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34 Cards in this Set

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August Reforms
Augustus reforms made him popular
-Expansion of the Forum

-Temples (Mars & Apollo)
-made repairs and built new temples
-revived priesthood
-brought the festivals back

-Praetorian Guard- reorganized it
-police- protect the city and keep order
-fire dept- put out fires
-secret service- protect the emperor

Imperial Reorganization- the power belongs to the emperor
-equestrian bureaucracy- shift of power away from the senate
-census- was used for voting purposes, wanted to count the heads of households.
-taxation- census determine how much in taxes you would pay
Augustus (Maecenas and Agrippa)
-was the first media consultant
-Introduced Augustus to a group of poetics
-Give shelter and money to the poetics

-was the friend of Augustus
-miltiary genius
-married Julia and had five kids together
Moral Reforms: Lex Julia & Lex Papia
Lex Julia & Lex Papia
-Augustus passed laws specific to marriage, having children, and adultery
-Put an end to the upper class breaking these rules
-We know about these crimes because poetry and legal speeches
-Catallus and Ovid wrote about it in their poems
-Cicero legal speech accusing Verres of sleeping with the citizens and young girls
Professional Army
-Set up by Tiberius
-You served in the army for so many years you got a pension (land), wherever you served
-spread more Roman culture
Bread and Circuses
-do not have a job grain was handed out for the week
Titles of Octavian
Imperator- victorious general
-have control of the army
-Have to win a big battle (Actium)

-Princeps- "First man of Rome"
-powers of the princeps allowed to open and close the senate
-cut off the debate
-Augustus was the house speaker of the monarchy and republic

-Caesar Augustus
-drops Octavian and adds augustus
Family of Augustus
-wife of Augustus and mother of Tiberius
-2 children from a previous marriage
-divorced the first husband while she was pregnant
-monetary gain
-Augustus was on the rise
-Tiberius becomes the second emperor

-daughter of Augustus
-married to Agrippa then he dies
-then she marries Tiberius
-exiled for adultery

-sister of Augustus
-married Marc Antony
-takes in Marc Antony and Cleopatra

Agrippa the younger
-mother of Nero
-marries her uncle Claudius
Problem with succession
-Never a set of reliable rules for succession
-if it should be hereditary
-all those in line died early
Cult of the Deified Emperor
-emperors were voted to be made gods
-they were worshiped in temples
-Christians refused to worship the emperor
Ovid exile (Carmen et Error)
One of his poems got him in trouble
Tiberius (Sejanus and the Delatores or Informers)
-He did not want to be emperor
-Did not want to mary Julia
-He had to leave his army job or never become emperor
-Leaves Rome and retires
-Builds a palace and never comes back to Rome

-Paid people to findout if anyone to plot against emperor
-Ruled Rome with an iron fist
-Some senators convinced Tiberius that Sajanus was trying to replace him
-Dlatores-taking money from Sajanus to rat out people
Caligula "little boots"
-Ruled for 7 years
-Bad emperor
-Humilated senator
-make senators run next to him and supply him with info about the senate
-Had an incestuous relationships with his sister (rumored)
-very popular and handsome
Claudius (Bureaucracy of Freedman)
-He did not want to be emperor
-he had a speech disability and cleft foot
-senator the philospher and tutor of Nero (trained him in stotic vales)
-brother of Germancius
-first wife Nassialina
-Has two children (Birus & Octavia)
-Agrippina the younger was jealous and said that Nassialina married a senator that hates Claudius
-Claudius adopts Nero and marries Agrippina

Bureaucracy of Freedman
-administrative structure of the emperor
-replaces the senate
Nero and the Great fire and Golden house
-Liked to party and race chariots
-Agrippina the younger controlled the thrown when Nero was younger
-Nero got tired of his mother and tried to kill her
-Bribes the sailors to sank the boat with his mother in it and then jump out so his mother could drown
-she grabs on to a piece of wood and floats to shore
-his mother later stabbed herself
-Before he could fire his tutor, Senca he leaves
-Petronius the Arbiter friend and personal stylist of Nero
-charged with treason

