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98 Cards in this Set

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components of medical malpractice?
direct causation
duty to provide proper care
negligence to meet standard of care
damages evident
what non-psychotic drugs may still cause akathisia? tx for akathisia?
tx = bblockers or benzos
suicide risk factors?
Sex = male
Age = >45, <19
Depr feelings (or irritation, or decr Conc, App, Libido, Sleep)
Previous suicide attempt
Excessive alch use
Rat. thinking loss (org brain
syndrome, psychosis,
Sep, divorced, or widowed
Organized plan or serious attempt
No social support
Sickness, chronic disease
MDD DSM diagnosis criteria?
A) Five (or more) of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week period and represent a change from previous functioning; at least one of the symptoms is either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure

Note: Do not include symptoms that are clearly due to a general medical condition, or mood-incongruent delusions or hallucinations

1) depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either subjective report (e.g., feels sad or empty) or observation made by others (e.g., appears tearful). Note: In children and adolescents, can be irritable mood.
2) markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day (as indicated by either subjective account or observation made by others)
3) significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain (e.g., a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month), or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day. Note: In children, consider failure to make expected weight gains.
4) insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day
5) psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day (observable by others, not merely subjective feelings of restlessness or being slowed down)
6) fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day
7) feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional) nearly every day (not merely self-reproach or guilt about being sick)
8) diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day (either by subjective account or as observed by others)
9) recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide
9 criteria for depression?
feeling depressed
previous suicide attempt

wt loss/changes
sleep probs
motor restlessness or retard

concentration probs
feeling of worthlessness
2 causes of ebstein's anomaly?
Li in first trimester of birth
wpw syndrome
Li toxicity?
cong anomalies (ebstein's)
diarrhea / gi distress
diab insipidus / renal dysfxn
cardiac conduction probs
haloperidol toxicity?
stiffness, dystonia, akathisia, QT prolongation or TdP
criteria for autism? 4 main
1 impairment in social interaction = eye contact or peer relats
2 impairment in communication
ie poor verbal skills, repetetive speech, or no lang
3 repetetive, inflexible stereotyped patterns
4 delays in these, or in imaginitive/social play
tx for rapid cycling bipolar and for mixed affective disorder?
carbamazapine or vp acid
carbamazapine s/e's?
aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis (bm suppression)
valproic acid s/e's?
ntube defects
gi/liver probs
other anticonvulsants?
lamotrigine (lamictal)
tx li tremor with?
dont give anticholinergics to?
C pt with par ileus
U pt with BPH
B pt w/ acute glaucoma
side effects of TCA's?
Constip (antichol = CUBD)
Card arrhythmias + ortho hotn
+Wt gain, Sedation (antihist =drymouth, sedation)
+obvious for antidep's=sex dysfxn
tx for GAD?
doxepin(tca) or venlafaxine(snri)
insomnia tx
zolpidem, zalepton
only c/i's to ECT?
recent MI (2 weeks),
increased ICP
antidepressive causing priaprism?
cong cause of autism?
required for antisocial pd dx?
evidence of childhood hx of conduct disorder before age 15 is required !!
ritalin s/e's?
growth inhibition for up to first yr tx
abd px, wt loss, anorexia
% of anorexics eventually die from complications?
tx for tourettes'?
2nd line for enuresis?
73% of fibromyalgia pts also have what psych condition?
concrete thinknig found in?
schizo, retardatino
ect tx for?
elderly depressed
depr refractory to tx
depr with psychotic features/catatonia
when rapid depr tx needed due to suicide risk
pregnantor other pts who can't undergo pharmocotherapy
how many mo of cbc tests must be done when giving clozapine?
at least 6 mo to establish no agranulocytosis effect
what drug never give to MAOI pt?
ANY sympathomimetics ie ritalin (methylphenidate), decongestant ie ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, pheylephrine!...will cause tyramine increase = hypertensive crisis, sweating, hache, vomitingetc. Also don't giveSSRI...will cause serotonin syndrome = hyperthermia, flushing, diarrhea, etc.
MAOI tyramine incr syndrome vs serotonin syndrome?
tyr = hypertensive crisis - stroke-death, hache, sweating, vomiting

