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33 Cards in this Set

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the consistency of the conditions and procedures for adminstering a psychological test.
objective tests
tests for which the scoring process is free of personal judgment or bias.
test norms
the distribution of test scores of a large group of people similar in nature to the job applicants being tested.
standardization sample
the group of subjects used to establish test norms.
The scores of the standardization sample serve as the point of comparison for determining the relative standing of the people being tested.
the consistency or stability of a response on a psychological test.
test-retest method
a way to determine test reliability that involves administering of subjects and correlating the two sets of scores.
equivalent-forms method
a way to determine test reliability that involves administering similar terms of a new test to the same group of subjects and correlating the two sets of scores.
split-halves method
a way to determine test reliability that involves administering a new test to a group of subjects, dividing in half the total number of items, and correlating the two sets of scores.
the determination of whether a psychological test or other selection device measures what it is intended to measure.
criterion-related validity
a type of validity concerned with the relationship between test scores and subsequent job performance.
predictive validity
an approach to establishing criterion-related validity in which a new test is administered to all job applicants and all applicants are hired.
concurrent validity
a way to establish criterion-related validity that involves administering a test to employees on the job and correlating their scores with job performance data.
rational validity
nature, properties, and content of a test, independent of its relationship to job performance measures.
content validity
assesses test items to ensure that they adequately sample the skills the test is designed to measure.
construct validity
attempts to determine the psychological characteristics measured by a test.
face validity
a subjective impression of how well test items seem to be related to the requirements of a job.
validity generalization
the idea that tests valid in one situation may also be valid in another situation.
race norming
a controversial practice, now outlawed of boosting test scores for minority job applicants to equalize hiring rates.
a controversial practice of grouping test scores for minority job applicants to equalize hiring rates.
Types of psychological tests
1. Individual and Group Tests
2. Computerized Adaptive Tests
3. Speed and Power Tests
group tests
be administered to a large number of people at the same time.
individual tests
administered to one person at a time.
computerized adaptive tests
a means of administering psychological tests in which an applicant response to an item determine the level of difficulty of succeeding items.
speed tests
tests that have a fixed time limit at which point everyone taking the test must stop.
power tests
have no time limit. applicants are allowed as much time as they need to complete the test.
interest tests
to assess a person's interests and preferences. these tests are used primarily for career counseling.
aptitude tests
measure to specific abilities such as mechanical or clerical skills
personality tests
assess personal traits and feelings.
self-report personality inventories
include questions dealing with situations, symptoms, and feelings.

test-takers are asked to indicate how well each item describes themselves or how much they agree with each item.
a tendency to take action to try to influence or change one's environment.
integrity tests
to predict and detect employee dishonesty.
two intensity tests
overt integrity tests
personality-oriented integrity
situational judgment tests
high predictive validities for a wide range of jobs.