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37 Cards in this Set

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Agentic state

State of mind where a person will be obedient and lass the blame onto the authority


Feelings of worry and tension as well as physcial changes like high blood pressure


Strong emotional bond between an infant and caregiver

Bowlbys theory

Suggests children are programmed to form attachment because it will help them survive


The amount of information which can be stored in a memory store


Someone who directly deals with the needs of a child

Continuity hypothesis

Theory that there's a link between the early attachment relationship and later relationships.

E.g. with their own children

Authoritarian personality

Belief in obedience or submission to someone else's authority due to personality

E.g Jack being obedient to monarchy

Critical period

The period of time an infant has to form an attachment to progress normally

E.g. for humans it's 2 years

Cognitive interview

Method of police interviewing eye witness to enhance retrieval

- report every detail

- start at the end

- from another perspective


Shallow form of conformity when someone changes their behaviour to fit in with a group


Change in a behaviour or opinion to match a group


Seperation from an attached caregiver / figure.

Dispositional explanations

Explanation that something is caused by internal characteristics of an individual

Classical conditioning

A learning process which occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired


Stimuli that let you access a specific memory or information

Cultural variation in attachment

Different cultures raise their children differently meaning the children develop different attachments


The length of time information can be stored in the memory

Eyewitness testimony

Information gathered from someone who saw the event take place


Middle level of conformity. Conforming because they identify with the group and want to be accepted

Informational social influence

Explanation for conformity. People conform to the group opinion / behaviour becuase they don't know the answer.


When the individual accepts majority group view and believes it to be correct

E.g. Sherif


How information is represented in the memory

Episodic memory

Memory of things that have happened in an individuals life

Internal working model

A model of the world which enables individuals to predict their environment. It often reflects the attachment with the main caregiver

Ligitimate authority

A person who is perceived to in a position of social control within a situation

Locus of control

Belief about whether the outcomes of their actions are dependent on what they do or events outside their personal control

Long term memory

Memory for events in the past

Coded semantically.

Unlimited duration

Unlimited capacity


An innate readiness to develop a strong bond with the mother. Takes the place during the first few hours of life.


Individuals who tend to believe that they are responsible for their behaviour and experience rather than external forces

Learning theory

The name given to a group of explanation (classical + operant conditioning) which explains behaviour in terms of learning

Leading question

A question that suggests a desired response from an eyewitness

Insecure avoident attachment

A type of attachment which describes those children who tens to avoid social interaction and intimacy

Interactional synchrony

When two people interact they tend to mirror what the other is doing in terms of their facial and body movements. Feature of infant caregiver interaction.


The effect of institutional care. How time spend in an orphanage can affect development of children

Insecure resistant attachment

A type of attachment who describes those infants who both seek and reject social intimacy and interaction


An explanation for forgetting in terms of one memory disrupting the ability to recall another.