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72 Cards in this Set

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In her research, Professor Kyoto seeks to identify circumstances in which confirmation bias is especially likely to impede effective problem solving. Which specialty area does her research best represent?

biological psychology developmental psychology personality psychology cognitive psychology

cognitive psychology

Prototypes are especially important in the process of:

trial-and-error problem solving. constructing algorithms. developing good intuitions. classifying objects.

classifying objects.

In attempting to find and purchase high-quality cosmetics, Megan reminds herself that the most expensive brands are the best. Megan's self-reminder illustrates the use of:

an algorithm. trial and error. framing. a heuristic.

a heuristic.

Because he erroneously believes that older workers are not as motivated as younger workers to work hard, a factory foreman is especially vigilant for any signs of laziness among his senior workers. His supervision strategy best illustrates:

the availability heuristic. an algorithm. confirmation bias. framing.

confirmation bias.

Prompt feedback regarding your performance on psychology practice tests is most likely to inhibit:

overconfidence. the framing effect. convergent thinking. intrinsic motivation.


When her professor failed to recognize that Judy had her hand raised for a question, Judy began to think her professor was unfriendly. Although she subsequently learned that the professor's limited vision kept him from seeing her raised hand, she continued thinking the professor was unfriendly. Judy's reaction best illustrates:

the framing effect. belief perseverance. divergent thinking. the availability heuristic.

belief perseverance

Managers who want to foster creativity in the workplace should try to increase the ________ of their employees.

belief perseverance

convergent thinking

intrinsic motivation

availability heuristics

intrinsic motivation

Pigeons can reliably discriminate pictures of cars from pictures of chairs. This best illustrates their capacity to develop:

concepts. mental sets. heuristics. algorithms


The word chimps contains ________ phoneme(s) and ________ morpheme(s).

5; 2

6; 1

2; 5

1; 6

5; 2

In the English language, adjectives are typically placed before nouns, as in “green car.” This illustrates an English language rule of:

semantics. morphemes. syntax. phonemes.


Vocal sounds that are not included in one's native language first begin to disappear from usage during the ________ stage of language development.

one-word two-word telegraphic babbling


The older a person is when moving to a new country, the harder it is to learn the language. This best illustrates the importance of ________ for learning language.

linguistic determinism

a universal grammar


a critical period

a critical period

As a result of an automobile accident, Jenny suffered damage to her cerebral cortex in Broca's area. Jenny is most likely to experience:

auditory hallucinations. memory loss. aphasia. paralysis of her left limbs.


During a lecture, your professor says, “A child learns language as he interacts with caregivers.” This generic use of the pronoun he is more likely to trigger images of males than of females. This best illustrates the impact of:

language on thinking. aphasia on attentional focus. telegraphic speech on universal grammar. critical periods on language acquisition.

language on thinking.

Introductory psychology students facing a midterm exam one week later spent five minutes each day visualizing themselves reading their assigned chapters, going over their notes, and eliminating study distractions. This ________ simulation had a ________ effect on their exam scores.

process; negative outcome; positive process; positive outcome; negative

process; positive

Which procedure is used to identify the different dimensions of performance that underlie people's intelligence scores?




factor analysis

factor analysis

Spearman's g factor refers to:

the genetic contribution to intelligence. a general intelligence that underlies successful performance on a wide variety of tasks. a highly developed skill or talent possessed by a person with an otherwise limited mental ability. the ability to understand and regulate emotions.

a general intelligence that underlies successful performance on a wide variety of tasks.

Howard Gardner proposes that humans have multiple intelligences that are relatively independent of one another. Which of the following is one of the intelligences?

g factor

commonsense intelligence

intrapersonal intelligence

fluid intelligence

intrapersonal intelligence

Workplace managers who want to foster novel ideas and adaptive responses to new challenges should try to promote the ________ of their employees.

general intelligence

analytical intelligence

creative intelligence

emotional intelligence

creative intelligence

According to Robert Sternberg's ________ theory, there are ________ intelligences.

six-factor; six five-intelligences; five quadratic; four triarchic; three

triarchic; three

When Phoebe strongly disagrees with her sister's opinion, she effectively controls her own anger and responds with empathy to her sister's frustration regarding their dispute. Her behavior best illustrates:

factor analysis. analytical intelligence. creative intelligence. emotional intelligence.

emotional intelligence.

A test designed to assess whether newly graduated medical students should be granted the legal right to practice medicine would most likely be considered a(n) ________ test.






The widely used American revision of Alfred Binet's original intelligence test was developed by:

Ian Deary. Theodore Simon. Lewis Terman. David Wechsler.

Lewis Terman.

A 9-year-old who responded to the original Stanford-Binet with the proficiency of an average 12-year-old was said to have an IQ of:

75. 115. 125. 133.


