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108 Cards in this Set

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In chronic bronchitis:
I the bronchial walls are narrowed because od vasoconstriction
II the bronchial glands are enlarged
III the number of goblet cell is decreased
IV the number of cilia lining the tracheobronchial tree is increased
II only
Which of the following is/are believed to play a major role in chronic bronchitis?
I ozone
II nitrous oxide
III sulfur dioxide
IV nitrogen oxide
I, III and IV
Which of the following common bacteria are found in the tracheobronchial tree of patients with chronic bronchitis?
I Staphylococcus
II Haemophilus influenzae
III Klebsiella
II and IV only
In chronic bronchitis, the patient commonly demonstrates which of the following:
I increased FVC
II decreased ERV
III increased VC
IV decreased RV
II only
The patient with severe chronic bronchitis usually has which of the following arterial blood gas values?
I decreased pH
II increased HCO3
III decreased Paco2
IVincreased Pao2
II only
Sympathomimetic agents commonly are prescribed for patients with chronic bronchitis to offset bronchial smooth muscle spasm. What is the trade name of the sympathomimetic agent albuterol?
I Proventil
II Ventolin
III Vanceril
IV Brethine
I and II only
The patient with severe chronic bronchitis commonly demonstrates which of the following oxygenation indices?
I decreased C(a-v)o2
II increased O2ER
III decreased Do2
IV increased Vo2
II and III only
The patient with severe chronic bronchitis commonly demonstrates which of the following hemodynamic indices?
I increased PCWP
II decreased RAP
III increased PA
IV decreased CO
III only
Parasympatholtic agents are often used to offset the bronchial smooth muscle constriction associated with chronic bronchitis. What is the trade name of the parasympatholytic agent ipratropium bromide?
Patients with severe chronic bronchitis may demonstrate which of the following?
I peripheral edema
II distended neck veins
III An elevated hemoglobin concentration
IV An enlarged liver
I,II,III, and IV
What type of emphysema creates an abnormal enlargement of all structures distal to the terminal bronchioles?
Panlobular emphysema
What is the normal level of a1-protease inhibitor?
The diffusion capacity of patients with emphysema is:
Patients with severe emphysema commonly demonstrate which of the following oxygenation indices?
I decreased Svo2
II increased O2ER
III decreased Do2
IV increased C(a-v)o2
I, II, and III only
Which phenotype is associated with the lowest serum concentration of a1-protease inhibitor?
ZZ phenotype
Which of the following pulmonary function study findings are associated with severe emphysema?
I increased FRC
II decreased PEFR
III increased RV
IV decreased FVC
I,II,III, and IV
The patient with severe emphysema commonly demonstrates which of the following hemodynamic indices?
I decreased CVP
II increased PA
III decreased RVSWI
IV increased PVR
II and IV only
Because acute ventilatory changes often are seen in patients with chronic ventatory failure, the respiratory care practitioner must be alert for this problem in patients with severe emphysema. Which of the following ABG findings represent acute alveolar hyperventilation superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure?
I increased pH
II increased Paco2
III increased HCO3
IV Pao2
I,II, and III only
The lung parenchyma in the chest radiograph of a patient with empysema appears:
I opaque
II white
III More translucent than normal
IV dark
III and IV only
What is the single most important etiologic factor in emphysema?
cigarette smoking
During an asthmatic episode, the smooth muscle of the bronchi may hypertrophy as much as:
3 times normal size
Asthma is associated with which of the following?
I increase in goblet cells
II decrease in cilia
III increase in bronchial gland size
IV decrease in eosinophils
I,II and III only
During an extrinsic-type asthma attack, the lymphoid tissue cells form which antibody?
When chemical mediators from mast cells are released:
I bronchial dilation occurs
II bronchial gland hypersecretion occurs
III blood vessels constrict
Iv tissue edema occurs
II and IV only
Which of the following are associated with intrinsic asthma?
II respiratory syncytial virus
III gastroesophageal reflux
IV bisulfites
When pulsus paradoxus appears during an asthma attack:
I left ventricle filling is increased duringinspiration
II cardiac output decreases during expiration
III left ventricle filling increases during expiration
IV cardiac output increases during inspiration
III only
During an asthmatic episode, which of the following abnormal lung volume and capacity findings are found?
I increased FRC
II decreased ERV
III increased FEV1
IV decreased RV
I and II only
During mast cell degranulation, which of the following chemical mediators are released?
