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52 Cards in this Set

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Holy Roman Empire
Where Martin Luther was from
Elizabeth I declared Anglicanism the national religion here
Where traditional papal authotity was centerd
where John Calvin began his religion
This spread ideas and encouraged learning
printing press
invented the movable type printing press
Johann Gutenberg
Dismissed the authority of the pope and headed England's national church
Henry VIII
Reformation led to the rise of these
Protestantism, secularism, capitalism
List of books banned by Catholic Church
Began the Reformation
Martin Luther
books were cheaper because of this
printing press
these reinforced Catholic doctrine
Index, Jesuits, Inquisistion
beliefs of the Lutherans
all humans equal before god, Bible is ultimate authority, salvation by faith alone
Result of Protestant Reformation
secularism, individualism, religious tolerance
Protestant Faiths
Lutheranism, Anglicanism, Calvinism, Anabaptism
Belief that God determines who whould obtain salvation
Results of 30 years war
Hapsburg family lost power, religious war became political, devastated and divided German states
German princes could to this becuase of Reformation
take power away from Catholic Church
People who participated in the 30 years war
Ferdinand II, Gustavus Adolphus, Cardinal Richelieu
Martain Luther's criticisms of Catholic Church
95 Theses
Period from 1378-1417 when the Catholic church had 2 popes
Great Schism
Bohemian scholar who criticized wealth of Church and services in vernacular
Jan Huss
Expanded the Reformation
John Calvin
Languages of Protestant Bibles
French, German, English
court used by Catholic Church to try and punish heretics
Aims of the Counter Reformation
stop spread of Protestantism, estabish seminaries, retain rituals of Church
Established Church of England with the monarch heading it
70 year period when pope lived in France
Act of Supremacy
Dynasty of Charles V who supported Catholic Church
Babylonian Captivity
Effects of Protestant Reformation on Europe
Effects of Protestant Reformation on Europe
ended religious inity of Europe, encouraged education, strengthened political power of princes
This allowed German princes to choose the religion of their state
Peace of Augsburg
Granted religious toleration and full civil rights to Huguenots
Edict of Nantes
Church lost this becuase of Great Schism and Babylonian Captivity
Authority and Respect
why Henry VIII broke with Catholic church
wanted a divorice, an heir, and Churches land and wealth
Founded the society of Jesus
Ignatius Loyola
Belief that man;s life on earth is important
He changed the focus of the Thirty years war
Belief that a person's accomplishments earth are important
full or partial pardons for one's sins which reduced the time spent in Purgatory
These challenged authority of church and caused conflicts
Italian domination of Church, Church Corruption and political power
Most powerful institution in Europe before Reformation
Catholic Church
To lend money at interest
Sale of these started Reformation
First to translate Bible into English
John Wycliffe
Because of Reformation, these began
large religious wars
Called by pope to reform abuses in Catholic Church
Council of Trent
Beliefs of John Calvin
predestination, strong work ethis, live a righteous life
Sacraments all Protestants believed in
baptism, communion
selling of church offices
Group who improved Catholic education and were missionaries
religious movement of the 1500's which split the Catholic church into Protestant and Catholic faiths