Before publishing her test of musical aptitude, Professor Reed first administered the test to a representative sample of people. This was most clearly necessary for purposes of:

standardization. reliability. predictive validity. content validity.


When retested on the WAIS, people's second scores generally match their first scores quite closely. This indicates that the test has a high degree of:

reliability. content validity. standardization. predictive validity.


If course exams assess a student's mastery of a representative sample of course material, they are said to:

be reliable. have content validity. be standardized. have predictive validity.

have content validity.

Comparing the academic performance of those whose scores are extremely low on intelligence tests with those whose scores are extremely high is an effective way to highlight the tests':

standardization. factor analysis. reliability. validity.


Dr. Hernandez has decided that his fiftieth birthday would be the perfect time to begin writing an introductory psychology textbook. This would be a good time for Dr. Hernandez to do this, as he has accumulated years of knowledge about psychology. It would be a demonstration of his:

factor analysis. fluid intelligence. predictive validity. crystallized intelligence.

crystallized intelligence.

A person's ability to reason speedily and abstractly (for example, in solving novel logic problems) decreases slowly up to about age 75, then more rapidly, especially after age 85. This type of ability is also known as:

factor analysis. emotional intelligence. crystallized intelligence. fluid intelligence

fluid intelligence.

Comparing the current intelligence test scores among people from distinctly different age groups requires:

factor analysis. cross-sectional studies. eugenics. longitudinal studies.

cross-sectional studies.

Dr. Dawson is conducting a study with military veterans from the Vietnam and Gulf wars. He plans to evaluate them every year for 10 years to see if those with PTSD have a more pronounced decline in mental abilities and overall memory. This is a(n) ________ study.




factor analytic


Intelligence test scores are LEAST similar for:

nontwin siblings raised together. fraternal twins raised together. identical twins raised together. identical twins raised apart.

nontwin siblings raised together.

The similarity between intelligence scores of fraternal twins raised together is:

equal to that between identical twins raised apart. less than that between children and their biological parents. equal to that between ordinary siblings raised together. less than that between identical twins raised apart.

less than that between identical twins raised apart

In one massive study of 11,000 twin pairs in four countries, the heritability of general intelligence (g) ________ between middle childhood and adolescence and it ________ between adolescence and young adulthood.

decreased; decreased increased; increased decreased; increased increased; decreased

increased; increased

Research suggests that girls are more skilled than boys at:

avoiding emotional uncertainty. preventing emotions from distorting reasoning. detecting other people's emotions. delaying emotional gratification in pursuit of long-term goals.

detecting other people's emotions.

Stereotype threat is most likely to depress female students' performance on a difficult ________ test and to depress male students' performance on a difficult ________ test.

math problem-solving; verbal fluency verbal fluency; math problem-solving spatial abilities; athletic abilities athletic abilities; spatial abilities

math problem-solving; verbal fluency

We more quickly recognize that a blue jay is a bird than that a penguin is a bird because a blue jay more closely resembles our ________ of a bird.

heuristic prototype algorithm fixation


To find Tabasco sauce in a large grocery store, you could systematically search every shelf in every store aisle. This best illustrates problem solving by means of:

the availability heuristic. belief perseverance. an algorithm. framing.

an algorithm.

Unlike the use of algorithms or heuristics, insight does not involve:

concepts. prototypes. cognition. strategy-based solutions.

strategy-based solutions.

Max is so used to thinking that a tough competitive style of behavior is the best way to impress others that he fails to recognize that the most effective way to impress his girlfriend is with cooperative tenderness. Max's oversight best illustrates:

a fixation. the framing effect. an algorithm. divergent thinking.

a fixation.

The easier it is for people to remember an instance in which they were betrayed by a friend, the more they expect such an event to recur. This best illustrates the impact of:

framing. confirmation bias. an algorithm. the availability heuristic.

the availability heuristic.

Professor Chadwick evaluated a graduate student's research proposal negatively simply because he had heard a rumor about the student's incompetence. When later informed that the rumor had been patently false, the professor's assessment of the student's research proposal remained almost as negative as it had been originally. This best illustrates:

the representativeness heuristic. the availability heuristic. belief perseverance. framing.

belief perseverance.

College students are more likely to use a condom when told that it has a 95 percent success rate than when told it has a 5 percent failure rate. This best illustrates the impact of:

framing. confirmation bias. a fixation. the availability heuristic.


The athletic intelligence seen in the smart split-second responses of highly skilled tennis players best illustrates the value of:

intuition. divergent thinking. extrinsic motivation. an algorithm.


University students who focus on the interest and challenge of their schoolwork rather than on simply meeting deadlines and securing good grades are especially likely to demonstrate:

a mental set. creativity. extrinsic motivation. belief perseverance.


