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139 Cards in this Set

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What country is #1?
#1 - Algeria
1. Erikson’s 2nd stage of development is called what?
Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt
What country is #2?
#2 - Angola
2. Abraham Maslow described how many stages of development?
What country is #3?
#3 - Benin
3. According to psychoanalytic theory human development is determined by?
Unconscious drives and motives
What country is #4?
#4 - Botswana
4. The combined total amount of stress and disease with which an individual must cope is?
Allostatic load
What country is #5?
#5 - Burkina Faso
5. Using inductive thinking, a person might think, “if it barks like a dog, and wags its tail like a dog, it must be a ___?
What country is #6?
#6 - Burundi
6. Children who lack self-control are most likely to have parents who are?
What country is #7?
#7 - Cameroon
7. According to Erikson, after the stage of intimacy versus isolation comes?
Generativity vs. ????
What country is #8?
#8 - Canary Islands
8. Chromosomal abnormalities occur when a zygote’s cells have?
More or fewer than the usual 46 chromosomes
What country is #9?
#9 - Central African Republic
9. The most common assisted reproductive ?
in vitro fertilization
What country is #10?
#10 - Chad
10. Which of the following STI’s can increase the risk of uterine cancer?
HPV Human Papilloma Virus
What country is #11?
#11 - Comoros
11. A person’s (child’s) understanding of the thoughts of other people is called?
Theory of Mind
What country is #12?
#12 - Congo (formerly Zaire)
12. A gene is recessive when?
Its influence can be hidden by a more powerful gene
What country is #13?
#13 - Congo Republic (formerly Congo)
13. A sign of secure attachment is?
A child being willing to explore a new environment in the presence of the caregiver
What country is #14?
#14 - Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
14. The period when children’s bodies become adultlike is?
What country is #15?
#15 - Djibouti
15. How do friends differ from family members?
Friends are chosen for qualities that make good companions
What country is #16?
#16 - Egypt
16. Our society recognizes a point called midlife which occurs at which age?
What country is #17?
#17 - Eritrea
17. Which of the following is a stage of moral reasoning in Kohlberg’s theory?
What country is #18?
#18 - Equatorial Guinea
18. Phenotype refers to?
The actual expression of genetic traits
What country is #19?
#19 - Ethiopia
19. What theories of late adulthood claim that social forces limit individual choice of direct life?
Stratification Theories
What country is #20?
#20 - Gabon
20. The number of births per woman that would be required to maintain a nation’s population with no increases or decreases is the?
Replacement Rate???? (pretty sure this is correct)
What country is #21?
#21 - Gambia
21. The values, assumptions, customs, clothing, technologies, and art that a group of people have developed over the years as a design for living are referred to as their?
What country is #22?
#22 - Ghana
22. A common characteristic of bullies is that they?
Lack empathy
What country is #23
#23 - Guinea
23. During the sensorimotor stage, the main task is to?
Use senses and motor skills to understand the world.
What country is #24?
#24 - Guinea Bissau
24. The changes in appearance that occur in middle adulthood?
Are made worse by poor lifestyle choices, inevitable results of primary aging, and include changes in skin, hair and fat distribution.
What country is #25?
#25 - Kenya
25. 18-25 years is entering the?
Emerging Adulthood
What country is #26?
#26 - Lesotho
What country is #27?
#27 - Liberia
What country is #28?
#28 - Libya
What country is #29?
#29 - Madagascar
What country is #30?
#30 - Malawi
What country is #31?
#31 - Mali
What country is #32?
#32 - Mauritania
What country is #33?
#33 - Morocco
What country is #34?
#34 - Mozambique
What country is #35?
#35 - Namibia
What country is #36?
#36 - Niger
What country is #37?
#37 - Nigeria
What country is #38?
#38 - Rwanda
What country is #39?
#39 - Sao Tome and Principe
What country is #40?
#40 - Senegal
What country is #41?
#41 - Sierra Leone
What country is #42?
#42 - Somalia
What country is #43?
#43 - South Africa
What country is #44?
#44 - Sudan
What country is #45?
#45 - Swaziland
What country is #46?
#46 - Tanzania
What country is #47?
#47 - Togo
What country is #48?
#48 - Tunisia
What country is #49?
#49 - Uganda
What country is #50?
#50 - Western Sahara
What country is #51?
#51 - Zambia
What country is #52?
#52 - Zimbabwe
What country is #53?
#53 - Afghanistan
What country is #54?
#54 - Bahrain
What country is #55?
#55 - Iran
What country is #56?
#56 - Iraq
What country is #57?
#57 - Israel
What country is #58?
#58 - Jordan
What country is #59?
#59 - Lebanon
What country is #60?
#60 - Oman
What country is #61?
#61 - Qatar
What country is #62?
#62 - Saudi Arabia
What country is #63?
#63 - Syria
What country is #64?
#64 - Turkey
What country is #65?
#65 - United Arab Emirates
What country is #66?
#66 - Yemen
What country is #67?
#67 - Kuwait
What country is #55?
#55 - Iran
What country is #57?
#57 - Israel
What country is #58?
#58 - Jordan
What country is #59?
#59 - Lebanon
What country is #60?
#60 - Oman
What country is #62?
#62 - Saudi Arabia
What country is #63?
#63 - Syria
What country is #64?
#64 - Turkey
What country is #65?
#65 - United Arab Emirates
What country is #66?
#66 - Yemen
What country is #1?
#1 - Algeria
What country is #3?
#3 - Benin
What country is #5?
#5 - Burkina Faso
What country is #7?
#7 - Cameroon
What country is #8?
#8 - Canary Islands
What country is #9?
#9 - Central African Republic
What country is #10?
#10 - Chad
What country is #12?
#12 - Congo (formerly Zaire)
What country is #13?
#13 - Congo Republic (formerly Congo)
What country is #14?
#14 - Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
What country is #15?
#15 - Djibouti
What country is #16?
#16 - Egypt
What country is #17?
#17 - Eritrea
What country is #18?
#18 - Equatorial Guinea
What country is #19?
#19 - Ethiopia
What country is #20?
#20 - Gabon
What country is #21?
#21 - Gambia
What country is #22?
#22 - Ghana
What country is #23?
#23 - Guinea
What country is #24?
#24 - Guinea Bissau
What country is #25?
#25 - Kenya
What country is #27?
#27 - Liberia
What country is #28?
#28 - Libya
What country is #31?
#31 - Mali
What country is #32?
#32 - Mauritania
What country is #33?
#33 - Morocco
What country is #36?
#36 - Niger
What country is #37?
#37 - Nigeria
What country is #39?
#39 - Sao Tome and Principe
What country is #40?
#40 - Senegal
What country is #41?
#41 - Sierra Leone
What country is #42?
#42 - Somalia
What country is #44?
#44 - Sudan
What country is #47?
#47 - Togo
What country is #48?
#48 - Tunisia
What country is #49?
#49 - Uganda
What country is #50?
#50 - Western Sahara