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26 Cards in this Set

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True or False: The natural experiment we discussed in China indicated that "onlies" were drastically different than other children


Which of the following are involved in the process of parental socialization of children?

A.Parents as direct instructors

B.Parents as indirect socializers

C.Parents as social managers

D.All of the Above

D. All of the above

Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 parenting styles we discussed?





C. Autoregressive

What was the main finding from the Kerr and colleagues study?

A.Depression predicts less happiness over time

B.Externalizing predicts less authoritative parenting over time

C.Externalizing predicts more authoritative parenting over time

B. Externalizing predicts less authoritative parenting over time

Divorce always has a negative impact on children.




Hafen and Laursen (2009) looked to see whether a parent-driven or child-driven model best explained changes in adolescent-parent dynamic. Which one was it?

Child-Driven Model explains the change

Where did IQ testing originate

- Alfred Binet was asked to identify students who needed educational assistance since there was a law that all children must attend school

- Stanford Binet test used a single number IQ (mental age/chronological age)

How has IQ test changed over time?

used to be based on chronological age and mental age but now it just compares the test takes score to the scores of others in the same age group and finds the standard deviation

What is the developmental sequence of IQ? Does it change drastically over time

- scores show impressive continuity from age 5 onward

- scores more stable at older ages

- measurements conducted closer in time are more closely correlated

Single trait of intelligence

General intelligence

Gardner theory of multiple intelligences

-interpersonal, intrapersonal, lingustic, logical-mathematical, naturalistic, spatial, bodily kinesthetic

- based his theory on biological facts

Sternberg intelligence thoery

-Practical intelligence (street smarts)

- Experiential intelligence (ability to deal with novel situations

- componential intelligence (ability to process information effectively

How would theorists like Piaget or Vygotsky view the classroom?

-Constructivist appraoch to children's learning (happens in different stages)

- Social construvist approach (important role of social interaction

Structure of mind (metaphor of iceberg)

-Ego is part of iceberg above the surface (conscious)

- Superego below/on the side (preconscious)

-Id way below at bottom of iceberg (unconscious)

What is meant by self socialization and notion of an active child

children's active shaping of their own development through their activity preferences, friendship choices, and other behaviors

What are some explanations for the prolonged immaturity of children?

larger the brain size of various primates the longer their developmental period


environmental influences are important but there is NO evidence that additives, sugar, and fast paced tv are causes

- at the level of the chronosystem it is a problem because of compulsory schooling, which prohibits children with ADHD from finding niches outside the classroom

Describe the Grinchs transformation (psychoanalytic)

-Overactive Id= bad experience with Christmas that led to a "mean id" to predominately impact his behavior

- Superego undergoes a boost that impacts his ego of relating to social environment

Describe the Grinchs transformation (learning)

-Hoos persistent modeling of happiness in spite of negative circumstances gave the Gricnh a social model to adjust his behavior to

Describe the Grinchs transformation (social cognitive)

- the way in which his social expectations have developed make him expect bad things from Christmas or other people

- Before his heart grew--> Dodge model of aggression and Hostile attribution bias (he used aggression to solve his problems)

Describe the Grinchs transformation (ecological)

- Bronfenbrener- isolation has disrupted his support system leaving him with a maladaptive Microsystem and lack of support for growth

- Society of Hoos ultimately impacts him and gives him a system of support

What are the universal emotions that can be recognized simply by facial expressions?

anger, sadness, digust/dissapointment, surprise (biggest giveaway is eyebrows), happiness, and sadness

Which is a better predictor of how well people will do in life, IQ or Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence

Where does emotion come from

- Pscyhodynamic

- Learning

- Social-cognitive

What are the 5 components we discussed as playing a key role in developing childhood

-neural responses

- physiological factors

- subjective feeligns

- cognitions or perceptions

- expressive behavior or cognitive interpretations

Baumrind and the "styles of parenting

- Authoritative= high demand, high support

- Authoritarain= high demand, low support

- Permissive= low demand, high support

- Rejecting neglecting= low demand, low support