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8 Cards in this Set

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Antipsychotic Medications

* Haldol

* Thorazine

* Risperdal

(Side Effects: Tardive Dyskinesia- involuntary muscle movement disorder)

Bipolar Medications

* Lithium

* Tegretol

* Depakote

(Side Effects: lithium causes kidney problems; Tegretol & Depakote cause liver problems; bipolar medications require frequent blood work to monitor health.)

Anti-Anxiety Medications -- Benzodiazepine

* Valium

* Klonopin

* Xanax

(Side Effects: Valium is short-acting; Klonopin is addictive)

ADHD Disorders

AMPHETAMINE/SPEED = example of a paradoxical effect:

* Concerta

* Adderall

* Ritalin

(Side Effects: relieves symptoms quickly & can be abused)


* Strattera

(Side Effects: can not be abused & requires 2-4 weeks to be effective)

Anti-Depressants (1/4):

SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors)


* Prozac

* Zoloft

* Paxil

(Side Effects: loss of libidinal desire; several weeks to be effective)

Anti-Depressants (2/4):

Atypical Anti-depressants

Atypical Anti-depressants:

* Effexor

* Cymbalta

* Wellbutrin

Anti-Depressants (3/4):

Tricyclic Anti-depressants

Tricyclic Anti-depressants:

* Elavil

* Tofranil

(Side Effects: Can cause dry mouth)

Anti-Depressants (4/4):

MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors)

MAO Inhibitors:

* Nardil

* Parnate

(Side Effects: Observe dietary habits; causes stomach pain)