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60 Cards in this Set

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PTs with major depression
May require hospitalization w/implementation of close observation an suicide precautions until antidepressant medications reach their peak effect
Four Main groups of antidepressant medications
1. Tricyclic antidepressants
2. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)
3. MAOIs
4. Atypical Antidepressants
Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)
Purpose of Elavil (tricyclic antidepressants) expect pharm action
Block reuptake of norepi and serotonin and synaptic space -thereby intensifyin effects of neurotransmitters
Tricyclic antidepressants Therapeutic Uses
Depressive episodes of bipolar episodes

other uses: chronic pain
Elavil - TCA - Side Effects: orthostatic hypotension
-Instruct PT about signs of postural hypotension. If occur - advise PT to sit or lie down. Ortho hypo can be minimized by getting up slow, or changing positions slowly

-Monitor hospitalized PT's blood pressure and HR for ortho changes. If sig decrease in BP and or increase in HR is noted, do not administer the medication, and notify the provider
Anticholonergic Effects of Elavil (TCA)
Dry mouth, blurred vision, photoba, urinary hesitancy/retention, constipation, tachycardia
ways to minimize anticholinergic effects w/ TCA - Elavil
-Chew sugarless gum
-Sip water
-Wear sunglasses when outdoors
- Eat foods high in fiber
-increased fluids to 2-3L/day
-void just before taking med
TCA - ELAVIL - Sedation
-usually diminishes over time
-advise PT to avoid hazardous activities, such as driving, if sedation is excessive
-Advise PT to take med at bedtime to minimize daytime sleepiness and to promote sleep
TCA - Elavil Toxicity
Toxicity resulting in cholinergic blockade and cardiac toxicity e/b dysrhythmias, mental confusion, and agitation, which are followed by seizures, coma, and possible death
TCA - Elavil Toxicity NI
-Give a 1 week supply of med to PTs who are acutely ill
Obtain PT baseline ECG
Monitor VS frequently
Monitor PT for signs of toxicity
Notify MD if signs occur
-Preg category C
-Contra for seizure disorders
use w/caution w/ Pt's w/coronary artery disease; diabetes, liver+kidney+ respiratory disorders, urinary retention + obstruction, angle closure glaucoma, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and hyperthyroidism
Don't take w/Elavil (tca)
- MAOIS (causes hypertension)
- Antihistamines + anticholinergic agents - results in additive effects
- direct-acting sympathomimetics may result in increased effects of these meds - because uptake is blocked by TCAs
-Alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids, and antihistamines may result in additive CNS depression
Citalopram (Celexa)
Escitalopram (Lexapro)
Paroxetine (Paxil)
Sertraline (Zoloft)
Expect pharm action of prozac/ssri
Selectively block reuptake of monoamine neurotansmitter serotonin in the synaptic space, thereby intensifying the effects of serotonin
Therapeutic uses of SSRIs
Major Depression
Bulimia nervosa
premenstrual dysphoric disorders
panic disorders
posttraumatic disorder
Side Effects of Prozac
Sexual dysfunction, CNS stimulation (inability to sleep, agitation, anxiety), Occurence of wt loss early then wt gain after long term treatment, withdrawal syndrome, rash, hyponatremia, sleepiness, GI bleeding, bruxism
Prozac CNS stimulation s/e NI
Advise to take in morning
Avoid caffeine beverages
Teach relaxation techniques to promote sleep
Serotonin Syndrome Symptoms + Side Effects
May begin 2 to 72 hr start of treatment
Mental confusion
Withdrawal Syndrome (Prozac side effect) Symptoms + NI
Headache, nausea, visual disturbances, anxiety, dizzy, tremors

