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11 Cards in this Set

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Produces a relatively enduring change in behavior or knowledge as a result of an individuals experience.


The process of learning associations between environmental events and behavioral responses

Classical conditioning

___ ____ deals with behaviors that are elicited automatically by some stimulus.... explains how certain stimuli trigger automatic responses.

Unconditioned stimulus

___ ___ is the natural stimulus that reflexively produces a response without prior learning. (Ex: food in dogs mouth)

Unconditioned response

____ ____ is the unlearned reflexive response . (Ex: dogs salivation)

Conditioned stimulus

___ ____ is the stimulus that is originally neutral but comes to elicit a reflexive response. (Ex: sound of the bell ringing)

conditioned response

____ ____ the LEARNED reflexive response to a previously neutral stimulus. (Ex: dog salivating to the sound of the bell)

stimulus discrimination

____ ___ occurs when a particular conditioned response is made to one stimulus but not to other, similar stimuli. (Occurrence of a learned response to specific stimulus)

Stimulus generalization

_____ ____ occurs when stimuli that are similar to the original conditioned stimulus also elicit the conditioned response, even though they have never been paired with the unconditioned stimulus. (Occurrence if learned response to not only original, but other stimuli as well)

Factors that affect classical conditioning.

1) frequency of pairing CS with UCS

2) timing of stimulus presentations CS—> UCS = 1/2 sec. and CS must occur 1st.

3) extinction ( CS alone repeatedly )


Anything you learn you can ____... learning is not permanent.