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41 Cards in this Set

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Multi-Store Model

The multistore model of memory was proposed by Atkinson and Shriffin and is a structural model. They proposed that memory consisted of three stores: sensory register, short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM). Information passes from store to store in a linear way.


Coding is the way information is changed so that it can be stored in the memory. There are three main ways in which information can be stored:

1. Visual

2. Acoustic

3. Semantic


Capacity concerns how much information can be stored.


Duration refers to the period of time information can last in the memory stores.

Sensory Register

•Duration: 1/4 to 1/2 a second

•Capacity: all sensory experience (large)

•Coding: sense specific

Short Term Memory

•Duration: 0-18 seconds

•Capacity: 7 +/- 2 items

•Coding: Acoustic

Long Term Memory

•Duration: Unlimited

•Capacity: Unlimited

•Coding: Semantic

Evaluation of the Multistore Model

•One strength of the multistore model is that it gives us a good understanding of the structure and process of the STM. This is good because this allows researchers to expand on this model. This means that researchers can do experiments to improve on this model and make it more valid and they can prove what the stores actually do.


Serial Position Effect

Glanzer and Cunitz showed that when participants are presented with a list of words, they tend to remember the first few and last few words and are more likely to forget those in the middle of the list.

This supports the evidence of separate LTM and STM stores because they observed a primacy and recency effect.

Three Types of LTM

1. Procedural Memory

2. Semantic Memory

3. Episodic Memory

Procedural Memory

Procedural memory is a part of the long-term memory responsible for knowing how to do things e.g. memory of motor skills. It does not involve conscious thought and is not declarative.

Example: how to ride a bike.

Semantic Memory

Semantic memory is a part of the long-term memory responsible for storing information about the world. This includes knowledge about the meaning of words, as well as general knowledge.

Example: London is the capital of England.

Episodic Memory

Episodic memory is a part of the long-term memory responsible for storing information about events that we have experienced in our lives. It involves conscious thought and is declarative.

Example: memory of our 1st day at school.

Working Memory Model

The working memory model (Baddeley and Hitch) replaced the idea of a unitary STM. It suggests a system involving active processing and short-term storage of information.

Key features include the central executive, the phonological loop and the visuospatial sketchpad.

Central Executive

The central executive has a supervisory function and acts as a filter, determining which information is attended to. It can process information in all sensory forms, directs information to other slave systems and collects responses. It has a limited capacity and deals with only one piece of information at a time.

Phonological Loop

One of the slave systems is the phonological loop which is a temporary storage system for holding auditory information in a speech based form. It has two parts:

1. Phonological store: stores words you hear.

2. Articulatory Process: allows maintenance rehearsal.

Visuospatial Sketchpad

The second slave system is the visuospatial sketchpad (VSS). The VSS is a temporary memory system for holding visual and spatial information. It has two parts:

1. The visual cache: stores visual data about form and colour.

2. The inner scribe: records the arrangement of objects in the visual field, and rehearses and transfers information in the visual cache to the central executive.

Episodic Buffer

The third slave system is the episodic buffer which acts as a 'backup' store for information which communicates both long term memory and the slave system components of working memory.

Evaluation of Working Memory Model

•Working memory is supported by dual task studies. It is easier to do two tasks at the same time if they usr different processing systems than if they use the same slave system.


•The KF Case Study supports the working memory model. KF suffered brain damage from a motorcycle accident that damaged his short-term memory. KF's impairment was mainly for verbal information. This shows that there are separate STM components for visual information and verbal information. However, evidence from this study may not be reliable because it concerns unique cases with patients who have had traumatic experiences.


•One limitation is the fact that little is known about the central executive works. It is an important part of the model but it's exact role is unclear.


•Another limitation is that the model does not explain the link betweeb working memory and LTM.


Dual Task Experiment - Baddeley and Hitch

Baddeley and Hitch conducted an experiment in which participants were asked to perform two tasks at the same time. A digit span task required them to repeat a list of numbers, and a verbal reasoning task which required them to answer true or false to various questions.

•Results: as the number of digits increased in the digit span tasks, participants took longer to answer the reasoning questions.

•Conclusion: the verbal reasoning task made use of the central executive and the digit span task made use of the phonological loop.

Explanation for Forgetting - Interference

Interference is an explanantion for forgetting from long term memory - two sets of information become confused.

Proactive Interference

Proactive Interference is where old learning prevents recall of more recent information. When what we already know interferes with what we are currently learning - where old memories disrupt new memories.

Retroactive Interference

Retroactive interference is where new learning prevents recall of previously learned information. In other words, later learning interferes with earlier learning - where new memories dirupt old memories.

Evaluation of Interfence as an Explanation for Forgetting

•Interference theory tells us little about the cognitive processes involved in forgetting. Secondly, the majority of research into role of interference in forgetting has been carried out in a lab using lists of words, a situation which is likely to occur fairly infrequently in everyday life. As a result, it may not be possible to generalise from the findings.


Explanations for Forgetting - Retrieval Failure

Retrieval Failure is where information is available in long term memory but cannot be recalled because if the absence of appropriate cues. Types of cues that have been studied by psychologists include context and state dependent.


Context - external cues in the environment. Evidence indicates that retrieval is more liekly when the context at encoding matches the context at retrieval.


State - bodily cues inside us. The basic idea behind state-dependent retrieval is that memory will be best when a person's physical or psychological state is similar at encoding and retrieval.

