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29 Cards in this Set

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problems with functional tasks
language difficulties - remembering words
inability to recognize people, objects
average survival years of alz dementia patient
8 years
what chromosomes are ass with early onset dementia
1, 14, 21
B-amyloid neuritic plaques and hyperphosphorylation of tau proteins to form neurofirillar tangles is associated with what disease
AD is characterized by a decrease or increase of NTs?
decrease (drugs target NT replacement)
The early stage of AD affects instrumental or basic ADLs?
Should we use antipsychotics in Lewy body dementia?
Use caution since there is a neuroleptic sensitivity for increased risk of EPS
Which AChE-Is has a mild to severe AD indication?
What are some big side effects to monitor for with AChE-Is?
bradycardia, weight loss
Which AChE-Is has a mild to moderate indication for AD?
Which two AChE-Is need to be given with food
Which AChE-Is do you want to avoid with renal/liver failure?
What is the AD indication for Memantine?
moderate to severe
Is menmatine used alone or in combo with a AChE-I?
in combo
Is there an FDA approved med for behavior change in dementia?
Benefits of anti-psychotic agents are likely to be small and offset by AEs. T or F
Does the use of Buspirone have evidence of efficacy for dementia?
little evidence
Trazadone can be used for what behavioral symptoms associated with dementia?
agitation and aggression if SSRI not effective
Propranolol can be used for what behavioral symtoms ass with dementia?
impulsive, hostility, assaultive
Antipsychotics causing alpha blockage cause what side effect?
When should GDRs be initiated?
1st year: 2 times in a one year period at least a month apart
2nd year: annually
(don't if CI though)
What are the CIs with GDRs?
Indication for dementia behavioral symptoms?: symptoms returned or worsened after last GDR and physician has documented rationale
Using for psych disorder: used with guielines + physician documentation or symtpoms worsen after most recent BDR with MD documentation over rationale
Starting dose of Donepezil
5 mg and increase at 4-6 weeks
Starting dose of Galantamine
4 mg BID, titrate to 8 mg BID in 4 weeks
Starting dose of rivastigmine
1.5 mg BID, titrate in 2 weeks to 3 mg BID (6 mg/day)
Overall do medications for dementia only slow the progression of the disease?
If a patient with dementia is experiencing hallucinations, what type of dementia do you suspect?
Lewy Body