Taper dose gradually
Hyponatremia Side Effect (Prozac) NI
Obtain balance serum sodium, and monotor level periodically
Side Effect Prozac - sleepiness, faintness, lightheadedness NI
Advise these SE are not common but can occur. Avoid driving if these side effects occur
Side Effect GI bleeding prozac - NI
Use caution w/Pts w/hx of GI bleeding, ulcers, and those taking other meds that affect blood coag
Prozac Contraindications
Preg category C
May increase risk of birth defects. Other SSRIs should be used.
Contra in PTs taking MAOIs or TCAs
Use caution w/liver and or renal dysfunction, cardiac disease, seizure disorders, ulcers, and a hx of GI bleeding
Medication/Food Interaction SSRIs (St. John's wort, MAOI, TCA)
Concurrent use w/MAOIs, TCAs, St. John's Wort increases the risk of serotonin syndrome

**MAOIs should be d/ced 14 days prior to starting SSRI. Prozac should be cd/ed 5 weeks before starting MAOI

Advise against st john's wart
Medication/Food Interaction SSRIs +warfarin
concurrent use can displace warfarin from bound protein and result in increased warfain levels

Montior PT PTT and INR
Assess for signs of bleeding and need for dosage adjustment
Medication/Food Interaction SSRIs TCA + Lithium
concurrent use TCA + Lithium may result in increased levels of these meds

avoid concurrent use
Medication/Food Interaction SSRIs + NSAIDS and anticogs
Can further surpress platelet aggregation, thereby increasing risk of bleeding

Monoamine Oxidase INhibitors (MAOIs) mEDS
Isocaroxazid (Marplan)
Tranylcypromine (parnate)
Selegiline (Emsam) - transdermal patch
Phenelzine (Nardil)
MAOI Nardil expect pharm action
Block MAO-A in brain, increasing amount of norepi, dopamine, and serotonin available for transmission impulses. An increased amount of those neurotran at nerve endings intensifies response and relieves depression
MAOI Nardil Therapeutic Uses
Atypical depression
Bulimia nervosa
Side Effects of MAOI - Nardil
CNS stimulation, orthostatic hypotension, hypertensive crisis, local rash associated w/transdermal prep
Side Effects of MAOI - Nardil --> CNS stimulation
anxiety, agitation, hypomania, mania

Advise PT to observe for symptoms and notify MD if occur
Side Effects of MAOI - Nardil--> Ortho hypo
Monitor BP and HR for othostatic changes
Hold med and notify MD if significant changes
Advise PT to change positions slowly
Side Effects of MAOI - Nardil--> Hypertensive Crisis
Results from intake of dietary tyramine - severe hypertension as a result of intensive vasoconstriction and stimulation of the heart. Manifestations may include: headache, nausea, increased HR + BP

Administer phentolamine (Regitine) IV, a rapid-acting alapha-adrenergic blocker, or nifedipine (Procardia)
-Provide continuous cardiac monitoring and resp support as indicated
Contraindications/Precautions MAOI - Nardil
Preg cat C
-Contra in PTs taking SSRIS, or PT w/pheochromocytoma, heart failure, cardivascular and cerebral vascular disease, and/or severe renal insufficiency
-Caution w/ diabetes and/orseizure disorders, or those taking TCAs
Transdermal selegiline
Contra for PTs taking carbmazepine (tegretol) or oxcarbazepine (Trileptal). Concurrent use of meds may increase blood levels of MAOI
Medication/Food Interactions MAOI - Nardil [indirect acting sympathomimetic]
-->Ephedrine, amphetamine can promote the release of norepinephrine and lead to hypertensive crisis

Advise PT that over the counter decongestants and cold remedies frequently contain medications with sympathomimetic action and should therefore be avoided
Concurrent use w/TCAs can lead to.... (MAOI - Nardil)
hypertensive crisis

concurrent use of maois and tcas should be used cautiously
Can lead to serotonin syndrome - avoid concurrent use
Antihypertensives + MAOIs (Nardil)
can cause additive hypotensive effects

monitor BP, notify MD if significant drop in bP occurs - as dosage of antihypertensive may need to be decreased
Demerol + MAOI (Nardil)
can lead to hyperpyrexia (fever)
Alternative analgesic should be used
Hypertensive crisis can result form intake of dietary tyramine. May inclused - headache, nausea, increased HR + BP