sero syndrom (maoi+ssri) = hyperthermia, seizures, coma eath, autonomic instability ie diarrhea
atypical side effects?
wt gain / dm II
agranulocytosis (clozapine)
myocarditis (clozapine)
ortho/post hypotension (only antipsychotic not causing hotn is haloperidol)
3 drugs in erectile dysfxn injection?
pipaverine, alpha blocker, and PGE1
reversible causes of dementia?
B12 def
Folate def
Hypertensive encephalopathy
night madness?
delirium getting worse at night = due to medication s/e's
% of open heart surg or hip replacement pts get delirious?
lobes involved in alzheimer's disease?
temporal/parietal lobe size reduction
irreversible dementia in kids caused by what behavior?
sniffing glue/ other solvents
aggressive behavior + dementia..?
Lewy body dementia = FRONTAL lobe affected/ decr in size
korsakoffe vs wernike's psychosis?
k = irrev memory loss with symptom of CONFABULATIONS
w = reversible, ataxia, CN 6 paralysis=opthalmoplegia (+ nystagmus), confusion, memory loss
Urin retention
normotensive hydrocephalus
Urin retention
+ feeling of worms under the skin?
achesterase inhibitors used to tx alzheimer's?
only drug approved for kids over 8 y/o?
age when sep anxiety persisting = sep anx disorder?
age 3+
age when superego develops?
diff falling asleep...think ?
diff waking up too early or too much?
mania or depression
m/c epilepsy seen at night?
temporal lobe epilepsy
2 diseases where anticipation is found?
fragile x
% MR w/ mood disorder?
% autism w/ MR?
% of those with MR and epilepsy that have autism?
tx for depression durations
1st,2nd,3rd episodes?
1st = 9-18 mo
2nd = 2-5 yrs
3rd = life
how to tx delayed orgasm due to SSRI?
drug holiday = stop for day before sex OR switch drugs to
ie buproprion,
OR give cyproheptadine!!
tx of benzo od? alcoh w/d?
alcw/d = thiamine b1 injection, give a benzo,
tx for heroin w/drawal?
buprinorphine (parial mu agonis) or methadone (long acting opoid) to decr w/drawl sx,
naloxone for o/d
heroin w/drawal sx?
SEVERE flu like sx,
% alcoholics stay free after rehab? heroin addicts?
alc = 35%
h = 10%!!
% bipolar if both parents have?
can cause ortho hotn? (3 types of psych drugs)
low potency antipsychotics,(atypicals also cause hotn)
acute psychosis in asthma pt?
steroid psychosis...
usually mania or depr, sometimes psychotic sx
if in anabolic steroid user mania + aggression (roid rage)
MR definition?
IQ 70-55 = mild
35-55 = mod
less than 35 = severe/profound

plus dysfxn of 2+ components of : ed, health , work, security, living, self care, etc.
causes of MR?inorder of m/c
genetic causes of mr?
fragile x
Prader willi
tay sachs
peri/postnatal causes of mr?
duchennes md
enviro causes of mr?
neglect, poor education
when MR diagnosed usually?
in kindergarten
iq formula?
mental age / chron age

