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19 Cards in this Set

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Definition of conformity

Yielding to group pressures, also known as majority influence

Definition of compliance

Publically, but not privately going along with majority influence to gain approval

Definition of identification

Public and private acceptance of mahorufu influence in order to gain group acceptance

Definition of internalisation

Public and private acceptance of a majority influence, through adopting group belief systems

What are the 2 types of conformity by Deutsh

Informational social influence and normative social influence

Describe what informational social influence is

ISI is when individuals are uncertain and look at the behaviours and opinions of others to help shape their own behaviours.

What is normative social influence

Individuals want others to like them and respect them, not rejecting them. A way to gain this respect is to agree with them whether or not the individual truly agrees

Give a example of research done to support ISI

Jenness, jelly bean study.

People conform to feel accepted into a group

Give a research example of NSI

Social pressure by Asch

Match comparison A, B, C line with standard line.

Pseudo participation said wrong answer and actual participants conformed

32% conformed to wrong answer

Give examples of situational variables

Group size, unanimity, task difficulty

What does research indicate about conformity via group size

Conformity increases as size increases risk a point

What does research indicate about unanimity when conforming

Conformity declines when majority influence isn't unanimous

What does research indicate about task difficulty when conforming

Conformity is greater when task difficulty increases

What research supports group size conformity by Asch

1real :1 Confederate conformity was low, but rose by 13% if 1: 2, and 32% if 1:3

What research by Asch supports unanimity

If 1 Confederate went against others conformity dropped by 32% to 5.5%.

If rebel went against both Confederate and real conformity dropped by 9%

What is Asch research into task difficulty

Increased rate of difficulty by making comparing lines similar, meant conformity increased to majority wrong answers

What is the definition of social roles

The parts individuals play as members of a social group, which meet the expectations of that situation

Briefly outline Zimbardo's Prision experiment aims

Investigate the extent to which people conform to the roles of guard/ prisoner

To test dispositional vs situational hypothesis that saw prison violence being due to guard personalities or brutal conditions

Give the conclusions of Zimbardo's prision experiment

Situational hypothesis is favoured, as none of the participants showed these personality traits before study.

Individuals conform readily to social roles as demanded, even if it goes against morals.

Guards/ prisoners demonstrated social roles gained by media and social powers