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19 Cards in this Set

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Why is research important to public relations work?

It provides the information required to understand the needs of publics and to develop powerful messages.

People are literally intercepted in public places and asked their opinions.

What questions should a person ask before planning a research project ?

*What is the problem?

*What kind of information is needed?

*How will the results of the research be used?

*What specific public should be researched?

*Should the organization do the research in house or hire an outside consultant ?

*How will the research data be analyzed , reported , or applied?

*How soon will the results be needed?

* How much will the research cost?

Identify at least five ways that research is used in public relations

1. To achieve credibility with management

2. To define audiences and segment publics

3. To formulate Strategy

4. To test messages

5. To prevent crises

How can survey be used as a publicity tool?

they can generate publicity for a company from surveys constantly being put out to the public

List at least five informal research methods

*Content analysis


*focus groups

*copy testing

*ethnographic techniques

What are online databases?

They contain abstracts or full text of thousands or even millions of articles. * These online databases make the work of monitoring news and trends easier for on-the-go professionals.

How are online databases used by public relations professionals ?

the wide array of info. resources enables pr practitioners to be current and knowledgeable about their own organization and its place in the larger world.

How can the internet and world wide be used as research tools?

An internet search engine can help inform public relations campaign development by making a wealth of data immediately available.

What is the procedure for organizing and conducting a focus group?

*8 to 12 people who represent the characteristics of the target audience

* trained facilitator gives candid reactions to suggested message themes.

* Can be conducted online

*Invite far-flung participants to meet in a virtual space

What pros and cons of using focus groups?

Pros: identifying the range of attitudes and opinion among participants


What is an intercept interview?

Short interviews with people in a shopping mall or at a meeting

What is the difference between probability (random) and non probability samples?

Probability: Everyone in the targeted audience has a equal or known chance of being selected for the survey.

Non-probability: not random

What guidelines should be followed when releasing the results of a survey to the media and the public?

pretest the questions with representatives of the target audience for understanding and possible bias. Their feedback will help improve the final draft

Identify at least five guidelines that should be followed when preparing a questionnaire.

*Carefully Consider Wording

*Avoid Loaded Questions

*Consider Timing and Context

*Avoid the politically correct answer

*Give a Range of Possible Answers

*Use Scaled Answer sets

What are the pros and cons of mail questionnaires?

Cons : suffer from a low response rate (1 to 2 %)

Pros : better response when the organization is trusted and well known

What are the pros and cons of telephone surveys?

Pros : The feedback is immediate ; more personal form of communication ; less intrusive ; response rate can reach 60%

Cons: getting access to telephone numbers

What are the pros and cons of piggyback survey?

Pro : serves several purposes

Buys one or two questions in a national survey

What are the pros and cons of web surveys?

Pros : large samples are generated in a short amount of time ; they are more economical than even mailed questionnaires or phone interviews ; data can be analyzed continually

Cons : respondents are often self selected ; there is no control over the size of the sample or selection of respondents ; probability sampling is not achievable when a survey is simply made available

Why is it important to analyze an organizations own website for drivers and conversions?
