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98 Cards in this Set

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How should a PTA assist a C5 SCI patient perform an effective cough?

Place the heel of 1 hand appx. 1 inch above the umbilicus, pt takes a deep breath, Apply pressure as the patient coughs to assist forceful exhalation.

What is spondylolisthesis?

A superior vertebra slips too far anteriorly in relation to the vertebra below

What exercises are appropriate for a patient with spindylolisthesis?


If no abdominal binder is available, what position allows a patient with compromised function of the diaphragm to breathe most efficiently?

Supine - bc the abdominal contents are located more superiorly than other positions. This places the diaphragm in an elevated resting position, allowing for greater excursion of the diaphragm

With an abdominal binder, what is the best position for breathing with a compromised diaphragm?


Where is the peroneal nerve located?

Over the lateral knee

Five stages of grieving:






Why do patients with CHF often develop an enlarged heart?

Increased preload and afterload

What consists of an epidural hematoma?

Blood located between the skull and outer layer of membrane (dura mater) covering the brain

What consists of a subdural hematoma?

Between the dura mater and the middle layer covering the brain (arachnoid membrane)

What consists of a subarachnoid hematoma?

Between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater (innermost layer)

How do you lock the elbow in a prosthesis that has a split cable that controls the elbow and the terminal device?

Extend the humerus and depress the scapula

What term is synonymous with clubfoot?

Talipes equinovarus


Absence of breathing


Normal breathing


Inspiratory cramp


Difficulty breathing when in a lying position

With a wrist-driven pretension orthotic device, to open the involved hand the patient must:

Passively flex the wrist

With a wrist-driven pretension orthotic device, to close the involved hand the patient must:

Actively extend the wrist

What orthotic device is appropriate for a patient with excessive foot probation during static standing?

A scaphoid pad

Symptoms of a patient in a diabetic coma:

Skin flush

Rapid or weak pulse

Low blood pressure

What happens if a prosthetic foot is outset too much?

The prosthetic knee will likely now inward during standing

What happens if a prosthetic foot is outset too much?

The prosthetic knee will likely now inward during standing

When do infants accomplish rolling from back to stomach?

5-10 months

What happens if a prosthetic foot is outset too much?

The prosthetic knee will likely now inward during standing

When do infants accomplish rolling from back to stomach?

5-10 months

When should a pt with Guillain-Barré syndrome make full recovery?

Approximately after 6 months of therapy

What happens if a prosthetic foot is outset too much?

The prosthetic knee will likely now inward during standing

When do infants accomplish rolling from back to stomach?

5-10 months

When should a pt with Guillain-Barré syndrome make full recovery?

Approximately after 6 months of therapy

What type of gait deviation will result from damage to the common peroneal nerve?

Circumduction during ambulation.

Due to loss of active dorsiflexion

Expiratory reserve volume

The amount of air expired after a resting expiration

Residual volume

The volume of air remaining in the lungs after a full expiration

Tidal volume

The volume of air in a breath during normal breathing

Vital capacity

The volume of air forcefully expired after a forceful inspiration

What are the ACL integrity tests?

Anterior drawer


Pivot shift

What are the ACL integrity tests?

Anterior drawer


Pivot shift

What does the McMurray test determine?

Meniscus damage

What structure is damaged if it prevents excessive anterior displacement of the tibia on the femur?


What PNF technique involves a series of isometric contractions of the agonist, then the antagonist?

Rhythmic stabilization

A patient who hyperventilates is most likely to exhibit what sign?


due to decreased carbon dioxide exchange

In testing the strength of the left external abdominal oblique and the right internal abdominal oblique muscles the PTA should instruct the patient to flex the trunk and:

rotate the thorax to the right only

When strengthening the hamstrings, maximum resistance from gravity occurs when the patient is:

standing with the knee flexed at 90 degrees

A lesion in what part of the brain results in spasticity?


A lesion in what part of the brain results in athetosis?

cortical-basal ganglia-thalamic loop

A lesion in what part of the brain results in ataxia?


A patient with compete T10 tetraplegia has been progressing well with a course of rehab and desires to walk at least household distances. Which muscles must be functioning at least at grade fair (3/5) for the patient to continue?

abdominals and erector spinae

in order to compensate for absent hip extension and lower extremity motor function.

What head position is most appropriate to facilitate normal motor control in a child with a severe ATNR?

maintained in the midline position

A PTA inspects the foot of a pt who has diabetes and notices a darkened area on the plantar surface of the forefoot. The darkened area most likely indicates:

a high-pressure location

What is the optimum supine position for a patient with burns to the face, neck, chest, axilla, and arms?

roll under the neck, arms in 90 degrees of abduction and slight lateral (external) rotation, elbows in full extension.

this will assist with maintaining range of motion and preventing scar contractors

Where is correct weight-bearing located for a transferal prosthesis with a quadrilateral socket?

on the ischial flare

Where should a channel for the adductor longus tendon be located in a prosthesis?

the anteromedial aspect of the socket

Where should a channel for the hamstring tendons be located in a prosthesis?

in the posteromedial aspect of the socket

Does weight-bearing occur on the pubic rami in a prosthesis?