The Great Fire 64 AD
-Half the city of Rome (Tacitus description)
-Started in a warehouse near the circus maxiumus
-City was flammable (made of brick, wood, and straw)
-Lots of old buildings and poor people all around Rome
-Nero played the fiddle while the city
It was believed that Nero's men were going around throwing torches in people's houses
-He saw the city burning and said let's put on a production the fall of Troy
-Tactius does not believe that Nero had anything to do with the fire
-Nero blam
Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheatre, built by Vespasian)
-son is Domitian
-He dissolved the golden house and gave it back to the people

Flavian Amphitheatre
-Built on top of the artificial lake
Eruption of Mt Vesuvius
-Pliny the elder died trying to document this volcano eruption
-pyroclastic eruption which means the pressure builds up and then the top of the mountain blows up
Five Good Emperors

-He writes letter back to Pliny the younger
-He tells Pliny he is doing the right thing
-but he should seek out christians and not let people accuse anyone anaymously

-He built the wall that seperates Britian from Scotland
-It is the second largest wall in the world

Anoninous Pius

Marcus Aurelius
-There was peace among his reign and Augustus reign
-Propersity in the provinces (pax romana- roman peace)
Pax Romana
200 years (Marcius Arelius)
-Bath houses were public and private
-most were public
-open at different hours for women
-public had to pay a small fee
-centers of activities and social interaction
-business and visitations were done here

-Tepidarium (warm room opened up your pores
-Caldarium- (steam bath)
-Frigidarium- (cold room)
-Food concession
-exercise rooms- played ball
-Barber shop- can get an haircut and shave
-Other entertainment
-dice- gambling
Circus Events & Arena entertainment
-animal baiting
-chariot racing
Roman Construction
Concrete (vaults, arches, and domes
-can build large interior spaces

multiple layer roads
-concrete, motar

-brings water into the city

-Made of stone

-daily activities
Rise of Christianity
-Made it easier to spread the gospel throughout the empire
-set up churches

Inventions of books
-then the bible was able to be created
-more people could read about the teachings
St. Paul, St. Jerome, & St. Augustine
-Primary missionary that spread the gospel

St. Jerome
-Translated the bible
-The old testament was in Hebrew
-the new testament was in Greek
-translated it to Latin

St. Augustine
-Wrote the book the confessions, the city of god
-was in response to the sac of Rome
-Christians are not citizens of Rome they are citizens of the city of god
Conversion of Constantine
Battle of Milvian Bridge 312 AD
-Won this battle
-this is how he became emperor

"In Hoc Signo Vines"
-Constine saw a cross in the sky that said "you will conquer" and made all his soldiers wear crosses

-he wanted to become emperor so bad he converted to Christianity, on his death bed
Helena and the true cross
-Made many pilgrimages
-she claimed to have brought back a piece of the crucixicficaton (a piece of wood) that Jesus died on
Persecutions of Christians
-First one Nero (Ad 61-112)
-Second one Domitian (end of the 1st century)
-Third one Diocletian
Council of Niceae AD 325
Conference of bishop to make a agreement on Christianity

-they came up with Trinity doctrine in which god is three parts (the father, the son, holy spirit)
Edict of Milan
380 Ad establishes Christianity as a legal religion
Emperor Theodosius
Establishes Christianity as the only legal religion
Fall of the Roman empire
Universal citizenship (ad 212 dilution of army
- they would take anyone it did not matter
-they did not have the high level of enrollment
-Wars were getting a little more dangerous because Rome was fighting more, so less people joined
-less training and lowered standards

Rise of Constantinople
-This was city built by Constantine this began the division of the emperor

Division of Empire into East and West
-began acting like two separate emperors
-East was protected by moutains, the black sea, and the desert of Iran and Iraq
-West was left open and always being attacked
-borders were being pressure by barbarians
-The east felt that this was not their problem

Hardening the borders
-Benefit the defensive wall expanding
-but many of the enemy got pass the wall and there were no protection
410 Ad Sack of Rome Alariac the Visigoth

476 Ad Sack of Rome by Odoacer who deposes the Roman emperor
Quality of Imperial leadership
-There were no good emperor after the Julian-Cladio emperors and Marc Aurelius
-Bad emperor Nero (watched rome burn), caligula (made a horse consul)
Agricultural decline/Taxation/Population decline
-Business was disrupted by barbarians
-People moved so they could not find them
Lead Poison
-Pipes were made of lead
-This is probably what decreased the population