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83 Cards in this Set

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Theology of creation
redundant, it is a theology
God's uniquely divine activity of bringing about which is not God - relationship between God and the created cosmos
3 levels of theology
1. God's talk to us (primary)
2. Us to God (prayer, response to 1)
3. critical reflection of 1 and 2. (like this class)
must be revealed/disclosed to you. God is mysterious - not solved by problem solving.
fundamental foundational concept - refers to God's self-disclosure - can't work your way up to God. Truths are grasped by faith, repentance, and issues in the transformation of life.
Comprehend: to understand something in it's totality
Apprehend: to grasp
Faith is not simply intellectual assent.
Always a gift, always mediated within a context (God in flesh, God in burning bush), it's an event.
General: available to all people at all times
Specific: particular acts towards particular people.
Even in God's self-disclosure, mystery remains due to sin, finite, God's majesty. Can never be proved, but can be affirmed by communal confirmation, intelligible, produces fruit.
BIGGEST revelation: Jesus as God's self-disclosure
only work in terms of comparison similarity/dissimilarity. God as king, father, rock.
God is above our ability to know fully because He's beyond the created cosmos - He isn't a creature, so we need A, P, and M to talk about Him since there is nothing like Him
statement that can only be resolved outside of our capacity to know. God is beyond creation, but is in creation, Jesus is completely human and completely divine.
Mythical language:
language that uses symbols to describe something to talk about a reality that we don't have words for - like God shapes, knits, etc.
Theological language in relation to scientific language
Science: how we interact with the natural world through our senses and experiments - constantly revising itself. limited can't talk about what happens beyond the physical cosmos (supernatural realm). Science can't prove God or disprove God since He isn't part of the natural world.
Empirical language- observations of things we can empirically understand.
REASON - human reason is elevated as the supreme judge. SUSPICION of authority. AUTONOMY -self-rule, all humans have reasons so we can rationally determine what is best for ourselves and to govern collectively
Theological language in relation to philosophical language
Philosophical language: an attempt to understand the world through rational means. Evil is a mystery, but God does something about evil - philosophy can't talk about the things God has revealed, but theological language can. Theological language can tell us who we are, who God is, and our purposes.
Via negativa / apophatic theology
Aquinas: theology that attempts to describe God in terms of what may not be said about the perfect goodness that is God. Achieve unity with God through discernment, gaining knowledge of what God is NOT rather than what God is. God is NOT ignorant, evil, creation, not time or space. GOd is not hate. Describes God in terms of what God is not.
via positiva / cataphatic theology
Theology that expresses God through positive terminology. Limits God.
Inerrancy of scripture
'without error' - EVERYTHING is factual, and transparently true, in all it contains including history, science, and math.
Infallibility of scripture
'without fail' - assures us that we are encountering God in scripture. Communicates God's self-revelation to us. The Spirit is active in writing and hearing of scripture, and might not be factual, but in the context it is communicating God.
Illumination of scripture
activity of the HS when we read scripture so we can recognize it - Spirit involvement in the reception of Scripture. We need the HS to understand what GOd is telling us - encountering a personal God
Calvin's doctrine of accommodation
God accommodates Himself to us - He stoops down to communicate to us - "baby talk". Scripture is accommodated to us so we can understand it since we can't understand an infinite God.
God's name
God is transcendent - beyond a name! He's always free, hence the "I am who I am"
from oneself - His existence comes from his self - uncreated; has no cause
not limited by our boundaries of space or time
not bound or marked by time - time is a creature
can't be measured - He does not occupy space - space is a creature.
God does not have parts - can't divide him - Trinity is not a division
oneness - only 1 God. F, S, HS are all the ONE God
God is beyond the creation as the Creator - not bound by creation
God is actively present and within creation because of His created activity
all mighty, all powerful.
