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27 Cards in this Set

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heat under reflux

h2so4 acid catalyst

carboxylic acid + alcohol --> ester + water

Preparing aliphatic amines

-halogenoalkanes are warmed

-with xs nh3

-in an ethanol solvent

produced HCl

Preparing aromatic amines

-nitroarenes are heated under reflux with


-conc HCl

( 6[H], h20 is also formed)

Amines as weak bases

R-NH2 + HCl ---> R-NH3- CL+

base + acid ---> alkylammonium salt


aromatic arene + HNO2 + 2HCl --> diazonium compound + 2H2O

hn02 made in situ from NaNO2 and XS HCl


Below 10°C


diazonium ion+ phenol ---> azo dye + nacl + h20

NaOH alkaline conditions

Nitration of Benzene


Heat under reflux

C6H6 + HNO3 ---> C6H5NO2 + H2O

HN03 + H2SO4 ---> HS04 + [NO2] +H20

regeneration of catalyst:

H+ + HSO4- --> H2SO4

formation of the electrophile

Halogenation of Benzene


C6H6 + CL2 --> C6H5Cl + HCl

Formation of electrophile:

HCl + AlCl3 --> AlCl4- + Cl+


H+ + AlCl4- --> AlCl3 + HCl

Phenol + NaOH

C6H5OH + NaOH --> C6H5O-Na+ +H2O

Phenol + Sodium

2C6H5OH + 2Na --> 2C6H5O-Na+ + H2

metal effervescence

Phenol + Bromine

C6H5OH + 3BR2 --> C6H2OHBr3 + 3HBR

orange --> white ppt

Tollens reagent reactions

R-CHO + [O] ---> R-COOH

Ag+ + e- --> Ag (silver mirror)

RCOOH + Metals (+observation)

RCOOH + Na(s) --> RCOO-Na+ + 0.5H2

sodium dissapears and effervescence


RCOOH + NaOH --> RCOO-Na+ + H2O

RCOOH + metal carbonate

2RCOOH + Na2CO3 ---> 2RCOO-Na+ CO2 + H20

Acid Hydrolysis of Esters

Heat under reflux

dilute h2s04 or dilite HCl acid catalyst

ester + h20 ---> carboxylic acid + alcohol

Alkaline hydrolysis of esters

Heat under reflux

ester + NaOH(aq) --> sodium esteroate + alcohol

Fatty Acids as Biodiesel

in the presence of NaOH: Glycerides +Alcohol < ---> biodiesel + glycerol

alcohol is ethanol or methanol

Acid Hydrolysis of Polypeptides

Heat under reflux

with 6moldm-3 of HCL for 24 hours

polypeptide + H20 + 2H+ ---> Positively charged Amino Acids

Uses of esters

Perfumes and Flavourings






Glycerol + Fatty acids --> Triglyceride + 3H2O

Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids

the more C=C bonds present the lower the melting point and the more likely it is to be a liquid

Saturated Fats

Increase the risks of heart diease

Raise LDL levels, depositing lipids onto artery walls leading to heart disease

Unsaturated Fats

Cis - present no danger as molecules do not pack close together

trans- linear so the chains pack together, they have a higher melting point than cis isomers

Amino Acids as solids

white crystalline ionic solids with high melting points due to the formation of zwitterions


A polar ionic form of an alpha amino acid that is formed by the donation of a hydrogen ion from the carboxylic acid group to the amino acid group. Because both charges are present there is no overall charge