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29 Cards in this Set

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What is social psychology?
The scientific study of how we influence one another's behavior and thinking
What is conformity?
Change in behavior, belief to conform to a group norm
Informational social influence
Influence from the need for information in situations in which the correct action is uncertain
Normative social influence
Effect stemming from our desire to gain approval and avoid disapproval from others
Acting in accordance to a request from another person/group
Foot-in-the-door technique
Compliance to a large request is gained by preceding it with a very small request
Door-in-the-face technique
Compliance by starting with an unreasonable request and following with a more reasonable one
Low-ball technique
Compliance to a costly request is achieved by getting compliance to an attractive, less costly one
That's-not-all technique
Second request with additional benefits is made before a response to a first request can be made
Following commands of a person in authority
Social facilitation
Facilitation of dominant response due to social arousal, which leads to improvement on simple tasks and worse performance on complex tasks when ppl are present
Social loafing
Tendency for people to exert less effort when working in a group to a goal
Diffusion of responsibility
Responsibility for a task is diffused across all members of the group (individual responsibility lessened)
Bystander effect
Probability of an individual helping in an emergency is greater when there is only one bystander
Loss of self-awareness in a group situation
Group polarization
Strengthening of group's opinion following group discussion
Mode of group thinking that impairs decision making (desire for harmony overrides realistic appraisal)
Process by which we explain our own behavior and the behavior of others
Fundamental attribution error
Tendency to overestimate internal influences and underestimate
Just-world hypothesis
Assumption that the world is just and people get what they deserve
Primacy effect
Early information more important than later info in forming an impression of another person
Self-fullfilloing prophecy
Our behavior towards a person based on our expectations encourages the person to act in accordance with our expectations
Actor-observer bias
Tendency to attribute our own behavior to situational influences, but others behavior to dispositional influences
Self-serving bias
Tendency to make attributions so that one can perceive oneself favorably
False consensus effect
Tendency to overestimate commonality of one's opinions and unsuccessful behaviors
False uniqueness effect
Tendency to underestimate the commonality of one's abilities
Evaluative reactions towards things
Cognitive dissonance theory
People change their attitudes to reduce cognitive discomfort by inconsistencies between their attitudes and behavior
Self-perception theory
When we are unsure of our attitudes we infer them be examining our behavior in context