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14 Cards in this Set

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Self concept

Self-concept influences what information you look for and how you process it (through self schemas)

What shapes self concept?

-Social comparison (upwards and downwards)

-Feedback from others

-Social context

-Cultural values (individualism vs collectivism)

Possible selves

-Actual self (how you actually are)

-Ideal self (who you want to be)

- Ought self ( how others think you should be)

Examples of stable and unstable for internal attributions

Stable: grades reflecting intelligence

Unstable: grades reflecting how hard you studied

Examples of stable and unstable for external attributions

Stable: grades reflect the fairness of your instructors testing philosophy

Unstable: difficulty of the test


generally for internal attributions

Motives guiding self-understanding

1. Self understanding

2. Self-verification (most likely)

3. Self- improvement

4. Self- enhancement

Cognitive distortions

The fundamental attribution error

Self-serving bias

Belief in a just world


Compliance techniques


foot in the door

Psychosexual stage 1

Oral stage (birth to 2 years)

- Developmental task is weaning from breast or bottle

Psychosexual stage 2

Anal stage (2 to 3 years)

- Developmental task is toilet training

Psychosexual stage 3

Phallic stage (4 to 7 years)

- Developmental task is identification with the same sex parent

-Oedipus and Electra complex

Psychosexual stage 4

Latency period (7 to puberty)

- Developmental task is transformation of repressed sexual urges to socially acceptable activities

Psychosexual stage 5

Genital stage (puberty onwards)

- Developmental task is formation of mature sexual love relationship

and of development of interests and talents relating to productive work