III histamine
IV leukotrienes
I,II,III, and IV
Patients commonly exhibit which of the following ABG during an acute asthmatic episode?
I increased pH
II increased Paco2
III decreased HCO3
IV Pao2
I,III,and IV only
The onset of intrinsic asthma usually occurs after which age?
40 years old
Pathologic alterations of the lungs are absentbetween moderate asthmatic episodes.
t or f
A patient with extrinsic asthma generally demonstrates symptoms after 30 years of age:
t or f
An antigen-antibody reaction generally is absent in intrinsic asthma.
t or f
Extrinsic asthma is also considered an allergic disorder.
t or f
A partial Beta-blockade may be responsible for the occurrence of asthma in some individuals.
t or f
During an asthmatic attack, wheezing occurs more frequently during expiration.
t or f
Ipratroprium bromide
Cromolyn sodium
In which of the following forms of bronchiectasis are bronchi dilated and constricted in an irregular fashion?
I fusiform
II Saccular
III varicose
IV cylindrical
I and III only
Which of the following are common causes of acquied bronchiectasis?
I hypogammaglobulinemia
II pulmonary tuberculosis
III Kartagener's syndrome
IV cystic fibrosis
II only
In the primarily obstructive form of bronchiectasis, the patient commonly demonstrates which of the following?
I decreased FRC
II increased FEF
III decreased PEFR
IV V max 50
III only
Mucolytic agents are commonly used to enhance the mobilization of secretions in patients with bronchiectasis. which of the following is/are classified as a mucolytic agent(s)?
I acetylcysteine
II cromolyn sodium
III beclomethasone
IV rhDNase
I and IV only
What is considered the hallmark of bronchiectasis?
chronic cough and large quantities of foul-smelling sputum.
Which of the following is/are commonly cultured in the sputum of patients with bronchiectasis?
I staphylococcus aureus
II pseudomonas aeruginosa
III haemophilus influenzae
IV klebsiella
I,II,and III only
When the pathophysiology of bronchiectasis is primarily obstructive in nature, the patient demonstrates which of the following clinical manifestations?
I decreased tactile and vocal fremitus
II bronchial breth sounds
III dull percussion note
IV crackles/rhonchi/wheezing
I and IV only
Which of the following diagnostic procedures is/are used to diagnose bronchiectasis?
II bronchography
III oxygenation indices
IV computed tomography
II and IV only
Which of the following is/are congenital causes of bronchiectasis?
I petussis
II cystic fibrosis
III chickenpox
IV measles
II only
Which of the following hemodynamic indices is/are associated with bronchiectasis?
I decreased CVP
II increased PA
III decreased RVSWI
IV increased RAP
II and IV only
What is also known as Friedlander's bacillus?
Of the six types of Haemophilus influenzae, which type is most frequently pathogenic?
Type B
What disease is also associated with Q fever?
Mendelson's syndrome is associated with which of the following?
a lipoid pneumonitis
b rubella
c varicella
d aspiration pneumonia
e rickettsia
d aspiration pneumonia
Which of the follow is are commonly seen in patients with AIDS?
I aspergillus
II cryptococcus
III pneumocystis carinii
IV cytomegalovirus
I,II,III, and IV
Ribavirin aerosol has been shown to be effective in treating children with:
respiratory syncytial virus
What is almost always the cause of acute epiglottitis?
Haemophilus influenzae B
______ is most associated with "croup"?
parainfluenza pneumoniae
In the absence of a secondary bacterial infection, lung inflammation caused by the aspiration of gastric fluids usually becomes insignificant in approximately how many days?
Which of the following is associated with pneumonia?
I decreased tactile and vocalfremitus
II increased C(a-v)o2
III decreased PEFR
IV increased VC
III only
What is the first stage of tuberculosis known as?
I reinfection tuberculosis
II Primary tuberculosis
III secondary tuberculosis
IV primary infection stage
II and IV only
What is the nameof the protective cell wall that surrounds and encases lung tissue infected with tuberculosis?
The tubercule bacillus is:
I highly aerobic
II Acid-fast
III capable of surviving for months outside the body
IV rod-shoped
At which size wheal is a tuberculin skin test considered to be positive?
greater than 10mm
What is often prescribed as a daily dose for 1 year in individuals who have been exposed to the tuberculosis bacilli?
