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87 Cards in this Set

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Eros: Life

Survival (Food, water, air, & sex) --> Libido

Thanotos: Death

Death instincts --> Aggression

Psychic Energy

Fueled functions of mind (thinking, imagining, & remembering)

Free Association

Relationship of one thought to the next to aid in revolving unconscious --> talk therapy (psychoanalysis)

Dream Analysis

Detailed examination of content & symbolism of dreams to uncover unconscious meaning

Manifest Content

What we're able to remember about a dream (Literal content)

Latent Content

Symbolic meaning of a dream (under literal content)


Mistakes in speaking/acting

Freudian Slip

Mistakes n speech


Unconscious urges

Symbolic Behavior

Unconscious physical urges (nail biting, etc.)

Word Association

Response --> Word & reaction time (speed of response)


Emotion-laden themes from a person's life

Implicit Association (Attitudes Test --> IAT)

Measuring implicit attitudes


Pure instinctual energy

Primary Process Thinking

Decisions without rules & conscious thought --> Pleasure principle


Pure instinctual energy --> Differing gratification

Process of Identification

Forming emotional ties with objects

Secondary Process Thinking

Cost over benefit, reason over passion


Incorporates the values/morals of society

Topographic Model

Unconscious mind, conscious mind, precocious mind

Conversion Reaction

Physical symptoms --> Anxiety

Defense Mechanism

Ego handling threatening thoughts/impulses

Reaction Formation

Opposite ID impulses expressed


Mental isolation of threatening thoughts


Refusal to believe or acknowledge threatening thoughts


Unacceptable behaviours of thoughts of behaviours that nullify actins


Attribute of own disturbing of unacceptable impulses to another


True ID impulses expresses in more acceptable ways


Changing ID impulses to acceptable behaviour


Rejection & keeping something out of consciousness


Reinterpretation of behaviours to hide true motivations

Oral Stage

Mouth --> 0-18 months

Anal Stage

Anus --> 1-3 years

Phallic Stage

Genitals --> 2-5 years

Latency Stage

5-Puberty --> Sublimation

Genital Stage

Adulthood --> Sex

Bolby --> Attachment Theory

Emotional ties with mother have impact on emotional regulation, interpersonal relations, & mental health

Ainsworth --> Attachment Theory

Secure attachment, avoidant attachment, anxious-ambivalent attachment, disorganized attachment


Set of ideas & inferences about self (traits, social roles, schemas, etc.) --> How we feel about ourselves

Social Identity

The sense of who we are

Individualistic Culture

Focuses on uniqueness of the individual

Collectivist Culture

Value obligation, duty, tradition, dependence --> 80% of the world

Positive Possible Self

Hoped for self, important in goal setting & motivation

Negative Possible Self

Feared self


Amount of value placed on self, judgement/evaluation of self concept

Self Esteem Stability

Variability of general self worth over time --> Stable and unstable

Self Esteem Clarity

How well people know themselves

Self Presentation

Acting, speaking, dressing in certain ways to convey self-image

Impression Management

Regulation of public self-presentation

Authentic Self-Presentation

Shown to close relationships

Strategic Self-Presentation

Make self look better to gain power


Individuals call attention to their accomplishments


Use favours/flattery to obtain attribution of likeability


Go above what is necessary to be perceived as hardworking


Project power


Present weaknesses to receive compassion


A personality trait --> Extent that people are aware and manage their self-presentations, expressive behaviours, and nonverbal behaviour

Genotype-Environment Interaction

Genotype responds differently to environment

Genotype-Environment Correlation

Genotype is exposed differently to environment

Heritability (h^2)

Amount of observed individual difference in some characteristic --> Gene difference

Environmentality (e^2)

Extent to which observed individual differences can be traced to individual environment differences

Shared Environment

Aspects of a family environment

Nonshared Environment

Experiences that relatives have made different


The study of biological mechanisms that switch genes on & off


Coding regions


Noncoding regions

Positional Cloning

Cloning a gene

Dialectic System

Way of thinking --> Contradictions are viewed as higher truth

Central Nervous System (CNS)

Brain, spinal cord

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Somatic nervous system, automatic nervous system (sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous systems)

Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan

Computerized x-ray

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic field & radio waves (brain tissues)

Cortical stimulation

Electrical brain stimulation

Electroencephalography (EEG)

Brain wave patterns

Evoked Potentials (EP)

Activity in brain in response to stimulation

Postilion Emissions Tomography (PET) Scan

Radioactive tracer

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imagining (fMRI)

Detect changes in blood oxygen and flows


Chemicals released by neurons to excite next neuron --> Adrenaline, Epinephrine, Dopamine, Serotonin

Stress Hormones

Increased blood flow to muscles by increasing heart rate and blood pressure --> Adrenaline, Epinephrine

Gray (Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory --> RST)

Personality differences related to differences to responses to word via brain system functioning

Fight-Fright-Freeze System (FFFS)

Reactions to threats

Behavioural Approach System (BAS)


Behavioural Choice System (BIS)

Choice-amongst alternatives

Neurological Correlations of Personality

Differences between expression of emotions and responses to emotions

Sensation Seeking

Willing to take risks

Sensation Seeking Scale (Zukerman)

Impulsive, neroticism-anxiety, aggression-hostility, sociability, activity