Assess PT ability to follow strict diet
Inform PT of symptoms
Provide PT w/written instructions regarding food + beverages to avoid
Tyramine Rich Foods
aged cheese, pepperonie, salami, avocados, figs, bananas, smoked fish, protein, some dietary supplements, some beers, and red wines
MAOIS (Nardil) + vasopressors
(caffeine, phenylethylamine may result in hypertension)

- avoid caffein beverages, chocolate, dava beans and ginseng
Atypical Antidepressants -
WELLBUTRIN - generic = bupropion
Expected pharm action Atypical Antidepressants
acts by inhibiting dopamine uptake
Atypical Antidepressants therapeutic uses
treatment of depression
alternative to SSRIs for PT unable to tolerate sexual dysfunction
Aid to quit smoking
Prevention of seasonal affective disorder
Atypical Antidepressants Side Effects
headache, dry mouth, GI distress, constipation, increased HR, nausea, restlessness, insomnia, suppression appetite = wt loss
Atypical Antidepressants + Seizures
especially at higher dosages
avoid administering to PTs at risk for seizures, such as PT w/head injury
Contraindications Atypical Antidepressants (buproprion)
Concurrent use w/MAOIs such as phenelzine (Nardil), may increase risk for toxicity

MAOIS should be d/ced 2 wks prior to starting buproprion
Venlafaxine (effexor) + Duloxetine (Cymbalta) Atypical Antidepressants Pharm Action
Inhibit serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake, thereby increasing amt of these neurotransmitters available in the brain for impulse transmission. Minimal amt of dopamine blockade.
Venlafaxine (effexor) + Duloxetine (Cymbalta) Atypical Antidepressants NI --> Side effects
-Headache, nausea, agitation, anxiety, and sleep disturbances
-Monitor for hyponatremia, especially in older adults
-Monitor PT for wt loss
-Monitor the PT for increases in diastolic BP
-Discuss ways to manage interference with sexual functioning
-Advise PT to avoid abrupt cessation of med
Mirtazapine (Remeron) Atypical Antidepressant pharm Action
Increases releases of serotonin and norepi, thereby increasing amt of these neurotransmitters available for impulse transmission
Mirtazapine (Remeron) Atypical Antidepressant --> Side effects + NI
Therapeutic effects may occur sooner, and with less sexual dysfunction than w/SSRIs

This med is generally well tolerated, side effects = sleepiness that can be exacerbated by other CNS depressants, weight gain, and elevated cholesterol
Reboxetine (Edronax) Atypical Antidepressant Pharm Action
Selectively inhibits reuptake of norepi, thereby increasing amt of these neurotransmitters available for impulse transmission
Reboxetine (Edronax) Atypical Antidepressant Side effects + NI
Yields similar results to SSRI
Generally well tolerated, experience dry mouth, decreased BP, constipation, sexual dysfunction, and urinary hestitancy + rentention
Wt gain and sleepiness do NOT occur
Avoid concurrent use w/an MAOI
Trazodone (Desyrel) Atypical Antidepressants Pharm Action
Has moderate selective blockade of serotonin receptors, thereby increasing the amt of that neurotransmitter available for impulse transmission
Trazodone (Desyrel) Atypical Antidepressants NI + Side Effects
Usually used w/another antidepressant agent. May be indicated for insomnia caused by another SSRI

Priapism may be a serious side effect, and clients should be instructed to seek medical attention ASAP
SSRI Nursing Intervention
-Advise PT to take these medications in the morning to minimize sleep disturbances
-Advise PT to take these medications w/food to minimize GI disturbances
-Obtain baseline sodium levels for older adult PT taking diuretics; monitor periodically