Pleural space complications such as empysema and pneumothorax are common in patients with tuberculosis.
t or f
A positive reaction to the tuberculin skin test confirms that a patient has active tuberculosis.
t or f
Tuberculosis commonly develops in the apices of the lungs.
t or f
The tuberculin skin test measures the delayed hypersensitivity that follows exposure to the tubercule bacillus.
t or f
Military tuberculosis presents as a small, isolated tubercule lesion.
t or f
In pulomary edema, fluid first moves into the:
I alveoli
II pervascular interstitial space
III bronchioles
IV peribronchial intersititial space
II and IV only
What is the normal hydrostatic pressure in the pulmonary capillaries?
10 to 15mmHg
What is the normal oncotic pressure of the blood?
25 to 30mmHg
Which of the following are causes of cardiogenic pulmonary edema?
I excessive fluid administration
II right ventricular failure
III mitral valve disease
IV pulmonary embolus
I,III and IV only
As a result of pulmonary edema, the patient's:
I RV is decreased
II FRC is increased
III VC is increased
IV TLC is increased
I only
Morphine sulfate induces venodilation.
t or f
Patients with pulmonary edema frequently recieve 30% to 50% aerosolized alcohol.
t or f
A patient is said to have orthopnea if dyspnea increases when the patient is in the upright postion.
t or f
Kerley B lines on the chest X-ray films are believed to originate from edematous interlobar septa.
t or f
Hypoproteinemia reduces oncotic pressure.
t or f
An agent used to increase the patient's oncotic pressure to counteract the increased hydrostatic forces associated with cardiogenic pulmonary edema is ___________.
Most pulmonary emboli orginate from thrombi in the:
I lungs
II right heart
III leg and pelvic veins
IV pulmonary veins
C leg and pelvic veins
The aortic and cartoid sinus barroreceptors initate which of the following in response to a decrease systemic blood pressure?
I increased heart rate
II increased ventilatory rate
III decreased heart rate
IV ventilatory rate is not affected by the aortic and carotid sinus barrorecptors
I and II only
What is the upper limit of the normal mean pulmonary artery pressure?
Pulmonary hypertension develops in pulmonary embolism because of which of the follwing?
I increased cross-setional area of the pulmonary vascular system
II vasoconstriction caused by humoral agent release
III vasoconstriction induced by decreased arterial oxygen pressure Pao2
IV vasocontriction induced by decreased alveolar oxygen pressure (Pao2
II and IV only
IN severe pulmonary embolism, which of the following hemodynamic indices is/are commonly seen?
I decreased PVR
II increased PA
III decreased CVP
IV increased PCWP
II only
When humoral agents such as serotonin are released into the pulmonary circulation, which of the following occurs?
I the bronchial smooth muscles dilate.
II the V/Q ratio decreases
III the bronchial smooth muscles constrict
IV th V/Q ratio increases
II and III only
Which of the following is a thrombolytic agent?
I urokinase
II Heprin
III Warfarin
IV streptokinase
I and IV only
What is the most prominent source of pulmonary emboli?
blood clots
Which of the following organisms is/are commonly found in the tracheobronchial tree secretions of patients with cystic fibrosis?
I staphylococcus
II haemophilus influenzae
III strepococcus
IV pseudomanas aeruginosa
I,II and IV only
When two carriers of cystic fibrosis produce children, there ia a :
25% chance the baby will be normal and a 25% chance the baby will have cystic fibrosis.
The cystic fibrosis gene is located on which chromosome?
In cystic fibrosis the patient commonly demonstrates which of the following?
I increase FEV
II decreased MVV
III increased RV
IV decreased FEV/FVC ratio
II,III and IV only
During advanced stages of cystic fibrosis, the patient generally demonstrates which of the following?
I bronchial breath sounds
II dull percussion notes
III diminished breath sounds
IV hyperresonant percussion notes
III and IV only
Approximately 80% of all patients with cystic fibrosis demonstrate a deficiency in which of the following vitamins?
I, III, IV, V only
In children, ______ sweat chloride concentration values is diagnostic of cystic fibrosis.
Which of the following is/are a mucolytic agent(s)?
I N-acetylcystine
II aristocort
III rhDNase
IV aldactone
I and III only
In regards to the secretion of sodium and chloride, the sewat glands of patients with cystic fibrosis secrete up to:
5 times the normal amount
Which of the following clinical manifestations are associated with severe cystic fibrosis?
I decrease hemoglobin concentration
II increase central venous pressure
III decrease breath sounds
IV increased pulmonary vascular resistance
II,III,and IV only