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55 Cards in this Set

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What are the qualifications for president?
35 years old, 14 years resident and natural born citizen
Define the 22nd Amendment
Limits the president to 2 terms of office
What is the line of the succession to the presidency?
Vice Pres. - Speaker - Pres. Pro Tem - Sec. of state
Define the 25th Amendment?
Sets up the rules if the president is disabled
What are the Non- constitutional powers of the president?
1unity of office
2President’s character and personality .
3the growing complexity of society
4congressional delegation of authority to the executive branch
5use of the electronic throne
How does the President maximize his power and effectiveness.
1president should get things done early in their terms when their popularity is highest
2Don’t try to do too much
3place more trust in your immediate white house staff instead of cabinet secretaries with divided loyalties
Define chief executive
The power to enforce laws, treaties and court decisions comes from the presidents role as
Define Chief Jurist
The president appoints federal judges, issues pardons and amnesty
list the ways congress can check the power of the president as chief executive is
1by the power of the purse, appropriating or not appropriating money for federal programs
2.Senate can reject appointments and treaties
3.impeachment by the house and removal by the Senate
The descibe the history of the presidential support staff.
1. started small, pres answered own phone
2.now 500 +
List the parts of the Executive Office of the President?
1White House office
2National Securtiy Council (NSC)
3Council of Economic Advisors (CEA)
4Office of Management and Budget(OMB)
Define the rule of Propinquity.
When power is wielded by the people who are in the room where decisions
Define and explain the two methods for organizing the White House office
1. Pyramid -The White House staff organizational method where assisstants report through a hierarchy and then ultimately to the chief of staff
2. Circular -President is the hub and numerous assisstants are the spokes
What requirements is the president looking for when he chooses his whithe house office staff?
the most loyal
Define the Office of Management and Budget
The agency helps the president prepare the annual budget and review federal programs
Define CEA Council of Economic Advisors
This is a 3 person advisory group that helps the President with economic policy
List the 4 ways the president sets his policy agenda when he is acting as chief legilator
1giving the state of the union address every January
2. proposes legislation
3.vetoes legislation
4. calls special sessions of congress
Why do cabinet secretaries have divided loyalites?
1President appoints, but congress funds, and they have to deal with employees everyday
2presidents goals often conflict with cabinet department goals
list the reasons the President has little influence over the cabinet departments
90% of all the people who work in cabinet departments are civil service employees which the president cannot fire.
List the factors that affects the selection of cabinet secretaries
1.party affiliation
2.interest groups influence
5.Geographic diversity
What type of background do most appointees have?
1. come from private industry, universities, law firms
2.most have some federal experience, some just prior to appointment
3. Some are in and outers - alternate between private and public sector jobs
Define revolving door
alternate between private and public sector jobs
List the presidents emergency powers
President assumes great powers in time of emergency, control of manufacturing, suspension of mail and habeas corpus
List the new checks on the presidents power
1.congressional leaders
2.cabinet members
3. bureaucrats
4.political parties
5.interest groups
7.senators use of holds
8.divided government
What are the constitutional duties of the Vice President?
1. take over for the president if the office is vacant
2. Preside over the senate and vote only in case of ties.
lIst the reasons a presidential candidate will choose a person to run with them as vice president?
