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41 Cards in this Set

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often called the Father of Medicine. Believed in treating psychological diseases like any other disease and believed the brain is the center function and it was the root of psychological disorders
Bile theory
Hippocrates' theory that the body is made up of four main substances: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. An imbalance in one of these is the root of mental illness and restoring these will restore mental health.
first institutions dedicated to the treatment of the mentally ill. They were temples in Alexandria, Egypt
Humanistic therapies
focus on helping people understand and accept themselves. Can help people develop self esteem and a more positive self image as they strive toward self-actualization
Psychoanalytic therapy
consists of attempting to reconstruct repressed memories in order to work through painful experiences to achieve a psychologically healthy solution.
Manifest content
actual storyline of a dream
latent content
meaning of a dream
free association
saying whatever comes to mind regardless of how silly or irrelevant it might be
4 techniques that are part of part of psychoanalytic therapy
dream interpretation, free association, resistance and transference
unwilling to talk about certain memories
shifting emotions onto your therapist
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
involves showing ambiguous sketches to people and having them "make up a story" or describe the situation.
Psychodynamic therapists
try to understand someone's problems by looking at childhood experiences, use of defense mechanisms, repressed conflicts and unconscious drives and they set a time limit of when they need to be finished
Interpersonal therapists
focus on present relationships rather than past hurts
the notion that our behaviors and thoughts are not our choice but are "determined" by past experiences
Carl Rogers
developed humanistic (client centered therapy)
humanistic (client centered therapy)
helps people gain self acceptance through the therapists' empathy honesty and unconditional positive regard
unconditional positive regard
the therapist always views the client in a positive light, no matter what he/she says
active listening
the therapist restates, reflects, echoes or asks for further clarification
behaviorist therapy
getting rid of unwanted behaviors by applying classical and operant conditioning
4 techniques of behavior therapy
exposure therapy, aversion therapy, behavior modification techniques, and modeling
exposure therapy
involves developing procedures to reduce or eliminate maladaptive responses by exposing the individual to feared stimuli
systematic desensitization
counter conditioning technique that associates a relaxed state with increasingly anxiety producing stimuli.
aversive conditioning
counter conditioning technique that deliberately associates an unpleasant state such as nausea with an unwanted behavior such as consumption of alcohol.
when actions get rewarded
token economies
when desired behaviors are rewarded with tokens that can later be exchanged for desired items.
cognitive therapists
believe that how we think affects how we feel
rational emotive therapy
developed by Albert Ellis. patients are taught to identify, confront, and remove irrational thoughts
cognitive therapy
developed by Beck. taught that negative emotions do not come from events, but negative thoughts and perceptions that pop into our mind at the time.
Biomedical or somatic therapies
address the body to cause changes in thinking and behavior
drug of choice for bipolar patients
name the three main categories of drugs used for psychotherapy purposes
anti anxiety
anti depressant
anti psychotic
anti anxiety drugs
Valium, Ativan, Xanax. Help people relax, sleep better, and focus on the tasks at hand. help control anxiety, panic, fear
anti depressants
prozac, paxil, pamelor. mood elevators help people feel better about themselves.
anti psychotics
thorazine, haldol, and clozaril. alleviate hallucinations and delusions of skitzophrenia patients.
sometimes used in the treatment of epilepsy, OCD, depression, and bipolar disorders
group therapy
psychotherpy practices are applied to small groups of people.
family therapy
help family members to see the roles they play in a family
classical conditioning
learning through CR, UR, US, CS
operant conditioning
learning through reinforcements and punishments