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30 Cards in this Set

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The globalization debate first manifested in the 1970s in wealthy countries as concern about
According to the hyper-globalization theory, which of the following policy ideas did governments NOT adopt in order to attract wealthy industries?
a. increase government spending
b. lowering corporate taxes
c. control the activities of labor unions
d. reduce tariffs on goods
In a liberal market economy, government:
a. plays a large role by negotiating agreement among different firms.
b. encourages insider trading between different firms.
c. creates strict antimonopoly laws.
d. all of the above.
In response to globalization, LMEs tend to:
a. increase the role of unions.
b. proceed very cautiously.
c. increase worker training.
d. strengthen market mechanisms
The argument that a dual convergence will take place, and CMEs and LMEs will continue to have significant differences is a component of the:
a. globalization assimilation policy.
b. liberal market economies argument.
c. varieties of capitalism (VOC) perspective.
d. competitive advantage strategy.
According to the World Bank, which of the following is NOT a key requirement for a state to develop a capitalist economic system?
a. security
b. health and education
c. property rights
d. infrastructure
e. none of the above
The Asian economic miracle occurred in large part thanks to:
a. export-oriented growth.
b. currency valuation.
c. structural adjustment programs.
d. none of the above.
Which of the following regions best demonstrates the worst economic failure in the age of globalization?
a. Africa
b. Latin America
c. Southeast Asia
d. Antarctica
The term __________ helps explain how different kinds of institutions in different economies respond to the pressure of globalization.
comparative institutional advantage
The least common type of health care system is:
a. national health insurance.
b. privately run health care system.
c. market-based private insurance.
d. single-payer.
Which of the following is NOT a liberal market economy (LME)?
a. the United States
b. the United Kingdom
c. Japan
d. All are LMEs.
According to critics of the welfare state, which of the following is an example of a policy that would lead to a disincentive to work?
a. Welfare checks
b. Food stamps
c. Higher taxes
d. All of the above
Which of the following type of welfare states focus on distinguishing between those that are unable to work and those who are unwilling to work?
a. Christian democratic
b. Social democratic
c. Liberal
d. All of the above
In order to qualify for ___________ applicants have to fall below a specific income level.
a. Universal entitlements
b. Social insurance
c. Means-tested public assistance
d. Social policies
Which of the following is an example of a means-tested public assistance programs?
a. Social security.
b. Subsidized housing.
c. Public education.
d. Unemployment insurance.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a social democratic welfare state?
a. A higher tax rate.
b. Focus on income stabilization.
c. Redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor.
d. Promotion of equal citizenship.
e. None of the above.
. Which of the following is a characteristic of a Christian democratic welfare state?
a. Perverse citizen autonomy through market participation.
b. Benefits are tied to contributions into social insurance programs.
c. Social security programs supplement universal entitlement programs.
d. Only means-tested programs are instituted
Which of the following is a strategy to reduce the cost of health care?
a. Increasing the risk pool.
b. Paying doctors on a per patient basis.
c. Requiring patients to copay.
d. All of the above.
The term “tragedy of the commons” refers to what?
a. In lieu of organization, people will overuse free resources.
b. People will not be able to efficiently use their resources if left alone.
c. People do not care for the well-being of others.
d. None of the above.
Which of the following is an argument presented by critics of the cap and trade system?
a. It is far too expensive.
b. It has the potential to lead to the concentration of pollution in one location.
c. It is an example of the tragedy of the commons.
d. It is an inefficient way to reduce pollution.
. Causes of market inefficiency include:
a. externalities.
b. imperfect information.
c. inability to fulfill social values.
d. All of the above.
In the poorest countries the biggest health care challenges involve:
a. rising costs.
b. patient compliance.
c. doctors’ demands.
d. patient access.
The main form of market failure causing environmental damage are/is:
a. moral hazards.
b. imperfect information.
c. externalities.
d. economic growth.
When it comes to environmental policies, decisions always have to be made based on ________ and ___________.
Risk Assessment; risk management
Will Kymlicka and Iris Marion Young are well-known advocates of:
a. assimilationism.
b. group rights and preferences.
c. liberationism.
d. classic liberalism.
Secularism in the United States historically has taken the form of:
a. state neutrality toward religion.
b. keeping religion out of the public sphere.
c. actively supporting religious groups within civil society.
d. an official state religion.
Identify the argument that reflects the view of the classic liberal position in the group vs. individual rights debate.
a. Nationalism is important to the development of modern states.
b. Only individuals can have rights.
c. Groups should not have special rights because they can pursue goals contrary to the state.
d. Discussion should not be about particular interests, but about the collective good.
The idea of secularism held by most leaders in the Indian nationalist movement at the time of independence was that the state should be a:
a. neutral arbiter among religions.
b. protector of religious minorities.
c. modernizer reducing the influence of all religions.
d. protector of the Hindu majority.
Which type of legalized discrimination no longer exists in the world?
a. Racial discrimination
b. Discrimination against women
c. Discrimination against homosexuals
d. None of the above
The World Bank and IMF’s Heavily Indebted Poor Country initiative forgives the debt of poor countries in exchange for:
a. investments in education and health care.
b. neoliberal reforms.
c. supplying natural resources.
d. ending civil wars.