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29 Cards in this Set

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the period from 11 to 14 years of age
early adolescence
14 to 16 years of age
middle adolescence
16 to 19 years of age
latte adolescence
the time of sexual maturation
the body chemicals that control body growth, emotional responses, and physical changes
the gland that secretes growth hormones and increases the production in other glands of other hormones
pituitary gland
the glands that produce adrenaline, the stimulating hormone; help sexual maturation along w/ gonads
adrenal glands
the sex glands
someone who develops one and a half years or more ahead of average growth
early maturer
someone who develops one and a half years or more behind average growth
late maturer
a rapid increase in growth during puberty
growth spurt
conditions in which the person cannot read the body's nutritional needs and eats or refuses to eat for the wrong reasons
eating disorders
an eating disorder that involves binging on food and purging by vomiting or excessive use of laxatives
bulimia nervosa
an eating disorder that involves severe loss of weight from excessive dieting
anorexia nervosa
large groups w/ loose rules and changeable memberships
a rebellious and antisocial group w/ strict rules but not connected with accepted school or social organizations
a very tightly knit group w/ limited membership and strict rules of behavior, normally tied in with school activities
a sense of oneself as a unique person
repeated violations of the law by those 17 and younger
juvenile delinquency
what percentage of sexual maturity occurs after puberty starts?
growth spurts come earlier for who?
girls than boys
between what ages do girls grow?
9 & 12 ; 3 inches in a year
between what ages may boys grow?
11 & 15 ; 4 inches in a year
3 things being overweight or underweight can result from?
hormonal imbalance, physical changes, and psychological difficulties and genetics
how many american women think they are overweight
what percentage of anorexic are adult females
what percentage of bulimics are young adult men
in 1990, how many people under 18 were arrested
1.75 million
what percentage of people were arrested that year were under 21?
30 %