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82 Cards in this Set

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Pedal osteitis

-non infectious

-variant of chronic laminitis

-remodeling and demineralization of solar margin

-widening of vascular channels

pedal osteitis RS

-discrete circular radiolucencies in palmar processes

-widening of vascular channels

-irregular and radiolucent solar margin; large areas can be resorbed

-remodeling of solar margin -> loses smooth, opaque outline due to demineralization

-remodeling of dorsodistal p3 which curves proximally (ski tip on lm view)

-mineralization of dorsal wall of p3 (lm view)

infectious osteitis is/ rs

-associated w/solar absecesses, penetrating wounds

-demineralization of solar margin and dorsal aspect of p3

-discrete areas of lysis in p3 w/irregular margins

-gas can be present in st

-uncommon surrounding sclerosis

-poss sequestrum formation

laminitis is best viewed and will see


-if acute, will look normal

-dorsal aspect of p3 should be parallel to hoof wall

-thickness of dorsal ST normal should be 17-19mm

laminitis acute changes

-thicknening of dorsal ST (>20mm is abnorm)

-separation of p3 from hoof wall (loss of parallel alignment btwn dorsal wall of hoof and dorsal wall of distal phalanx)

-linear radiolucency btwn dorsal p3 and hoof wall or sole (air dissecting btwn hoof wall and laminar corium -> necrosis)

laminitis chronic changes

-palmar/plantar displacement of p3 (rotation)

-distal displacement of p3 within hoof (sinking) -> st swell @ coronary band + depression above it

-penetration of sole in severe cases

osteitis signs

-inc size and # of vascular channels

-vascular channels extend to dorsal margins of p3 on lm view

-inc # of end-on channels on 65 DP view

-dec opacity and inc coarse trabeculation w/in p3

-new bone production along dorsal aspect of p3

-marginal chip fractures (type 6)

degenerative joint dz of distal interphlangeal jt (low ringbone) RS

-remodeling of extensor process

-perarticular osteophytes on articular margins of p2 and p3

-subchondral bone sclerosis and/or lucency

-incongruity of jt surface

ossification of lateral cartilages (side bones) are

-common esp in draft horses

-incidental finding

ossification of lateral cartilages RS

best on horizontal DP

-separate centers of ossifications can be present--ossifcation starts at the base of cartilage and advances proximally

-extends above extensor process

navicular degeneration RS

-abnorm distal border

--inc # (>7) and size of synovial invaginations

--abnorm shape of synovial invaginations (lollipops or mushrooms)

--small osseous frag

-abnorm margins

--invaginations on lateral, medial and proximal borders always abnorm

--enthesophytes (spurs) on extremities

-cyst like lesions within medulla

-sclerosis (lose distinction btwn cortex and medulla)

-erosion of flexor surface - thinning of flexor surface and flattening of sagittal ridge

navicular osteomyelitis cause

secondary to penetrating wound into navicular bursa (st nail)

-navicular bursitis

navicular osteomyelitis early rs

no rxn abnorm

-fistulography to outline draining tract

-signs take 6+ wks to show on rads

navicular osteomyelitis late rs

-lysis and sclerosis of flexor surface

-lysis of navicular body

-ligamentous instability (distal sesamoidean impair lig, distal interphalangeal jt)

DJD ringbone rs

-periarticular osteophyte production

-jt space narrow and collapse

-subchondral bone erosion and sclerosis

-intracapsular st swelling (jt effusion, synovial proliferation and capsular thickening)

high ringbone is what jt

pastern jt (proximal interphalangeal jt)

low ringbone is what jt

coffin jt (distal interphalangeal jt)

mid-sagittal fractures are common in

-p1 (thoroughbred)

-possible in p2

-2 radiolucent lines

-often spiral

--both jts affected

--from one jt exiting through a cortex

--incomplete articular

Villonodular synovitis rs

best seen dorsal to fetlock on lm view

-chronic proliferative synovitis

--inc st opacity

-remodeling of dorsodistal mc3

-supracondylar lysis

-arthrography will delineate st mass

-flex lm view


swelling palmar/plantar of fetlock (metacarpo/tarso phalangeal jt) rs

-distension of digital tendon sheath

-depression in palmar/plantar aspect of swelling may indicated constriction by annular lig


fetlock ocd of sagittal ridge of mc/mt 3

-juvenile animals, failure of endochondral ossification

-dorsally, proximal 3rd ridge

-flattening, irregularity and/or frag

-may involve all 4 feet

-best seen on flexed lm

fetlock ocd of palmar/plantar aspect of mc/mt 3 condyle rs

-flattening and sclerosis of condyle

-radiolucency and frag

-adult animals

-125 dp view

-traumatic etiology: microfractures of subchondral bone due to repeated stress in the area

p1 frag: type 1 @

-proximal end of proximal phalanx

-just medial or lateral to sagittal groove

-initially reported as avulsions, then appear to be ocd

p1 frag: type 2 @

from wing of proximal phalanx

p1 frag: type 3 @

basilar fractures of sesamoid bones

proximal sesamoidean fractures can be located at






apical proximal sesamoidean fractures rs

articular or non-articular

-if less than 1/3 of bone involved, respond well to sx

-best prognosis

-limited effect on supporting structures

mid-body proximal sesamoidean fractures rs


-poor prognosis even w/tx (internal fixation)

