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105 Cards in this Set

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I. What is good for looking for renal obstruction or stones?
1. IVU
a. KUB=
Kidney, Ureter, Bladder plain film xray of the abdomen

b. Limited in scope
What is one concern with use of IVU?
allergic reaction to IV contrast
What is a risk in using a retrograde ureterogram?

If there is a stone, you can dislodge it or move it up the urinary tract

No risk of alergic reaction, you putting the dye in directly to the ureter
what will give you a good picture of the bladder? What will this study help you see?

diagnostic of vesicoureteral reflux
What is best for seeing a renal mass versus cyst?
what can measure post void residual CC in the bladder?
what do you use to diagnose renal calculi?
Non contrast spiral CT used to locate renal calculi.

again no risk of allergic rxn
renal masses, pathology, and to delineate btw renal mass and cyst...not ultrasound
What gives clear deliniation of masses, if you can't tell what something is on CT?
narrowing of the glans penis, normally found in newborns, can be due to trauma. What is this?

Can be a cause of in little kids?
urethral meatal stenosis

can cause obstruction so they cannot void...thus after using the bathroom little kids still have urine in them, so when they go to bed, they wet it
. Inflammation of prepuce (foreskin) associated with the inability to retract the prepuce over the glans penis =

What is this associated with?


Often associated with balanitis – inflammation of the glans penis


what is the pathology behind it?
Angulation of penis during erection

. Pathology – fibrosis of the tunica albuginea of the corpus cavernosum, the tunica can then no longer stretch, causing the angulation
Dude goes to bone a chick. He slangs his thang out and is like, yeah bitch, thats whats up. As he starts to get an erection his dong hooks and he can't insert. The girl laughs, and he tries to explain that he simply has...
Peyronie's disease
POTABA and large doses of Vit E will help treat what?
Peyronies (hooked dick)
this is a STD that grows in warm moist places (like foreskin). Looks like the dude dipped his wang in cauliflower. What is this? What caused it? Tx?

Caused by HPV

Laser surgery
this is usually caused by syphilis and is painless. Can be found on the glans penis, it will not have a purulent exudate
Syphylitic (Hard Chancre)
this is usually very painful, the base of the chancre is usually purulent. Due to what?
Chancroid (Soft chancre)

Hemophylis ducreyi
TPA can help you find what?
spirochetes in Hard Chancres
what can be a distinguishing feature btw hard and soft chancres?
soft May have painful inguinal lymphadenopathy
in order to diagnose gonococcal urethritis, what must you see?
what is the clap?
which form of urethritis is more common: gonococcal or non?
Thick yellow purulent discharge is associated with what urethritis?
Pt may not even know they have a discharge, but could have dysuria or clear discharge...what type of urethritis?
If you diagnose either Nongonococcal or Gonococcal or even Syphilis, what do you need to do?
examine the sexual partner(s)

you dirty human
URETHRAL MEATAL STENOSIS in females may cause what?
recurrent UTI
In young males may be what can be a cause of enuresis
Urethral meatal stenosis
most common site of urethral meatal stenosis?
Bulbous urethra – most common site
in congenital meatal stenosis, what can be a cause of this obstruction? 2

which is more common
posterior urethral valves :more common

anterior urethral valves

these are near the urethral sphcinter, and they are remnants from a structure that should have been removed after birth, but remains, and can lead to bed wetting/retention
this will cause urine to leak out of the tear, leading to difficulty in voiding, can cause scrotum swelling and lower abdominal pain
Total avulsion of the urethra
What do you make sure you NEVER do for a partial urethral avulsion?
NEVER CATHETERIZE. May convert partial to total avulsion
dude comes in with after a motorcycle injury and has swelling in the scrotum, lower abdominal swelling, and blood from the urrethral meatus....
Total urethral avulsion
What are the 2 types of prostatitis? which is most common

