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38 Cards in this Set

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Refers to innate, inherited reasoning abilities, memory, and speed of information processing, relatively independent of education

fluid intelligence

refers to the store of knowledge and skills gained through experience and education that increase over a lifetime

crystallized intelligence

Stages of Pregnancy

1. Germinal Period

2. Embryonic Period

3. Fetal Period

Which environmental agents can cross the placenta barrier and cause damage to the fetus?

Xrays, legal drugs, german measles, HIV, nicotine, and alcohol. (D. All of the above)

_______ occurs when existing schemas are used to interpret new information, whereas ______ involves changes and adaptations of the schemas.

Assimilation; accommodation

The personal fable and risk taking that occur during adolescent egocentrism are due primarily to the underdevelopment of what part of the brain?

prefrontal cortex

Reasons that many teenagers exhibit moodiness, irritability, and impulsive behavior is due to a combination of ______ and _____.

Oversized limbic system; underdeveloped prefrontal cortex.

_____ refers to biological changes during adolescence that lead to an adult-sized body and sexual maturity.


What conclusions can be drawn from infant-attachment and adult relationship studies?

Early attachment is likely to predict adult relationship styles

3 Major Parenting Styles

Permissive, Authoritarian, Authoritative

Less controlling and behave with a non-punishing and accepting attitude towards their children's impulses, desires, and actions.

Permissive Parents

Attempt to shape, control, and evaluate the behavior and attitudes of their children in accordance with a set standard of conduct, usually an absolute standard that comes from religious or respected authorities.

Authoritarian parents

Attempt to direct their children's activities in a rational and intelligent way. They are supportive, loving, and committed, encourage verbal give and take, and discuss their rules.

Authoritative Parents

Failure to resolve the identity versus role confusion stage of Erikson's theory will cause subsequent problems with _____.


______ refers to the desire to perform an act for its own sake, whereas ____ refers to the desire to perform an act because of external rewards or the avoidance of punishment.

Intrinsic motivation; extrinsic motivation

Yerkes Dodson Law

Most of us perform best on difficult tasks when we experience______ and perform best of easy tasks when we experience ____.

High arousal; low arousal

According to the facial-feedback hypothesis, expressing an emotion should ______.

intensify it

________ operates on the pleasure principle


_______ operates on the reality principle


______ contains the conscience and the ego-ideal, which provide moral guidance for the ego.


To prevent the ______ associated with the ego's failure to satisfy both the id and superego, people develop and use ______.

conscious anxiety; defense mechanisms

Compared to introverts, extroverts tend to have ______.

lower levels of physiological arousal

We misjudge the causes of another person's behavior because we overestimate internal, personal factors and underestimate external, situational influences. This is called ____.

the fundamental attribution error

Faulty decision making that is the result of a highly cohesive group striving for agreement to the point of avoiding inconsistent information is known as _____.


Prejudice is______; discrimination is______

an attitude; a behavior

People use stereotypes as ______.

mental shortcuts to help free up mental resources

The major cementing factor in maintaining a long-term relationship is ______.


Sternburg's Theory of Love is based on mutual feelings of ______.

intimacy, passion, and commitment

About _______ of people with a lifetime mental disorder do not ask for nor receive any professional treatment.


The most common mental disorder among adults in the United States today.

Anxiety disorders

Mood disorders include______.

depression and mania

Anxiety is experienced by nearly everyone, and is not a mental disorder unless _____.

Its chronic intensity disrupts your life

Compulsions refer to ________; whereas obsessions refer to _________.

senseless behaviors; exaggerated thoughts

People who attribute bad outcomes to themselves and good outcomes to external factors are more prone to _____ than people who do the opposite.


A disorder that is characterized by severely disturbed perception, language, thought, emotion, and behavior is ______.


The presence of inflexible, maladaptive personality traits that significantly impair social occupational functioning is a characteristic of _______.

personality disorders

Egocentrism, lack of a conscience, impulsive behavior, and superficial charm are characteristic of someone with

an antisocial personality disorder

________ is characterized by impulsivity, and an instability of mood, relationships, and self-image.

borderline personality disorder