--split sesamoid in half, wrecks stay apparatus

-more severe effect on supporting structures

basilar proximal sesamoidean fractures rs


-guarded prognosis

-involve attachment sites of suspensory apparatus and distal sesamoidean lig

-conservative tx

-sx tx causes considerable st disruption

abaxial proximal sesamoidean fractures rs

-avulsion from suspensory lig attachment

-guarded prognosis

sagittal proximal sesamoidean fractures rs

-often w/lateral condylar fracture of mc/mt 3

-guarded prognosis

lateral mc/mt 3 condylar fractures rs

lateral > medial condyle


-racehorses (throughbred, stdbred, QH)

fracture adjacent to sagittal ridge of mc/mt 3 rs

incomplete w/minimal displacement

-extends proximally in the diaphysis (medial)

-complete breaking through the cortex 4-6cm proximal to articular surface

sesamoiditis info

non-infectious process

-strain of suspensory lig and distal sesamoidean lig


sesamoiditis rs

-inc opacity of proximal sesamoids w/prominent radiolucent vascular channels

-severe, chronic cases:

--abundant new bone proliferation on axial and abaxial surfaces of sesamoids

-mineralization in suspensory lig


osteopenia info

bone atrophy 2ndary to generalized metabolic bone dz or disuse

-changes recognized early in proximal sesamoid bone

-dec radiopacity

-inc coarse trabecular appearance

metacarpal/tarsal (mc/mt 3 = cannon bone) periostitis from direct trauma

-inflammation of periosteum and/or subperiosteal hematoma

-new bone production usually non detectable for at least 14d

-more opaque and smooth as it matures

-quiescent in 6-12 wks

metacarpal/tarsal periostitis - bucked shins

in response to microfractures (bucked shins)

-cyclic loading of immature mc3 (cant see on rads)

-fatigue microfractures in mid-distal 3rd of mc3

-periosteal and endosteal response

metacarpal/tarsal periostitis - splints

btwn mc 2 & 3 and mc 4 & 3 (splints)

-damage to interosseous lig

-localized to proximal 3rd of bone

-periosteal rxn becomes more opaque and solid w/time

metacarpal/tarsal periostitis - saucer

stress fractures

-mid portion of dorsal cortex

-radiolucent fracture line

--crescent shaped saucer fracture

-periosteal and endosteal response

-take oblique view at q5 degree angle

-bone scan

splint fractures

-mc/t 2 or 4

-external trauma

-comminuted and prone to infection

-mid to distal 3rd of mc/mt 3

--associated w/suspensory desmitis


--assess carefully proximal sesamoids

--frag removed or left in situ -> callus interferes w/suspensory

splint fractures can result in damage to

collateral support of carpus/tarsus

--sx stabilization to avoid carpal/tarsal instability


-radiopaque frag of cortical bone which lost its blood supply and is surrounded by a radiolucent halo

-thin layer of tissue protects mc/mt 3

-prone to damage/infection following st and periosteal injury

-thick dorsal cortex predisposed to sequestrum formation in the outer 1/3

--trauma can eliminate periosteal blood suppy

--only medullary vessels left

sequestrum (dead bone frag) rs

soft tissue irregularity, gas w/in st

-linear radiolucencies w/in cortex after 7-14d

-sequestrum formation:


--involucrum (on sides; margin of sclerotic bone bordering sequestrum)

-cloaca (drain; opening in the involucrum)

-periosteal proliferation proximal and distal to sequestrum

3rd carpal bone sclerosis

-thoroughbred and standardbred in training (racehorse)

--adaptive remodeling

-radial fossa

--loss of distinction btwn cortex and medulla

--compare w/4th carpal bone

-skyline view

carpal chip fracture

small frag from periarticular margins


-dorsodistal radius

-dorsomedial radial cb, proximally and distally

-radial fossa of 3rd cb

-proximal aspect of radial and intermediate cb

-flexed lm, oblique, skyline

Carpal slab fractures

axially directed fractures that involve proximal and distal articular surface

-oriented proximal to distal

--dorsal aspect of 3rd cb

--dorsal aspect of 4th or radial cb

-lm view

carpal corner fracture

a subtype of chip fracture

-larger than chip fractures

angular limb deformites - physitis

-not septic process

-asymmetric physeal growth results in limb angulation

-irregular, wide physis

-lipping medially and laterally

angular limb deformites - cuboidal bone dz

-young foals, premature or twins

-small, rounded, incompletely mineralized carpal bones

-can become malformed and collapse as a result of weight bearing

tarsal bone collapse

analogous to cuboidal bone dz in carpus

-neonatal foals, older foals or young adults

-tarsal bone immature, rounded of granular opacity w/fuzzy margins

-excessive flexion of hock, tarsus valgus (pts out)

tarsal bones collapse not recognized leads to

-weight bearing will cause compression of 3rd and central tarsal bones

-compressed bones are wedged shaped

-may show frag

tarsal ocd locations

associated w/effusion of talocrural jt


-intermediate ridge of tibia (DIRT - distal intermediate ridge of tibia) MOST common
-trochlear ridge of talus (L> M)