x 100
affective sx of metnal retardation?
anger, rage outbursts
top 2 uses of respirdal?
anger attacks
prevalence of MR?
question to det'n if child is MR?
how long were you in school? what grade last completed?
ever have to repeat yr?
m/c cause of autism in males?
fragile X
% of autistic have MR?
m/c comorbidity in ptsd?
m/c comorbidity in migraine?
dizziness, fatigue, irritation, conc problems, insomnia, decr tolerance to alcohol in pt 3 mo afer head trauma but normal ct and no residual px?
post-concussion syndrome
tx for post concussion syndrome?
what is mummification?
keeping deceased's belongings exactly as they were before they died...
is NOT normal in normal bereavement.
drugs that may precipiate mania?
bromocriptine, INH, cimetidine, disulfiram
% of depressed that will later have recurrences?
most consistent brain abnormality found in depression?
increased freq of abnormal hyperintensities in subcortical reagions ie periventricular regions.
mechanism of buproprion?
not ser but DOP reuptake inhibitor.
inability to describe or be aware of one's own emotions. NOT present in depression (pts can describe and are aware of emotions but are often lacking them)
self psychology...
rejection of id, ego, superego
parents must give child sense of self esteem through empathy, validation, and excessive reassurance.
mirroring, twinship, and idealization
self-objects = the self requires "objects" ie others to fulfill these needs
w/o these ie if neglected by parents, and even later in life are needed ,ie w/o others in life who validate you, a person receives a "narcissistic injury to self" and attains sense of worthlessness and fragmentation, and may lead to personality disorders or even anxiety disorders
heinz kohut
internal object relations throughout life cycle
Infant - Mother relations
first months of life involve projection and introjection: creating a bad mother good mother split. this is a progression from the "paranoid/schizoid" position to the "depressive position" of the psyche..normally, person grows to see bad and good as inseparable, interrelated parts. if poor parenting, pt cannot see good and bad together and only sees object as either irreconcilably good or bad ..this is basis for splitting and borderline personality disorder
Melanie Klein
cognitive development occurs in 4 stages:
1 sensorimotor 18-24 mo
2 preoperational 2-5/7 yrs
3 concrete operational 6-11yrs
4 formal operational >11yrs

stages have to do w/ approaching and processing information
Kohlberg integrated concepts into 3 major levels of morality: preconventional (punshment/obedience to parent), morality of conventional role-conformity (kids try to conform to gain approval and maintain relats) and morality of self-accepted moral principles: chlidren voluntarily comply w/ rules based on consept of ethicla principles
infant attachment theory
anxiety follows an insecure attachment caused by inconsistent or neglectful parenting
he and hs sullivan developed interpersonal therapy postulating that loss of interpersonal relationships causes depression
problem areas: complicated mourning, role disputes (conflict w/signif other), lack of social skills (interp deficits) and role transition (change in life causing stress) may cause depression
john bowlby
disciple of freud
Representational images and configurations with universal symbolic meanings make up "archetypes"

the "shadow" contains all unacceptable traits and qualities of an individual that recur in dreams...and are part of the "collective unconscious"
the masculine parts of a woman's personality are the "animus", vice versa are the "anima"
ie for generous person, greed is shadow
Carl Jung
anaclitic depression occurs in children who are not adequately nurtured, and they become apathetic, withdrawn, and less interested in feeding.
Renee Spiz
separation-individuation stage of life b/w 6-36 mo = when chilld develops consept of him/herself seperated from mother. this involves:
1 differentiation 6-10 mo (mother is separate person)
2 practicing 10-16 mo ( exploration of surrounding)
3 rapprochement 16-24 mo = need to know wehre mom is and regularly "refuel" by returning to her for affection
4 object constancy 24-36 mo = integration of good and bad parts of images of mother and child...
OBJECT CONSTANCY is especially necessary for later dev of stable and mature relationships
Margaret Mahler
british pediatrician/psychoanalyst
focused on early mother-child relat
child is only able to develop separate and stable identity if eeds are met by mother's empathy...this is called a "holding environemnt"
moms don't need to be perfect, but must provide a sufficient amt of comfort and constancy.
a "transitional object" helps kid tolerate separation from mom w/o too much anxiety
D.W. Winnicott
Depression isn't really a disorder or illness, but just an afrfect reflecting conflict and compromise
there are 2 forms of unpleasure:
anxiety = anticipation of danger
depression = calamity already occurred

depression is not always related to object loss or oral wishes...not all depressed persons identify with these
anger turned inward is a RESULT of dpression, not a cause
ppl can experience depressive affect if they feel powerless, punished, or etc. thus, depressive affect is a normal and universal part of the human condition
Charles Brenner
state of depression is compared to a powerless, helpless child, victimized by superego.
depressed persons have identified with ambivalently regarded lost loved ones
superego becomes sadistic, and self identifies w/ lost loved one
depressed person feels she is at mercy of a sadistic internal tormentor that is unreletning in its victimization.
Edith Jacobson
8 stages of development that take palce during life cycle
Erik Erikson
def of double depression
2+ MDD episodes (recurrent MDD) with histoyr of dysthymic disorder before its onset w/o any full remission b/w episodes