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33 Cards in this Set

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Olson states that there were five ideas –part of a Christian worldview- that both evangelical paradigms held in common. Two of these were God’s transcendence and supernatural activity, and the Bible as divinely inspired and infallible. State the last three of these five ideas.
Jesus Christ is the crucified and risen Savior and Lord, conversion as the only authentic initiation into salvation, and the rejection of both liberal theology and fundamentalism.
The “Oxford man” affirmed the religious value of symbolic actions in worship. Which of the following best represents why the Oxford movement believed that ritual was necessary?
Worship should be total and engage the senses.
Olson discusses the rise of Latin American liberation theology. According to Olson, How do Latin American liberation theologians interpret salvation?
Salvation involves the individual in the abolition of structural poverty and unjust politics.
By the late 1980s, leaders in the former Soviet Union were asking help in re-establishing Biblical morals in Russia. Which of the following best represents what did Russian leaders wanted to prohibit by July of 1993?
Russian leaders wanted to prohibit activities by foreign religious organizations.
Shelley notes the new pluralistic culture and says that Christian leaders must do something in order to face this new pluralistic world with integrity. Which of the following best represents what Shelley suggests that Christian leaders must do?
Christian leaders must define justice in a meaningful way.
Shelley finds three “hallmarks” of liberalism in Shailer Matthews’ The Faith of Modernism. Which of the following best represents these hallmarks?
Evolutionary religion, optimistic view of man, moralistic God.
Feminist theology has a number of different concepts of God, depending on the theologian. Which of the following best represents how Rosemary Radford Reuther conceives of God?
God is the "matrix of being" that connects everyone and everything together in a web.
Olson discusses “metanarratives” in regard to Christianity. Which of the following best represents what happens to Christianity if we cannot discover a metanarrative?
If we cannot discover a metanarrative then our Christianity itself is lost.
By the 1940s and 1950s, many fundamentalist leaders had added two doctrines to the list of basic Christian beliefs. Which of the following best represents the new doctrines that these leaders now insisted the faithful must believe?
They insisted on Premillennialism and young-earth creationism.
Olson discusses the career of J. Gresham Machen, a scholar admired by many fundamentalists. Which of the following best represents the two areas of fundamentalist belief that Machen rejected?
Machen rejected Premillennialism and views against evolution.
Olson writes about two competing evangelical theological paradigms, the “Puritan-Princeton paradigm” and the “Pietist-Pentecostal paradigm.” Which of the following best represents why the Puritan-Princeton paradigm criticized “experiential” evangelicals?
Because, they feared that the Pietist focus on experience would lead them to become theological liberals.
Olson tells us that fundamentalists and evangelicals differ in their approach to interpreting the Bible. Which of the following best explains how evangelicals differ from fundamentalists on Biblical interpretation?
Evangelicals allow more latitude concerning the interpretation of origins.
“Fundamentalists” held to the list of fundamentals of the Christian faith, but went on from there to practice something further. Which of the following best represents this further practice that generally distinguishes “fundamentalists” from “evangelicals”?
Fundamentalists practice separation from all Christians who do not agree with their essential beliefs.
In the context of the theology of liberalism, fundamentalism, and evangelicalism, we might ask the question, “What theology is Christian?” According to Olson, a theology that claims to be Christian must have something in common with three things. State briefly those three things.
the gospel of Jesus Christ, the apostolic witness to him in the New Testament, and the Great Tradition of the Christian church throughout its history.
Olson looks at the state of the Christian church at the beginning of the 21st century. According to Olson, something very important is missing from Christian theology today. Which of the following is what Olson believes is lacking from Christian theology at the turn of the 21st century?
What is lacking from Christian theology is any great overarching metanarrative.
James Cone originated Black Liberation theology. What point about those seeking salvation did James Cone make, according to Olson?
People seeking salvation cannot remain neutral in the situation of racial oppression.
Olson discusses the impact of the Second Council of the Vatican (Vatican II) on the Roman Catholic Church. Which of the following best represents what was perhaps the most significant change in Catholic theology brought about by Vatican II?
The most significant change in Catholic theology was the affirmation of the supremacy of Scripture.
Shelley states that Evangelicals had little effect on American culture, and cites the “lifeboat ethic” of early 20th century evangelicals for this. Which of the following best represents the effect that the “lifeboat ethic” had on the evangelical movement?
The “lifeboat ethic” meant that evangelicals withdrew from the social arena.
The idea of what made one happy changed in the 1970s and 1980s. Which of the following best represents what was promoted in these decades as "happiness" for the individual?
Happiness was a life rich in experiences and sensual feelings.
Shelley cites a "psychological revolution" in American culture. Which of the following best represents what popular culture had embraced 1990?
Popular culture had embraced the morality of self-expression.
The Clapham sect struggled against the slave trade in the British Empire. Which of the following best represents what political “first” came about during this struggle?
For the first time, women participated in the political process.
Olson also tells us that the Pietist-Pentecostal paradigm criticized their Princeton brethren. Which of the following best represents why the Pietist-Pentecostal paradigm criticized their Princeton colleagues?
The Pietists criticized them for being too one-sided in their neglect of experiencing God.
Process theology intends to offer a theology that is neither liberal nor evangelical. According to Olson, Which of the following best represents what Process theology attempts to do?
Process theology attempts to reconstruct the doctrine of God in tune with modern beliefs.
Shelley tells us that mission without worship can produce “empty service.” Which of the following best represents what worship without mission produces?
Worship without mission produces careless religion.
Shelley discusses the rise of Islamic jihadists and the view of columnist David Brooks. Which of the following best represents what has produced today’s Islamic extremists, according to Brooks?
The ancient culture and consciousness of Islam has produced today’s Islamic extremists.
Early fundamentalism was highly influenced by the Old Princeton school of theology. Which of the following best represents what early fundamentalism emphasized as the core of Christianity?
Early fundamentalism emphasized unrevisable doctrinal propositions as the core of Christianity.
In the 20th century, liberals dreamed of ecumenical unity. According to Olson, which of the following best represents what such a consensus would resemble?
Such a consensus would resemble Harnack’s fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man.
Shelley cites a change in the relationship between Evangelicals and Roman Catholics as they have discovered some common ground between them. Which of the following best represents the common ground between them, especially in the United States?
They found common ground in issues of social conscience such as abortion.
For some young Protestant thinkers, eschatological theology like that of Moltmann is an attractive theological paradigm. Which of the following best represents what eschatological theology centers on?
Eschatological theology centers on the divine self-limitation in which the world affects God.
Olson explains Karl Rahner’s ideas of the "supernatural existential" and the "anonymous Christian." Which of the following best represents Rahner’s idea of the "supernatural existential"?
The "supernatural existential" is an element of grace within each person that constitutes a possibility of salvation.
Shelley notes the search for “ultimate” significance in the late 20th century. Which of the following best represents what became the primary source of "ultimate" significance for the soul in the late 20th century?
Sex became the primary source of "ultimate" significance for the soul.
Alfred North Whitehead reconceived the nature of reality. Which of the following best represents how Alfred North Whitehead explained the nature of reality?
The nature of reality consists of a series of occasions or discrete drops of experience.
Charles Hodge adopted the “Common Sense Realism” of Thomas Reid and this affected the way in which he formulated his theology. Which of the following best represents how Charles Hodge reflected this philosophy in the way he treated the Bible?
Hodge treated the Bible as a collection of propositions waiting to be organized.