non-bacterial- most common
pt comes in with dysuria, frequency, fever, hesitancy, and perineal discomfort.. What are you thinking? what feature of this problem distinguishes it from another type?
Bacterial prostatitis

bacterial will have high temp
pt has a clear white discharge with minimal dysuria, frequency, hesitancy, and perineal discomfort.. What do they have?
Non-bacterial prostatitis (the white charge is due to the prostatic secretions)
how do you treat someone with non-bacterial prostatitis?
Stop alcohol and caffeine use

hot tub baths

Cipro (or Bactams)
which form of prostatitis will be loaded with white blood cells?
if you suspect bacterial prostatitis what should you NOT do

that thing is super tender, also, can spread the bacteria and lead them to be septic
what leads to BPH
long time testosterone

What is BOOS? what is it seen in commonly?
Bladder outlet obstruction symtoms

a 60 year old man comes to your office complaining of having to urinate frequently, decreased urinary stream, have to get up at night, when he finishes he still feels like he has to go...what does he likely have?
what do you need to do to look for carcinoma of the prostate?
Digital rectal exam and PSA
PSA < 4.0

PSA >4.0
PSA < 4.0 : benign

PSA >4.0: carcinoma
what is Free PSA? when do you do it?
PSA that is not conjugated with a protein

When a person has a large prostate and high regular PSA...it will help you distinguish carcinoma or not

less free PSA is associated with Carcinoam
Free PSA >25-29%
benign disease
Free PSA <7%
tx for BPH?
alpha blockers and 5 alpha reductase inhibitor
typical symptoms of carcinoma of the prostate?

usually assymptomatic
if you are black, what age do you start getting PSA? white? family history of cancer?
black: 40 annually

white: 50 annually

history: 40 annually
you are doing a digital rectal exam and feel a rock hard prostate..what is likely going on?
Carcinoma of the prostate
hyperechocic areas on transrectal ultrasound is suspicious of what?
prostate Carcinoma
what must you have before you can treat a pt for with carcinoma?
tissue positive of cancer...

F'in Obamacare.
The higher the PSA the higher the what?
Gleason score >8 pt will have what?

recurrent Malignant disease
if you do a prostatectomy, what are some important post surgical problems?
could be incontinent (try for less than 1%)

also will not be able to bone (no erection)
given the option of radiation or prostectomy, what would you probably try?

longevity is about the same

procedure is more well tolerated, can be done on an outpatient basis
in cystitis, what gets inflammed leading you to feel like you have to pee
why do you do a urine culture and sensitivity for a pt with cystitis?
grow out the specific bacteria and can treat them with the right ABX

this will stop recurrent infection
if a person has recurrent UTIs, what do they require?
how do you differentiate btw bladder carcinoma and hemorrhagic cystitis
hemorhaggic: burning on urination

cancer: painless hematuria
woman with gross hematuria, painful, getting up at night, miserable, urine loaded with WBC
35 year old woman presents with bladder pain as it fills with urine. They get suprapubic pain that is relieved by voiding. Pt also has frequency, urgency, and nocturia (even up to every 20 minutes)

What does she have?
What will the urinalysis be like?

Urinalysis will be normal! (sterile urine)
the interstitium becomes inflammed and you get fibrosis of this layer of the bladder

it is no longer elastic and stretchy, as it stretches, you are tearing the interstitial area of the bladder.

they will end up having a smaller bladder giving them the need to urinate
as you distend the bladder you start to see hemorrhagic areas showing up in the mucosa...what is this called? seen in?

what is BCG? what is it a possible tx for?
initiates immune response in the bladder

interstitial cystitis
most common carcinoma of the bladder?
Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC)
adenocarcinoma will form in what 2 places?
dome- fetal urachus

or trigone

both are glandular
Squamous cell carcinoma is the largest cause of bladder cancer where?