A patient receiving PT after a hip fracture repair falls during a tx session. The PTA's FIRST response should be to:

stay with the patient and summon help

What type of deformity involves a finger in the position of extension at the PIP joint and flexion at the DIP joint?

swan neck

What type of deformity involves a finger in the position of flexion at the PIP joint and extension of the DIP joint?


What is Dupuytren's contracture?

thickening of the palmar aponeurosis, causing increased flexion of the fingers

concentration of initial treatment should be on achieving finger extension passively

What is claw hand?

laceration to the ulnar nerve

How is Ober's test performed?

patient in side lying

place the superior LE in hip extension and hip abduction

place the knee of the superior LE in 90 degrees of flexion

allow the superior LE to drop into adduction

failure of the LE to drop indicates a tight ITB

What type of diabetic would be controlling their diabetes with diet?

type II

What type of diabetic must control their diabetes with insulin?

type I

PTA gait training a patient notes the pelvis drops interiorly on the right during mid-swing of the right LE. Pt. also leans laterally to the left with the upper trunk during this phase. What weak muscle causes this deviation?

weak left gluteus medius

Can a PTA write any part of a discharge summary?

NO it is illegal for a PTA to write a discharge summary

What is graphesthesia?

the ability to identify letters, numbers, or designs traced on the skin

What is barognosis?

the ability to differentiate between different weights

What is stereognosis?

the ability to differentiate between different sizes and shapes

What is texture recognition?

the ability to differentiate between textures such as cotton, wool, or silk

How should you respond to a patient who passes out?

determine unresponsiveness, have someone call 911, assess breathing, establish an airway

What classifies a burn as electrical?

complete destruction of the subcutaneous tissue

What classifies a burn as superficial partial-thickness or deep partial-thickenss?

not deep enough to involve the subcutaneous tissue

What classifies a burn as full thickness?

produces moderate subcutaneous tissue damage and little pain

What nerve innervates the tibialis anterior that is responsible for active dorsiflexion?

deep peroneal nerve

What are signs and symptoms of the atrophic phase in a patient with reflex sympathetic dystrophy?

decreased hypersensitivity, normal temperature, marked muscle atrophy, and smooth skin

What are signs and symptoms of the dystrophic phase in a patient with reflex sympathetic dystrophy?

decreased temperature, cessation of hair and nail growth, pale skin, muscle atrophy

What are signs and symptoms of acute stage in a patient with reflex sympathetic dystrophy?

constant burning pain, abnormally fast hair and nail growth, decreased ROM, and increased sensitivity to pain or light touch

What PNF pattern combination of muscle activity is most needed for gait?

D1 diagonal.

hip flexion, adduction, and knee flexion

diagonal movements of hip abduction and extension

When addressing a pt's concern going into surgery, what can the PTA not say?

that everything will be okay

that their physician is the best

or anything too insensitive

To assist a patient in developing a tenodesis grip, the PTA should allow what finger muscles to tighten?

the finger flexors

What type of arthritis primarily involves the weight-bearing joints?


Which type of arthritis pain is usually symmetrical?

rheumatoid arthritis

What type of spinal cord injury is usually a result of a burst fracture?

anterior cord syndrome

Which muscles should be the focus of strengthening exercises to maintain a strong pelvic floor?

iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus, and coccyges

pelvic floor exercises are beneficial for pregnant women due to the extra weight of the viscera

How should you measure the length of the footrests for a patient's wheelchair?

from the patient's popliteal fossa to the heel and subtract 1 inch

In what direction should a PTA mobilize the shoulder to gain abduction ROM?


While treating an acute full-thickness burn, what movements need to be stressed with splinting, positioning, and exercise to avoid contractors?

hip extension, knee extension, and ankle dorsiflexion

How is the Glasgow coma scale rated?

one point is given for each response or lack thereof

What is the best and first treatment for a wound with black eschar over 90% of the wound bed?

elase - an enzymatic wound debridement ointment

The use of compression stockings on the feet and ankles is contraindicated in patients with which condition?

chronic arterial disease

A posterior lateral herniation of the lumbar disc between vertebrae L4 and L5 most likely results in damage to which nerve root?

L5 - its impinged because it arises from the spinal column superior to the L4-L5 lumbar disc

Which ligaments give support to the longitudinal arch of the foot?

the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament, long plantar ligament, plantar aponeurosis, and short plantar ligament.

the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament originates on the sustentaculum talk of the calcaneus and inserts on the navicular bone; it is the most important ligament of the longitudinal arch of the foot.

What is the most frequent position causing patella subluxation or dislocation?

foot planted with the femur going into internal rotation as the knee is flexing

A ______ Q angle will predispose a person to subluxation of the patella _____.

Large Q angle, subluxation of the patella laterally

What position should a PTA place the UE to palpate the supraspinatus tendon?

full ADDuction, full INTERNAL rotation, and full EXTENSION

Is an anti-inflammatory driven through the anode or cathode?

cathode (negative) electrode

Is an analgesic administered through the anode or cathode?

anode (positive) electrode

What type of AFO's assist with medial and lateral rotation as well as dorsiflexion?

solid AFO and hinged solid AFO

Which type of AFO only assists with dorsiflexion?

posterior leaf spring AFO