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24 Cards in this Set

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What was the Bourse in Antwerp in the sixteenth century?

A marketplace and stock exchange, a service of merchants of all nations and all languages

A Spaniard of the period summarized the basic motivations underlying colonization in three words, they are:

Gold, God, and Glory

Historians say Europe was still largely medieval in 1500. What is meant by this?

RomanCatholic Church, Little national identity, Skeptical of science, Minorparticipants in large-scale commerce, Little awareness of distant lands

The Edict of Nantes, issued by Henry IV, was designed to:

End religious wars in France, allowed Huguenots religious freedom, Recognized Catholicism as state church

By 1500, Western European cities such as Paris and London were globally unique in their _____

Growing Political Power and Autonomy

By conquering the Inca and Aztec, what kingdom became the most powerful European state in the 1500s?

The Spanish

Eastern Europe in the 1500s was dominated by what rather than capitalism?

Roman Catholic Chruch

What was the progression of Sudanic Empires (earliest to most recent in time).

Ghana, Susa, Mali, Tuareg, Songhai

Luther believed that personal salvation could only be achieved by:

Good Works and Christian faith

Who did Pope Leo X excommunicate in 1520 for his opposition to indulgences?

Martin Luther

_______was the first country to engage in colonization


The Church of England (COE) was created largely as a result of:

A king wanting to divorce his wife

Who attempted, but failed, to invade England in 1588 when his navy was destroyed by bad weather, and by fewer, faster ships on the opposing side?

Spanish Armada

Who was the model of an absolutist monarch in Europe?

King Louis XIV - France

Mansa Musa of the Mali Empire

Shaped Islamic character, expanded the empire to its greatest size

In 1591 the dominance of Songhai ended when which country invaded?


What did King Idrus Aloma of Kanem-Bornu import from the Ottomans?

Slaves and Horses

East African Swahili culture mixed:

Bantu Settlers and Arab immigrants

Europeans became interested in acquiring large numbers of African slaves as they began to establish control of what region?

North Amercia

Vasco da Gama led the first European expedition to:


The slaves who took over the ship Amistad were tried for mutiny in the United States and:

The Court found they acted in self-defense and reordered their release

Creation of joint stock companies

Sir Walter Raleigh, purpose and reason for colonization in the North American Colonies.

John Calvin (Calvinism) rejected free will in favor of what belief?


What was the major difference between the approach to feudalism in England as opposed to Russia?

England abolished feudalism in name, but because serfs owed taxes to the church and/or their former lords, it continued on in practice. Russia, in contrast, used feudalism and its serfs as the main no attempt to formally or informally end the practice.