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35 Cards in this Set

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Alfred Binet
He made the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
Alfred Binet's 4 elements of intellegence
Direction, Adaptability, Comprehension, and self-evaluation
Equation to get your IQ (the old way)
Mental age
_________________ x 100=IQ
chronologial age
Abraham Maslow developed this theory
Hierarchy of Needs
Heirachy of Needs
Made by Maslow
From bottom to top:
Physiological needs
Safety Needs
Harry Harlow
did the baby monkey experiment to find out the need for contact comfort
Albert Bandura
Believes in social learning; learning from the behavior of others
General Adaptation Syndrome
A sequence of behavior that occurs in reaction to prolonged stress.
Stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome
-Alarm Reaction: Preparations for an attack
-Stage of resistance: trying to restore balance
-exhaustion: giving up the battle
Define frustration
the process that demands a choice between alternatives
Erik Erikson
Group identity versus alienation: Idea that early adolescents either belong to a group or feel lost
Group Identity vs. alienation
Idea that early adolescents either belong to a group or feel lost
Aptitude test
Measures ones special skills
Achievement tests
Tests amount of specific material remembered from the classroom
Define Theory
A general framework for scientific study; smaller aspects can be tested
Define Psychology
The scientific study of mental processes and behavior.
The ability to understand and adapt to the environment by using a combination of inherited abilities and learning experiences.
Gardner's 7 intelligences
language, logical, visual, musical, bodily movement, intrapersonal, and interpersonal
Wilhelm Wundt
Father of Psychology
The process of attributing our thoughts to someone else
To forget
to make excuses
To go backward
to not admit
Reaction Formation
To do the opposite
To redirect anger
Identification with aggressor
to adopt anothers characteristics
To channel bad impulse into something good.
the process of removing our feeling about an event and discussing it in a coolly rational and unemotional way
Causes of mental retardation
Injuries, deiseases, lack of oxygen at birth, extreme malnutrition, exposure to toxic chemicals
Mental Retardation
Below average intellectual functioning that prevents a person from being able to perform at the level appropriate for his or her age
the state of having brought to life the full potential of our skills
A physical strain that results from demands or changes in the invironment
Projective Tests
Tests that measure inner feelings elicited by a vague stimulus, such as an ink blot test or an unclear picture
Characteristics of Depression
Very slow speech, lack of energy, sense of hopelessness, extreme feelings of worthlessness, disturbance in appetites and sleeps patterns, and frequent thoughts of death and suicide.