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65 Cards in this Set

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How are all gases moved intercellularly throughout the body?

diffusion, according to partial pressure
Fick's Law of Diffusion
-dV/dt = A/T * Diffusion coefficient * (P1 - P2)
-the rate of transfer of a gas through a sheet of tissue is proportional to the tissue area and the difference in gas partial pressure between the two sides, and inversely proportional to tissue thickness

diffusion coefficient

deals with permeability of gas through cell membrane—fixed, constant, diffuse quickly
surface area for gas exchange in the lung

pulmonary artery

from heart to lungs, deoxygenated blood
pulmonary vein
from lungs to heart, oxygenated blood
-a huge sheet of muscle, reasonably thin, helps seal off the thoracic cavity so the pressure in there is distinctly different
-when contracted, flattens out, pulling everything downward
- muscles on the ribs
-external flex for inhalation
-internal flax for exhalation
How many lobes does each lung have?
-the right has 3
-the left has 2

What are the types of pleural membranes? Where do they lie?

-the visceral surrounds the lung
-the parietal lies next to the chest cavity
What is the order of air flow?

1. nose and mouth
2. larynx
3. trachea
4. left and right primary bronchi, then secondary
5. the bronchi branch off into smaller bronchioles with smooth muscle
6. bronchioles feed into alveoli
7. alveoli to capillary bes


-air sacs that increase surface area for gas exchange
-covered in elastin so that exhalation requires no energy

cells lining trachea

-Goblet cells make/secrete mucous and put on surface of trachea
-Columnar ciliated epithelial cells beat and push water and mucous up the trachea into larynx and up into the mouth

Types of alveoli
-Type I alveolar cell type deal with gas exchange
-Type II make surfactin, which is important for decreasing surface tension
-macrophages protect lung from foreign material

How many cell membranes must gas go through to reach RBCs?


How many respiratory regions (airway numbers) are there?


Where does the conducting zone transition to the respiratory zone?

respiratory region 17

What is the trend with airway number and cross-sectional area?

cross-sectional area increases with airway number, increasing dramatically around the respiratory zone
What are the three important pressures to know concerning respiration?
1. barometric pressure of the atmosphere
2. intrapleural pressue
3. alveolar pressure

intrapleural pressure

-always negative
-always near -3mmHg
-helps keep the lung expanded
Actions of inhalation
1. diaphragm contracts, moves into abdominal region
2. decrease in volume in space in thoracic cavity
3. decrease in intrapleural pressure
4. decrease in alveolar pressure
5. air moves down pressure gradient from barometric to alveolar

Actions of exhalation

1. diaphragm relaxes
2. intrapleural pressure increases to a less negative amount
3. air moves back from greater alveolar pressure to lower barometric pressure

What muscles do we use when we take deeper breaths?
-external intercostals

What muscles do we use when we exhale deeply?

-internal intercostals

Law of LaPlace

Pressure = 2xtension/radius of void in alveolus

Respiratory Distress Syndrome
-infants born without surfactant
-cortisol used to stimulate production
water buildup in the alveoli increases the diffusion distance
Roles of surfactant
-increases stability of alveoli
-helps regulates alveolar moisture
-increases compliance of the lung, or how well the lung can get volume of air from a given pressure gradient
the diaphragm's two components when it moves
-pump handle
-bucket handle
respiratory minute volume (RMV)
volume/breath x breaths/min
-the curve of lung volume and pressure gradient have separate lines for inhalation and exhalation
-exhalation has a building curve downward to the left
-inhalation has a building curve upward to the right
How much air do we normally take in per breath? What is it called?

-tidal volume

How much dead space volume do we have? Where is it?

-in the trachea and bronchi
What is the tidal volume of a deep breath? How much can it improve alveolar ventilation?
-from 4200 mL/min to 4800 mL/min
air flow
1.) Q = pressure gradient/resistance
2.) Q = pressure gradient x radius^4
Partial pressures of O2
•159 mmHg in dry atmosphere
•149 in moist atmosphere
•100 mmHg inside lungs
•40 mmHg inside pulmonary artery (deoxygenated)
•100 mmHg inside pulmonary vein (oxygenated)
Partial pressures of CO2
•40 mmHg inside lungs
•46 mmHg inside pulmonary artery
•40 mmHg inside pulmonary vein
2 types of respiratory pigments
blood volume percentages
•40-50% is RBC
•1-2% is WBC
•55% is plasma
How many O2s does hemoglobin bind?
Structure of hemoglobin
4 heme groups (containing porphyrin and iron+2), which carries the O2, and 4 protein groups (2 alpha, 2 beta in a quaternary structure), which determines how oxygen gets on and off the heme group
What gives rise to the sigmoidal shape in the oxygen dissociation curve?
heme-heme interactions
What is hemoglobin's normal saturation pressure?
100 mmHg
Factors that decreases hemoglobin affinity?
•increase in pCO2
•decrease in blood pH
•increase 2,3-diphosphoglycerate
2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG)
•only binds to beta chains of proteins
•these levels increase with altitude
•the higher you go, the lower the partial pressure of O2 and your respiratory/min volume increases to compensate and you blow off more CO2 than you normally do
How does fetal hemoglobin preferentially receive oxygen over its mother?
2 alpha and 2 gamma (not beta) chains, with higher affinity than the mother's affinity by about a factor of 2, by not binding to the 2,3-DPG
•found in tissue, mostly skeletal muscle
•only binds to 1 O2
•regular Michaelis-Menten graph, no sigmoidal curve
How is CO2 carried out of the body?
•moves from tissue to blood plasma to RBC
•when it enters the RBC, carbonic anhydrase combines it with water to make carbonic acid and later bicarbonate
•bicarbonate is transported to the plasma as a chloride ion enters the cell via a chloride shift
•on carbamino hemoglobin, some of the the CO2 is carried on the Hb
•when the bicarbonate reaches the lung, where CO2 is low, the carbonic anhydrase runs the reaction in the opposite direction, releasing the CO2
Is CO2 normally thought of as acidic or basic?
carbon monoxide poisoning
•CO binds to Hb with a very high affinity, which compromises the Hb's ability to be saturated with oxygen
•any oxygen that is on the Hb is less likely to leave
•treated with a hyperbaric chamber filled with pure oxygen
What kind of neural activity is respiration?
autonomic, or involuntary
controls respiration by controlling the muscles involved
What role does the pons play in respiration?
•ending inspiration
•when the pons is cut, dogs had a hard time cutting off inspirations
take in information pertaining to pO2, pCO2 and pH
central chemoreceptors
on the medulla
peripheral chemoreceptors
in the aorta and carotids
•an increase of pCO2 in the alveoli means an increase in breathing rate and breathing depth
•leads to hyperventilation as a compensatory response, which increases O2 levels
•since CO2 is acidic, pH chemoreceptors also play a role
When pCO2 increases from 38 mmHg to 50 mmHg...
RMV increases
When pO2 increases from 40 mmHg to 60 mmHg...
RMV decreases
•take in information pertaining to blood pressure
•found in carotids and aorta
•decrease in pressure causes compensatory increase in RMV
exercise's effects on respiratory rate
•increases in RMV, rate and depth because higher brain centers are coupled with the cerebellum, which is responsible for many motor responses, which feeds brain activity into the medulla
vagus nerve
may also carry information about whether the lungs are filled with air
dorsal respiratory group
•found in the medulla
•takes in inspiratory information
ventral respiratory group
•found in the medulla
•deals with exhalation
Herring Breur reflex

•stretch receptors ensure we don't draw in too much air
•happens in dogs, not so much humans