1. God can do anything - can make square triangles (minority view)
2. God can do anything that is possible or that He wills to do - nothing occurs without God bringing it about - our capacities to act are constantly empowered by God
God is present everywhere, all things are present to God
God knows everything that can be known
cannot change - can't be any more or less God - no potential in God (controversial - God changes in the Bible - he changes his mind - why pray if God doesn't change His mind?)
not able to suffer - unaffected by anything external to God
(controversial - makes God seem impersonal, and Jesus suffers, so God just suffer!)
renders to all what is due
set apart - completely set apart because of his transcendence. Aka Godliness
God is love, even if He doesn't create a world to love.
Greek: giving oneself on behalf of another - God gives to Son, Son gives to God
Love that is desire for another. Father desires Son, Son desires Father
God exists in complete well being. Cannot be any better off than He is - God doesn't have to create the cosmos, it's a gift. he doesn't need to love us, which is why he loves us even though we are useless.
"same essence" - son is homoousis with the Father
person - 3 persons make up the ousia
"visible and invisible"
creator of everything - everything we can sense, and everything we can't sense
"before all ages"
eternal, before all time
Creed of Nicea
"begotten, not made"
not a relationship of creation - produced, but not created.
Creed of Constantinople:
"the Lord, the Giver of Life"
The name of the Holy Spirit - affirms that the Spirit is the same as the Lord, and that the Spirit gives life
Creed of Constantinople:
The spirit PROCEEDS from the Son and the Father; the Son is begotten from God
Creed of Constantinople:
HS proceeds from the Son - distinguishes the son and father
Language of Creed of Nicea (what about Jesus?)
"visible and invisible", "before all ages", "begotten, not made"
Language of the Creed of Constantinople (what about the HS?)
"The Lord, the Giver of Life", "Procession", "filioque'
Immanent trinity
referring to God's relations as Father, Son, and Spirit "within" God's own being apart from the world - NOT God's relationship with creation
economic trinity
referring to God's relations to the world (God's "household") as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.; This refers to the acts of the triune God with respect to the creation, history, salvation, the formation of the Church, the daily lives of believers, etc. and describes how the Trinity operates within history in terms of the roles or functions performed by each Person of the Trinity—God's relationship with creation.
significance of "messiah"
"anointed one" - God's choosing for a role - God's chosen one to restore Israel. He's Israel's Messiah
significance of "Lord"
in caps in the Bible - as a place holder for the translation for the tetragrammaton. Identifies Him as the God of Israel. To declare Jesus as Lord = death because then Caesar is not
various meanings of "Son of Man"
reference to our frailty.
Jesus is the one to come at the end of history to reveal God's purpose - Apocalyptic figure.
Jesus as a frail creature shows that God came to us in a baby and can identify with us since he really is a human being
various meanings of "Son of God"
distinct relationship between father and son.
AKA - King - particularly favored by God. Jesus has a relationship with God that is different than any other.
Calvin's munus triplex Christi
3-fold offices of Christ: all anointed by God
1. Prophet: those who speak of the Lord
2. Priest: Intermediate between us and God - sacrifice on behalf of people
3. King: Jesus is Lord of all and serves all
By these 3, Jesus brings salvation to us.
Jesus is divine, kinda. Enters the world as human, and then as some point (baptism or birth), God adopts Jesus as divine, and then again this connection distinguishes again. Human BECOMES Son of God.
Why bad? This view states that Jesus' central core is not God - He's a human united to God
inadequate teaching
"To seem or to appear". Jesus was fully divine, but he only appears to be human - never got hungry, tired, or died.
Why bad? Jesus has to be human in order to save us.
Arius - Priest in 318AD.
Jesus is the Son of God, but isn't actually God. The Son of God is the 1st creature He made. There is only ONE God - Jesus can't be God too, he's a creature. Trying to be faithful to scriptures.
Why bad? Jesus isn't a creature! We can worship Him!
Creed of Nicea created to counter this.
Did not teach what he's accused of.
We all have human nature, but are distinct persons. Jesus is the 2nd person in the trinity who shares the divine nature who is united with Jesus of Nazareth, who has fully human nature. Disunion between human and divine natures of Jesus - Christ has two loosely-united natures
Rejects Mary as theotokos.
