feeds them. Sometimes he cleans them too.

We use pronouns so we don’t have to repeat the noun; it makes it sound a little better when we’re talking about one subject for several sentences.

Kami menggunakan kata ganti sehingga kita tidak perlu mengulang kata benda; itu membuatnya terdengar sedikit lebih baik ketika kita sedang berbicara tentang satu subjek selama beberapa kalimat.

I will visit my mum today. I will bring her lots of rice. She loves cooking it! She will put it with some chicken.

Pronouns can be subjects or objects, or show possession.Pronouns can also be used to name something unknown or unspecified: someone, something, anyone, anything, etc.

Kata ganti dapat subjek atau objek, atau menunjukkan kepemilikan. Kata ganti juga dapat digunakan untuk nama sesuatu yang tidak diketahui atau tidak ditentukan: seseorang, sesuatu, siapa pun, apa pun, dll

Someone is up to something here; I just know it.

This is a list of pronouns.

any, anybody, anyone, anything, either, he, her, hers, herself, him, himself, his, I, it, its, itself, me, mine, my, myself, neither, none, one, oneself, our, ours, ourselves, she, someone, something, that, their, theirs, them, themselves, these, they, this, those, we, what, whatever, which, whichever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, you, you, your, your, yours, yourself, yourselves.

Conjunctions are little words like and, but, and or. They’re used to connect concepts, clauses, or parts of sentences.

I was going to see a movie, but I’ve changed my mind.

She couldn’t decide if she wanted the lemon tea or the rosehip tea.

I hope she like flowers and cake.

Conjunctions can also make lists.

Konjungsi juga dapat membuat daftar.

I can’t decide between the blue shirt and the red shirt.

We barbequed hamburgers, hotdogs, and sausages.

There are only three articles: the, a and an. They are very small words which cause very large problems if used incorrectly.

Artikel. Hanya ada tiga artikel: yang, dan sebuah. Mereka adalah kata-kata yang sangat kecil yang menyebabkan masalah yang sangat besar jika digunakan secara tidak benar.

An apple. A book. The door.

Use of an article can also change the meaning of the noun:

Penggunaan sebuah artikel juga dapat mengubah arti dari kata benda:

dinner = the evening meal. makan malam.

a dinner = an evening meal held for some kind of event. makan malam yang diadakan untuk beberapa jenis acara.

the dinner = a specific evening meal which was held for some kind of even. makan malam khusus yang diadakan untuk beberapa jenis acara

When to use. TheUse 'the' before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific.

Ketika menggunakan The Gunakan sebelum kata benda tunggal dan jamak ketika kata benda spesifik.

"The teacher I spoke to at the school was very friendly." - Here we are talking about one specific teacher (the one I spoke to).

"Guru saya berbicara dengan di sekolah ini sangat ramah." - Di sini kita berbicara tentang salah satu guru tertentu (yang saya berbicara dengan).

When to use A/An.When we are referring to any member of a group we use 'a/an'. It is not important which one we are talking about.

Ketika menggunakan A / An Ketika kita mengacu kepada setiap anggota kelompok kami menggunakan / an. Hal ini tidak penting mana yang kita bicarakan.

"I want to buy a new car." - There are many types of car. It does not matter yet which type I want.

"Saya ingin membeli mobil baru." - Ada banyak jenis mobil. Tidak peduli belum jenis yang saya inginkan.

When toUse 'the' before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific.

Ketika menggunakan The Gunakan sebelum kata benda tunggal dan jamak ketika kata benda spesifik.

"I want to buy the car we looked at yesterday." - We use 'the' here because we are talking about a specific car (the one we looked at).

Prepositions. Prepositions are little words that tell where or when something is.

Write your name on the line.

Place the spoon above the plate.

There are cookies in the jar.

The kids stayed up until midnight.

Uses of Prepositions. Prepositions define direction, time, location, and spatial relationships.

Penggunaan Preposisi. Preposisi menentukan arah, waktu, lokasi, dan hubungan spasial.

Direction: At the end of the hall, turn to the left.

Time: We’ve been working since early this morning.

Location: We saw a movie at the theater.

Space: The dog under the table.