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16 Cards in this Set

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- refers to closure or collapse of alveoli

- may be acute or chronic

Prevention: frequent turning, early mobilizations, deep breathing and coughing, incentive spirometer, administer opioids

Pneumonia- S&S

- upper resp. tract infections

- headache, low grade fever, pleuritic chest pain, myalgia, rash and pharyngitis

- orthopnea, poor appetite, diaphoretic and tires easily

- sputum may be purulent or rust coloured


- three most common symptoms are cough, dyspnea and wheezing

- attacks often occur at night or early in the morning

- may begin abruptly but most often symptoms increase over a few days

-cough without mucus production

COPD- Pathophysiology

- airflow limitation is both progressive and associated with abnormal inflammatory response of the lungs to noxious particles or gas

- due to inflammation- narrowing occurs in the small peripheral airways

- overtime there is scar tissue formation and narrowing of the airway lumen

COPD- Risk Factors

- cigarette smoking

- passive smoking

- prolonged and intense exposure to occupational dusts and chemicals

- indoor and outdoor air pollution


- cough

- sputum production

- dyspnea on exertion

- symptoms worsens over time

- weight loss in common

- chronic hyperinflation leads to barrel chest

COPD- Chronic Bronchitis

- defined as presence of cough and sputum production for at least 3 months in each of 2 consecutive

- results in hyper secretion of mucus and inflammation, thickened bronchial walls and narrow bronchial lumen

- mucus may plug the airways

COPD- Emphysema

- impaired gas exchange results from destruction of the walls of over distended alveoli

- emphysema is a pathologic term that describes an abnormal distention of the air spaces beyond the terminal bronchioles, with destruction of the walls of the alveoli

- progresses slowly over many years

Emphysema- S&S

- chronic cough

- difficulty breathing

- barrel chest due to air trapping, muscle wasting and pursed lip breathing

- decreased vesicular breath sounds, adventitious lung sounds (wheeze)

- hyperresonance during percussion


- difficult or painful breathing


- difficulty breathing unless in an upright position

- associated with heart disease, sometimes seen in patients with COPD


- deficiency in the amount of RBC or hemoglobin in the blood


- a very late indicator of hypoxia

- the presence or absence of cyanosis is determined by the amount of unoxgenated hemoglobin in the blood

- when you are blue


- the coughing up of blood

Pursed lip breathing

- a technique in which air is inhaled slowly through the nose and mouth and exhaled slowly through pursed lips

Arterial blood gases

is a collective term applied to three separate measurements—pH, PCO2, and PO2—generally made together to evaluate acid–base status, ventilation, and arterial oxygenation.