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53 Cards in this Set

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When conducting a study on family structure of Mott students, I used the semester roster of all Mott students and selected every 100th name for my study. In this example, I have avoided bias by selecting ______ sample of students.
In the video clip, A Date With Your Family 1950 American Values, ______ were assigned the role in the family of decorating and cooking.
According to _____ ______, even when talking about family, things are not always what they seem.
Peter Berger
The U.S. Constitution requires that the population of the country be counted every 10 years resulting in data known as the _____.
According to the sociology video, Qualitative vs Quantitative, when sociologists study family by living with them for a few weeks and writing down their interactions along with asking them interview type questions, they are doing a participant __________ study
Conflict theorists note that the unpaid labor of ______ benefits men who do not have to pay for these services.
The breadwinner father-stay at home mother model of family was only possible for a short time in the mid-twentieth ________.
A group of people who live and eat separately from others part of a _________ according to the Census Bureau
Although marriage is a part of the institution of the family, marriage licenses are granted by the institution of the ______.
According to the U.S. Census data, the largest change in family structure in the last 40 years has been the reduction in ________ families with children.


One thing we will discover throughout the semester is that there are many kinds of ________.


Family diversity became the new norm when the state and market no longer supported families but individuals This period called the ______ ________ by sociologists.

second modernity

The Census refers to any one who legally owns or rents a home as a ____________.


The most common method sociologists use to study families is the _________.


The divorce rate in Maine increases and decrease with the per capita consumption of margarine. This is a statement _______________ between variables but has nothing to do with the cause of either.


When we study the hours men and women spend doing household tasks, the best method to use is the _____ use diary.


You got married before you had any children because you knew your mother expected you to follow her traditional idea of family norms. Your behavior can be explained using _____ ________ theory.

symbolic interaction

Genealogy is the study of your _________ and family history.


Talcott Parsons suggested that the breadwinner father-stay at home mother model was a natural family structure. The sociological theory that best explains his thinking is the _______ perspective.


Because people perceive their cat or dog to be a family member, sociologists refer to this as a _______ family connection.


In the video clip The Changing American Family, sociologist Andrew Cherlin notes that even today, some people cannot _________ that the family has changed even with the increasing diversity in family forms.


The Baby-Boom generation experienced the rise of rock and roll, the assassination of a US President, the Vietnam War, Watergate, Dessert Storm and 911 and so can be analyzed as the _______ of people.


Although she is not technically related to you, you have a very close relationship with your step-mother and consider her part of your family. In this example, your step-mother is part of your _________ family.


The video clip The Changing American Family, notes that both single parents and gay and lesbian parents are family structures that are on the _________ in the United States.


C. Wright Mills called our ability to think about the impacts of larger social and historical factors on people the ________ __________.

sociological imagination

Relying on public funded studies helps to reduce ____ in research.


Marriage used to be an economic and social union that enhanced the stability of community, divorce rates in this example so divorce was rare Today, marriage is an individual choice based on affection so divorce is more common. __________ theory is the divorce rates in this example.


The _________ perspective of family sees men as instrumental and thus occupying the public world of work and women as expressive and thus occupying the private world of home.


In the video clip , A Date Your Family-1950 American Values, families had a vast number of _____ that applied to men, women, boys, girls spouses and even siblings!


Granting of divorce can only be accomplished through the social institution of the _____.


Our personal family begins the process of allowing us to construct our personal ________.


Sociologists refer to the institution where we live our everyday lives as children, parents, spouses, siblings etc as the _______ arena.


You and our little sister may have an emotional connection, but you are also considered part of a _____ family.


Conflict theorists note that the breadwinner father-stay at home mother model mostly applied to middle-class, white families as _____ of color or in the working class often had to work outside the home to help support their families.


Family structures include the progression from childhood to adulthood, which must be understood as existing in a social and historical context The theory represented in this statement is the ___ _____ perspective.

life course

A Date With Your Family-1950 American Values, _____ were assigned the role in family of decorating and cooking.


Referring to a family friend as Auntie is a family tie formed by an _______ connection.


When we interview a random sample of married women about why they went to work, we are collecting _________ data.


A study was done in Ypsilanti, Ml that assessed the value of a good pre-school education by following a group of children from age 3 to age 40. The was a ___________ study as it followed children over time.


According to feminist theory, we learn our initial gender roles as males and females through the process of _________ in the family.


According to the Census data, the rate of _______ has fallen below 50% in the United States.


According to Cohen, the most contested term in the legal definition of family is the word _________.


Throughout most of the 1950s, employers paid men enough to support a family. This level of pay was called the ____ - _____.


Family behavior and household structure contributes to larger population processes in many important ways The ________ perspective best explains this statement.


When we use data from the Department of Labor that shows married women are increasing in the paid labor force, we are studying _______ data.


When you studied the pie charts in the Power Point for this chapter and noted the change in family over the last 40 years, you were using a _________ perspective.


An important developmental milestone for children when they recognize the members of their __________ family and can distinguish the from strangers.


Although in our heads, we hold the breadwinner father-stay at home mother as the _______ family structure, in fact it is an ideal that only existed for a short time.


Many children that are officially counted as having single mothers actually live with their two biological ________ who are cohabiting.


The systematic and scientific study of human behavior, social groups and society is known as ________.


You do not mind investing time and money in your children's educational future because you know they will take care of you when you are old. This relationship is easily explained using ______ theory.


The work that people do to support families and accumulate wealth is part of the ________ institution of society.


In the video clip, A Date Your Family-1950 American Values, children were admonished to avoid making their parents _______.