1. Balancing the ticket
2. their qualifications
List the sources of conflict between the president and congress is
1.separation of powers/checks and balances
2.represent different constituencies
3.different times of election
5.unity of office
list the ways a president can influence congress
1. use the media
2.mandate of the people
3. party chief
5. Personal lobbying of members of congress
6.veto or threat of veto
7.presence of national emergency
List two reasons presidents us patronage
1. can carry out his policy his way
2. Enables president to cultivate members of Congress by seeking their input on appointments
List the reasons the president’s power has grown into what some refer to as an ‘imperial presidency”
1. Economic growth necessitated a strong executvie branc
2. congress itself has delegated strong powers to the executive branch
List the reasons a president would choose to use an executive agreement
1. Doesn't have to be ratified by the senate
Define Executive Privilege
The right of the President to not divulge conversations between himself and his advisers
Then name of the court case that ruled that presidents are in fact entitled to executive privilege most of the time, except in crimminal cases
U.S. v. Nixon
Define impoundment
The refusal of the President to spend money that has been appropriated by Congress
List the ways in which Congress responded to the presidential abuse of the commander in chief powers
1.passed the war powers act of 1973
Define the War Powers Act
1Must notify congress within 48 hours
2.withdraw troops within 60 days
3. consult congress it troops are to engage in combat
4. congress can pass a resolution, not subject to presidential veto, to withdraw troops
Define the Hughes Ryan Act
Congress passied the Hughes Ryan Act which established 8 oversight committees to stop CIA abuses
Define senatorial courtesy
A long established practice that before a President makes a judicial appointment within a state, he will consult with the two senators of that state to get their approval
List of the possible obstacles a president must deal with when making appointments
1senatorial courtesy (except for supreme court)
2Senate closely scrutinizes appointments in the confirmation interviews
3rule of fitness no longer applies, a nominees policy preferences are fair game
4The senate has used “holds” on a regualr basis which have caused long confirmation delays
Define legislative veto
Congress would pass a law and the relevant executive agency issued regulations to enforce the law. Congress could then analyze those regulations and veto them if it so desired.
Define Congressional Review Act of 1996
This law allowed congress to repeal regulations with approval of the president.
List the ways congress tried to curb presidential power in the area of foriegn affairs?
1Used appropriations power to influence foriegn policy in Viet Nam
2Iran Contra congressional oversight hearings
3Extensive debate over the U.S. involvement in war against Iraq.
List the elements of the legislative committee system that influences the legislative process
1members of congress develop policy expertise
2logrolling and reciprocity speeds the process and allows congress to get more done
3party representation is reflective of the chamber as a whole. The majority party holds chairs of committees and the majority of members on the committee. Therefore the majority party pushes it’s own agenda
Why hasn't the electoral college been abolished?
1 History/tradition
2. no clear consensus on an alternate plan
3.would require a constitutional amendment which is not easy to achieve
4. benefits the small states
5. helps to ensure that a majority of electoral votes are earned by one candidate
Define legislative veto
Congress would pass a law and the relevant executive agency issued regulations to enforce the law. Congress could then analyze those regulations and veto them if it so desired.
Define Congressional Review Act of 1996
This law allowed congress to repeal regulations with approval of the president.
List the ways congress tried to curb presidential power in the area of foriegn affairs?
1Used appropriations power to influence foriegn policy in Viet Nam
2Iran Contra congressional oversight hearings
3Extensive debate over the U.S. involvement in war against Iraq.
List the elements of the legislative committee system that influences the legislative process
1members of congress develop policy expertise
2logrolling and reciprocity speeds the process and allows congress to get more done
3party representation is reflective of the chamber as a whole. The majority party holds chairs of committees and the majority of members on the committee. Therefore the majority party pushes it’s own agenda
Why hasn't the electoral college been abolished?
1 History/tradition
2. no clear consensus on an alternate plan
3.would require a constitutional amendment which is not easy to achieve
4. benefits the small states
5. helps to ensure that a majority of electoral votes are earned by one candidate
list the reasons the electoral college hinders 3rd party candidates
1. can get a lot of popular vote and no electoral votes
2. difficulty in winning electoral votes hampers the ability to raise funds and gain other campaign resources
list the goals of gerrymandering
1.to enhance political party strength
2.protect incumbents
3. increase minority representation
4. punish enemies
What limits has the supreme court placed on congressional redistricting/
1. Districts mus be equally populated
2.lones must be contiguous or connected
3.can't dilute minority voting strength
4. can't be drawn based on race alone
Define the CBO Congressional Budget Office
created by the Budget and Impoundment Control Act to be a check on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Define the Budget and Impoundment Control Act
The Budget and Impoundment Control Act gives congress the power to override temporary presidential impoundments of money and automatically void a permant recession unless both houses approve it within 45 days
According to Schlesinger, how has the president abused his war powers
1. sent troops more than 125 times without congress aproval