Native German speakers who pronounce the English word “this” as “dis” are demonstrating their difficulty with an English:

morpheme. syntax. phoneme. aphasia.


When you add s to the word apple you are referring to more than one apple. This illustrates an English language rule of:

semantics. aphasia. syntax. telegraphic speech.


The two-word stage of language development typically begins at the age of ________ months.






In which of the following parts of the brain would a lesion most likely result in aphasia?



Wernicke's area


Wernicke's area

Brain scans reveal that different ________ are activated when we process verbs rather than nouns.



neural networks

critical periods

neural networks

Psychologists are most likely to doubt that chimpanzees have the capacity to:

use complex grammar. communicate with gestures. transmit cultural innovations to their offspring. form concepts.

use complex grammar.

Using different words for two very similar objects enables people to recognize conceptual distinctions between the objects. This best illustrates:

telegraphic speech. linguistic determinism. universal grammar. the bilingual advantage.

linguistic determinism.

The ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations is known as:

emotional intelligence. savant syndrome. intelligence. factor analysis.


Which of the following statements is true of intelligence, according to Charles Spearman?

Intelligence comprises multiple abilities that come in different packages. Those who score high in one area of intelligence typically score higher than average in other areas. Every act of intelligence is backed by a different factor of intelligence. General intelligence is a form of intelligence that helps people solve novel problems, not routine everyday problems.

Those who score high in one area of intelligence typically score higher than average in other areas.

Although diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and hardly able to speak coherently, 18-year-old Andrew can produce intricate and detailed drawings of scenes he has viewed only once. Andrew illustrates a condition known as:

g factor. Down syndrome. emotional intelligence. savant syndrome.

savant syndrome.

Superior performance on intelligence tests is most likely to be indicative of:

Sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence. Gardner's concept of athletic intelligence. Thorndike's concept of social intelligence. Mayer's concept of emotional intelligence.

Sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence.

University students who focus on innovation and generating novel ideas in their studies rather than on simply meeting deadlines and securing good grades are especially likely to demonstrate:

emotional intelligence. creative intelligence. practical intelligence. existential intelligence.

creative intelligence.

A high school counselor gave Amy a test designed to predict whether she could learn to become a successful architect. Amy most likely took an ________ test.

aptitude eugenics achievement IQ


The first modern test of intelligence was developed in:

Germany. Britain. France. Italy.


A 6-year-old who responded to the original Stanford-Binet with the proficiency typical of an average 9-year-old was said to have a mental age of:

6. 9. 66. 150.


A score on the WAIS that is higher than all but 2 percent of all scores earns an intelligence score of:

115. 120. 130. 145.


Mary's bathroom scale always overstates people's actual weight by exactly six pounds. The scale has ________ reliability and ________ validity.

low; high high; low low; low high; high

high; low

University grades are used to assess the ________ of college entrance exams such as the SAT.

content validity



predictive validity

predictive validity

Research suggests that beginning in the twenties and thirties:

crystallized intelligence increases and fluid intelligence decreases. crystallized intelligence decreases and fluid intelligence increases. crystallized intelligence increases and fluid intelligence increases. crystallized intelligence decreases and fluid intelligence decreases.

crystallized intelligence increases and fluid intelligence decreases.

The National Institute of Mental Health is conducting a study of the memory and response time of 50- to 75-year-olds on timed tasks. They are bringing in all age groups at once to compare the differences. This is a(n) ________ study.


factor analytic




The same people are tested and retested over a period of years in a:

factor analysis. longitudinal study. standardized test. cross-sectional study.

longitudinal study.

The extent to which differences in intelligence among a group of people are attributable to genetic factors is known as the ________ of intelligence.

family-environment effect

predictive validity




Which of the following observations provides the BEST evidence that intelligence test scores are influenced by environment?

Identical twins raised apart are less similar in their intelligence scores than identical twins raised together. The intelligence scores of children are positively correlated with those of their parents. Identical twins are more similar in their intelligence scores than are fraternal twins. The intelligence scores of siblings raised together are positively correlated

Identical twins raised apart are less similar in their intelligence scores than identical twins raised together.

Girls are likely to outperform boys in a:

spelling bee. math problem-solving test. computer-programming contest. chess tournament.

spelling bee.

Compared with North American students, Asian students perform:

better on math aptitude and achievements tests and they spend less time studying. no better on math aptitude and achievements tests and they spend less time studying. better on math aptitude and achievements tests and they spend more time studying. no better on math aptitude and achievements tests and they spend more time studying.

better on math aptitude and achievements tests and they spend more time studying.

Women have been found to score lower on math tests when they are tested alongside men. This best illustrates the impact of:

heritability. a growth mind-set. predictive validity. stereotype threat

stereotype threat.