Baddeley - Deep-sea Divers

Baddeley asked deep-sea divers to memorise a list of words. One group did this on the beach and the other group underwater. When they were asked to recall the words half the beach learners remained on the beach, the rest had to recall underwater.

Half of the underwater group remained there and the other had to recall on the beach. The results show that those who had recalled in the same environment which they had learned recalled 40% more words than recalling in a different environment. This suggests that retrieval of information is improved if it occurs in the context in which it was learned.


Carter and Cassaday - Antihistamines

Carter and Cassaday did an experiment in which participants were split into two groups. One group was asked to learn a list of words in theire regular state, whilst the other half were given antihistamines and had to learn the words.

Half the group who were learning with antihistamines had to recall in a regular state of mind whilst the other half remained. It was found that participants were able to recall more words when they were in the same state as they were when they learned the words.


Evaluation of Retrieval Failure as an Explanation for Forgetting

The ecological validity of these experiments can be questioned, but their findings are supported by evidence from outside the lab.


Eyewitness Testimony - Misleading Information

Loftus and Palmer investigated how misleading information could distort eyewitness testimony accounts.

•Procedure: 45 students formed an opportunity sample. This was a lab experiment with five conditions, only one of which was experienced by each participant. Participants were shown slides of a car accident involving a number of cars and were asked to describe what had happened as if they were eyewitnesses. Then they were asked specific questions, including the question "about how fast were the cars going when they (hit/smashed/collided/bumped/contacted) each other?

Eyewitness Testimony - Loftus and Palmer Findings

The estimated speed was affected by the verb used. The verb implied information about the speed, which systematically affected the participant's memory of the accident. Participants who were asked the "smashed" question thought the cars were going faster than those who were asked the "hit" question.

Evaluation of the Loftus and Palmer Experiment

•The research lacks mundane realism, as the video clip does not have the same emotional impact as witnessing a real-life accident and so the research lacks ecological validity.


•A further problem with the study was the use of students as participants. Students are not representative of the general population in a number of ways. Importantly they may be less experienced drivers and therefore less confident in their ability to estimate speeds.


•A strength of the study is it's easy to replicate. This is because the method was a lab experiment which followed a standardised procedure.


Affects of Anxiety on Eyewitness Testimony

When we are in a state of anxiety, we tend to focus on whatever is making us feel more anxious or fearful, and we exclude other information about the situation. If a weapon is used to threaten a victim, their attention is likely to focus on it. Consequently, their recall of other information is likely to be poor.

Clifford and Scott (1983)

Clifford and Scott found that people who saw a film of a violent attack remembered fewer of the 40 items of information about the event than a controp group who saw a less stressful version.

Yuille and Cutshall (1986) - Procedure

However, a study by Yuille and Cutshall contradicts the importance of stress in influencing eyewitness memory. 21 witnesses observed a shooting incident in Canada outside a gun shop in which 1 person was killed. All of the witnesses were interviewed by the investigating police, and 13 witnesses agreed to a research interview 4-5 months after the event. The witnesses were also asked to rate how stressed they had felt at the time. The eyewitness accounts provided in both the police and research interviews were analysed and compared.

Yuille and Cutshall Experiment Findings

The results of the study showed the witnesses were highly accurate in their accounts, and there was little change in amount of accuracy of recall after 5 months. This study showed that stress levels did not have an effect on memory, contrary to lab findings.

Yuille and Cutshall Evaluation

•One strength of the study is that it had high ecological validity compared with lab studies as it was not an artificial situation.


•One weakness of this study was that there was an extraneous variable. The witnesses who experienced the highest levels of stress were actually closer to the event and this may have helped with their accuracy of their memory recall.


The Cognitive Interview: Techniques

1. Context Reinstatement: trying to mentally recreate an image of the situation, including details of the environment, such as weather conditions, and the individual's emotional state including their feelings at the time of the incident.

2. Recall from a Changed Perspective: trying to mentally recreate the situation from different points of view.

3. Recall in Reverse Order: the witness is asked fo describe the scene in a different chronological order - from the end to the beginning.

4. Report Everything: the interviewer encourages the witness to report all details about the event, even though these details may seem unimportant.

The Enhanced Cognitive Interview

The main additional features are:

•Encourage the witness to relax and speak slowly.

•Offer comments to help clarify witness statements.

•Adapt questions to suit the understanding of individual witnesses.

Evaluation of The Cognitive Interview

•One limitation of the cognitive interview is that it's time consuming to conduct and takes much longer than a standard police interview. It is also time consuming to train police officers to use this method. This means that it is unlikely that the 'proper' version of the interview is used.


•Another limitation is that some elements of the cognitive interview may be more valuable than others. For example, research has shown that using a combination of 'report everything' and 'context reinstatement' produced better recall than any of the conditions individually.


•A final criticism is that the police personnel have to be trained and this can be expensive.


•Geiselman set out to investigate the effectiveness of the cognitive interview. Participants viewed a film of a violent crime and after 48 hours, were interviewed by a policeman using one of three methods: the cognitve interview, a standard interview, or an interview using hypnosis.

The number of facts accurately recalled and the number of errors made were recorded. The average number of accurately recalled facts for the coginitve interview was 41.2, for hypnosis it was 38.0 and for standard interview it was 29.4.

This shows that the cognitive interview is more effective than other forms of interview.