due to schistosomiasis
Painless gross hematuria always requires a urological eval... why?
they could have CARCINOMA
Biggest cause of Transitional Cell Carcinoma?
pt with recurrent transitional cell carcinoma is treated how?
Instill BCG into the bladder

this initiates an immune response in the bladder that allows them to fight off the cancer

aka this is fucking badass
if the muscularis is invaded of the bladder, what is the tx? what about adenocarcinoma? what about squamous?
cystectomy for all
What normally leads to stone formation?
bladder obstruction (urine stagnation)
folley catheter can lead to what problem
you can have a piece flake off and cause a stone!
what is the key to treating stones?
treat the underlying problem
how do you get a diverticuli?
weakness in the detrusor muscle that allows a small sack to pouch out off the bladder
what 2 things can lead 2 bladder diverticuli?
1) Secondary to bladder outlet (have to push hard to get urine out and blow out the detrusor muscle!)

2) Secondary to neurogenic bladder (get a spastic high pressure bladder)
if you see Christmas tree bladder what is going on?
the bladder has multiple diverticula, normally due to neurogenic bladder
pt presents with recurrent UTI but is otherwise asymptomatic. this can normally be due to high pressure on the bladder and may have a stone sitting just outside the bladder on xray
what is the normal cause of epidiymitis?
normally secondary to abacterial prostatitis

the secretions from the prostate and get pumped backwards

can be viral or mumps

pt comes in with pain in the scrotum. May have some swelling and has fever. What do they have? What can this be secondary to?

post strenuous work (will push on prostate and cause secretions to push back)
what is Prehn’s sign?
elevation of the testie that relieves pain
how do you rule out torsion of the testis?
Nuclear scan (will not show up hot)

look for blood flow to the testis
Tx for epidiymitis?
. Bed rest
b. Scrotal support
c. Warm soaks or sit baths
d. Force fluids
e. Antibiotics - Keflex or Doxycycline for 21-28 days
f. Anti inflammatory/analgesics
what is a non-tender mass on the testis?
2 keys to the physical exam for hydrocele?

rule out testicular mass
If you transluminate a mass on the teste, what must you do next? What will confirm that you only have a hydrocele?
Ultrasound of the testis

nice non-echoic mass with nothing in it=hydrocele
What causes a spermatocele?
rete testes or ducts in the epididymis

becomes obstructed and causes a mass
What will be different on aspiration of fluid for a hydrocele and a spermatocele?
Hydrocele:clear fluid

Spermatocele: sperm
blockage of a duct conveying sperm=
Symmetrical well demarcated mass usually in area of head
of the epididymis (may occur anywhere in epididymis)
2) Usually non tender
3) Transilluminates if large
4) Usually can palpate testis as separate organ
why do you NOT cut out spermatoceles?
people will end up with a painful scar...

get chronic testicular pain
what can lead to testicular torsion
inproper development of the gubernaculum (remember this is what is responsible for pulling the ball down and keeping it in place; without it, you get a bell clapper teste that can let that bad boy slang all over the place)
man comes in with an acute onset of severe pain in the scrotum. they can't sit still and nothing relieves the pain, lifting the testes does not help. What do they have?
mother brings in one year old child because he won't stop crying and is writhing around in pain. The child has been crying for sometime with no seeming relief of what is ailing him. The mom is concerned. You are thinking?
painful ball, one higher than the other and one with swelling. What should you do next?
Nuclear scan, look for blood flow to the testes
How long do you have to treat a torsion?
6-8 hours or you are going to lose that ball
Tx for torsion of the testes
orchiopexy (fix the testes in place) of BOTH sides
what is a positive Prehn's sign
lift the ball and the pain goes away
painless hematuria=
bladder cancer
Female pt. presents after repeated infection and obstruction of periurethral glands (GC, Normal Vaginal Flora). She complains of having to pee a lot, pain on intercourse, and post micturation dribbling.
N. gonorrhea gram stain and shape?
Gram -

Good test to order if you are looking for metastases of Prostate Cancer

Females have a shorter urethra and are therefore more likely to get UTI/Cystitis