Why bad? Jesus isn't a split person - undermines the unity
Spacesuit model. Jesus had a human body, but the soul was replaced by the logos, or 2nd person of the trinity.
Why bad? To be fully human, you need to have a human mind and soul. If He was only a body, only our bodies would be saved - we are wholly saved.
NT concepts of sin
1. sin alienates us from God, ourselves, and other creatures - broken relationships
2. sin is captivity - a power that grabs hold of us - bondage of sin. Gives us a bent nature.
3. Sin as guilt - condemnation
4. Sin as illness
5. Sin as being lost
NT concepts of salvation
1. Participation: We participate in Christ's death - we who are in Christ participate in his death and resurrection.
2. Representation : Christ represents us
3. Substitution: Christ does this in our place
Christ as sacrifice
bearing death for someone else - animal sacrifices
Christ as victory
Christus Victor - Jesus conquers evil by submitting and conquering it - cross exposes folly of corruption and destruction.
fellowship or communion - sharing life together. God is in eternal koinonia in F, S, and HS - don't need the world to be loved. God creates world to bring it into fellowship with Himself. We should live in koinonia with each other to relfect God's koinonia.
4 nicene marks of the Church
one, holy, catholic, apostolic
Nicene Mark: One
Foundation because there is ONE Lord. We don't worship in the same way, but we can see God as our Father and see others as our brothers.
Nicene Mark: Holy
set apart/distinct. Comes from God. Holiness does not rely on sinlessness of its members - it comes from God.
Nicene Mark: Catholic
our primary identity. Everywhere at all times - universal. Cuts across human boundaries and boundaries of time - in heaven too!
Nicene Mark: Apostolic
church is organized around a particular set of teachings, not a particular set of leaders. Church is bound to no one but Christ.
the New Jerusalem
human destiny is to be bodily resurrected in a resurrected creation and God comes to us - we aren't souls flying around in heaven.
the Peaceable Kingdom
referred to in Isaiah, Micah, and Sermon on the Mount. Place of Shalom - living together in harmony by all so that all will flourish - practice of koinonia
Comparison of Genesis 1 and Enuma Elish
both tell what is valued and where we came from.
Genesis 1: Created out of Love, created by speaking, creation as good. Distinction between creation of human and everything else. Humans aren't slaves, they are given dominion, and a place of honor.
Enuma elish: Babylonian creation story. Salt water god murdered by Marduk after husband is killed. Her body is split into heaven and earth. Marduk kills complainers and forms humans out of them. Humans are supposed to take care of the world. Creation out of violence/death/war. Humans as slaves.
Significance of wisdom in Proverbs 8
Lady Wisdom - God created Wisdom before anything else - Wisdom as God's coworker. God creates world through Wisdom, so the orderliness of the world is by wisdom. We should recognize this orderliness and live accordingly. Ie - rainy and dry seasons and when to plant, etc.
relationship between Christ and the created cosmos in John 1:1-18, Col. 1:15-20
Creation is centered on Jesus
John 1: God created the world through Jesus - active role.
Col: Jesus is the icon of the invisible God - first born of creation - active role in creation.
Greek philosophy.
Forms and ideas are intelligible (not sensible), so they are more real since ideas and forms never change. Sensible realm items change, so they aren't as real. THe idea of something last much longer than the object. Eternal realm is more real than the physical realm. Our minds give us access to the eternal realm.
half-way worker, can understand God and creates reflecting God. Gnosticism idea.
NEO-Platonism: Most real: The One - Mind - Soul - Physical. We have physicalness and a soul, so we can contemplate the mind, so we can contemplate the One.
gnosticism. intermediaries between us and God, allows you to be closer to God
1. SECRET - we need special knowledge for salvation, need to know names of the aeons.
2. AEONS - knowing their names bring you closer to God
3. NOT THE CREATOR - God is so radically different from the world that He didn't create it - demiurge.
4. INHERENTLY EVIL - physicality is evil, salvation is an escape from the physicality.
Gnostic gospels
1. revulsion that God took in a physical reality.
2. deny that Jesus was actually killed
3. salvation isn't resurrection of the body.