-medial malleolus of tibia

--flattening, subchondral defects, frag

-calcaneus - osseous cyst like lesion

tarsal djd rs


-periarticular osteophyte and entheseophyte

-subchondral erosion of tarsus

-jt space narrow and collapse

-subchondral bone sclerosis and lysis

-end result: ankylosis

tarsal djd info

spur on dorsoproximal mt3 may be entheseophyte on insertion of

-cranial tibial tendon

-dorsal tarsometatarsal lig


stifle ocd location

-associated w.jt effusion

-lateral trochlear ridge of femur (most common)

-medial trochlear ridge of femur (or both)

-articular surface of patella (worse prognosis)

-medial femoral condyle (osseous cyst like lesion)

-often bilateral

-flattening, subchondral defects, frag

osseous cyst like lesion stifle location

part of ocd complex

-medial femoral condyle (most common)

-lateral femoral condyle

-proximal tibial epiphysis (rare)

focal, geographic area of radiolucency

+/- surrounding thin rim of sclerosis

patellar luxation rs


-min horse and foals

-malformed trochlear ridges resulting in shallow trochlear groove

intermittent upward fixation of patella

-look for djd

-remodeling of cranial surface of patella, frag, entheseophytes

-best seen on flexed lm, CdCro view

septic arthritis is infection in


osteomyetlitis is infection in


septic arthritis and osteomyelitis is most common in

young adults

-multiple jts

-hematogenous spread

may occur in adult

-usually associated w/trauma


septic arthritis - osteomyelitis rs

-periarticular st swelling

-jt capsule distention (early)

-irregular outline of subchondral bone

-lysis of subchondral bone, w/ or w/o sclerosis

-partial subchondral bone collapse

-secondary osteophyte formation

septic arthritis - osteomyelitis type p- physeal rs

-irregularity and widening of physis

-involvement of metaphyseal and epiphyseal bone

-st swelling

-localization via endosteal blood supply

--large metaphyseal venous sinusoids, slow flow

-possible extension into jt (septic arthritis)

septic arthritis - osteomyelitis type e- epiphyseal rs

-first nidus of infection in the epiphysis

-direct vascular spread via epiphyseal vessels or extension from synovial fluid

-progression similar to type p

septic arthritis - osteomyelitis type s - synovial rs

-originates in the synovium

-quickly develops into septic arthritis

-localization via synovial vessels into jt capsule

-usually only st swelling

septic arthritis cs ocd vs djd

-questions to ask everytime

-signalment - age


-severity of associated swelling

-severity of lameness

-lysis vs proliferation

-aggressive or non-aggressive

-location of lesion within jt

type 1 fracture

non-articular fracture of palmar/planter process

type 2 fracture

articular fracture extending from distal interphalangeal jt to solar margin

type 3 fracture

articular, mid-sagittal fracture that divides p3 into equal parts

type 4 fracture

extensor process fracture (uncommon)

type 5 fracture

comminuted fracture of the body

type 6 fracture

solar margin fracture, often associated w/laminitis

type 7 fracture

palmar process fracture in foals

distal sesamoidean impair lig attaches to

distal border of navicular bone

distal border of nb frag

-associated w/distal sesamoidean impair lig

-common at L and M borders of distal margin

body of nb fracture

-fracture line parallel to sagittal ridge, slightly oblique to it

-minimal displacement

multipartite nb

-multiple ossification centers that do not fuse

-minimal lameness and symmetric appearance

-smooth, rounded margins w/wide radiolucent gaps btwn separate frag

acute fractures have

sharp, angular margins and are associated w/intracapsular swelling

-often displace away from parent bone when jt is flexed

chronic fractures have

more rounded margins, +/- partially reattached to parent bone

patella fracture


-skyline to see sagittal fracture and assess comminution

-frag from base of patella are displaced proximally by quads

-patellar fractures associated w/trochlear ridges

femur fracture

of trochlear ridge

of caudal aspect of femoral condyles

salter-harris of distal femoral physis

tibia fracture

avulsions of tibial tuberosity (3yrs to fuse w/prox femur)

of medial intercondylar eminence associated w/cruicate lig damage

septic arthritis - osteomyelitis type t - tarsus rs

-generalized tarsus enlargement

-major at distal tibial physis or talocrural jt

-if central and 3rd tarsal bone, normal in shape but mottled lucent appearance