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25 Cards in this Set

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As a result of being paired with a loud noise, a flashing light has come to elicit a startle reflex. When the flashing light is repeatedly presented without the loud noise, the startle reflex eventually stops occurring. This process in which a conditioned stimulus is no longer able to elicit a conditioned response is referred to as:

- respondent extinction

- operant extinction

-secondary conditioning

-reverse conditioning

respondent extinction

______________ reinforcers are used during shaping because they enable rapid delivery of the reinforcer and prevent satiation from occurring.

- unconditioned





Behavioral skills training procedures will be more effective if you:

-Use instructions, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback together in each training session -Begin with the most difficult skill

-provide instructions and modeling separately from rehearsal and feedback

-Start with rehearsal and feedback and use modeling and instructions only as necessary

Use instructions, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback together in each training session -Begin with the most difficult skill

Bill drives faster than the speed limit only when his friends are in the car with him because they tell him he is cool. Bill’s behavior of driving over the speed limit only when his friends are with him is said to be under ____________ control.






Which of the following shows the correct sequence in a three-term contingency?

-discriminative stimulus, response, consequence

-consequence, response, discriminative stimulus

- response, consequence, discriminative stimulus

-discriminative stimulus, consequence, response

discriminative stimulus, response, consequence

What happens when a discriminative stimulus is present?

-it has no influence over the behavior

-it makes the behavior less likely to occur

-it inhibits the behavior

-it makes the behavior more likely to occur

it makes the behavior more likely to occur

In behavior modification, operant conditioning involves the manipulation of ____________ and respondent conditioning involves the manipulation of ____________.

-consequences ; antecedent stimuli

-antecedent stimuli ; consequences

-causes ; effects

-effects; causes

consequences; antecedent stimuli

Which of the possible temporal relationships between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus is least likely to be effective?

-delay conditioning

-backward conditioning

-trace conditioning

-simultaneous conditioning

backward conditioning

Which of the following strategies is used when a target behavior is not occurring at all?

-differential reinforcement

-respondent conditioning




When reinforcement for each approximation of the target behavior is eliminated ____________ occurs, and a ____________ behavior is then reinforced.

-an extinction burst ; novel
-spontaneous recovery ; desirable
-punishment ; desirable
-conditioning ; prior

an extinction burst, novel

A ____________ prompt is the least intrusive and a ____________ prompt is the most intrusive.

-verbal ; physical

-gestural ; modeling

-modeling ; physical

-gestural ; verbal

verbal; physical

When a novel behavior is being taught it is best to use ____________ prompts, and when you want a person to make a correct discrimination ____________ prompts are best.

-response ; stimulus

-more intrusive ; less intrusive

-stimulus ; response

-less intrusive ; more intrusive

response; stimulus

The individual component behaviors that occur in a behavioral chain are called ____________ components.





stimulus response

Which of the following is NOT a chaining procedure?

-backward chaining

-forward chaining

-total task presentation

-contingency chaining

contingency chaining

A teacher shows students a film demonstrating what they should do in case of a fire. Which component of behavioral skills training involves demonstrating the correct behavior for the learner?






Chaining procedures involve the systematic use of ________ and________ procedures applied to each component in the chain.

prompting and fading

An unconditioned stimulus elicits a(n) _____________.

unconditioned response

_____________ occurs when a behavior occurs in the presence of stimuli that are similar to the SD.


In the ___________________________ procedure, the learner completes every stimulus-response component of the chain in every learning trial.

total task presentation

_________ and _________ are the two behavioral principles involved in shaping.

reinforcement and extinction


After every rehearsal, the trainer should praise some aspect of the learner’s performance.



A behavior is less likely to occur in the presence of the S-delta.



A neutral stimulus becomes a CS by being paired with a US.



If the individual already engages in the target behavior at least occasionally, shaping is the best procedure to use.



Behavioral chaining procedures are used to teach an individual to engage in a complex task.
