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20 Cards in this Set

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Why are some developmental psychologists questioning the use of the standard divisions of adulthood?

Many of the age-based expectations that existed in society are no longer applicable, thus chronological age is becoming irrelevant in our society.

They promote the ideas that at a given age one should be engaging in a given behavioral pattern

Daniel matured later than his age mates. When compared to early maturers later in life, Daniel will be:

more independent, flexible, and less bound to routine and conventional lifestyles

Why have researchers suggested that there has been an increase in cohabitation?

Social acceptance of this lifestyle has increased.

A growing inclination to question traditional mores.

The belief that marriage is not the only lifestyle that legitimizes sexual relations.

Social support has been suggested to influence health by:

acting as a buffer to stressors

A recent cross-sequential study concerning age and intelligence found that:

there is no significant decline in intelligence until about age sixty or older

According to Erik H. Erikson's theory, the primary developmental tasks in early and middle adulthood are the:

establishment of intimacy and the achievement of generativity

We constantly hear the advice "Use it or lose it"; does this apply to physical changes related to age?

Yes, research has suggested that exercise can significantly reduce the deterioration of many body functions

The textbook suggests that people are challenged to use their ________ intelligence throughout their lives and this may be the reason why it does not decline with age.


Humans generally reach their peak athletic:

between twenty and thirty

Age-related differences in fluid intelligence may be attributed to:

age- related change in nervous system function.

the type of research design used

The proportion of older Americans has grown at ________ the rate of the rest of the population. This ________ expected to continue.

twice, is

Perhaps the main cause of the recent "graying of America" is:

longer life spans and a decrease in mortality rates for the elderly

The need to maintain close personal relationships seems to be more important for ________ than for ________ as we age.

males; females

Both males and females in today's society are equally influenced by:

the sexual liberation movement

A system of personal values and judgements about whether something is elementally right or wrong is defined as:


Intelligence that allows us to perceive and draw inferences about relationships, conceptualize abstract principles, and problem solve is:

fluid intelligence

Some changes in specific kinds of intelligence do appear to be age related; for instance,

fluid intelligence tends to decrease after age thirty

Most cases of senile dementia are believed to be the result of:

Alzheimer's disease

According to Kohlberg, a person who believes that Heinz should steal the drug so his wife can live to cook his supper is at which stage of moral development?


Crystallized intelligence:

is accumulated knowledge (experience and learning).