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29 Cards in this Set

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Fixed interval

Reinforcer is presented following the first response that occurs after a fixed time interval has elapsed

Fixed ratio

Reinforcers are given only after a specified # of responses have been madev

Variable interval

Reinforcer appears after a different amount of time each time

Variable ratio

Based on average # of responses between reinforcers

Successive approximation

Behavior such as learning to speak will be reinforcer only as it comes to approximate or approach the final desired behavior

Behavior modification

A form of therapy that applies the principles of reinforcement to bring about desired behavioral changes

Instinctive drift

The substitution of instinctive behaviors for behaviors that had been reinforced


Behavior is learned

Social learning theory

Observational learning

Learning new responses by observing the behavior of other people

Vicarious reinforcement

Learning or strengthening a behavior by observing the behavior of others and the consequences of that behavior rather than experiencing the reinforcement or consequences directly

Learning from others being reinforced/punished


Observing the behavior of others and participating with them in performing the desired behavior

Bobo doll experiment


Weakening of inhibitions or constraints by observing the behavior of a model

Attentional processes

Staying awake during drivers ed class

Retention processes

Taking notes

Production processes

Practicing driving with instructor

Incentive/motivational processes

Expecting that wen we have mastered driving skills we will pass the driving test and revive a license

Reciprocal determinism

Idea that behavior is controlled or determined by the individual through cognitive processes and by the environment through external social stimulus events

Internal locus of control

A belief that reinforcement is brought about by our own behavior

We have control

External locus of control

A belief that reinforcement is under the control of other people, fate, or luck

Sensation seeking

Need for varied, novel, and complex sensation and experiences

Learned helplessness

Condition resulting from the perception that we have no control over our environment

Explanatory style

A way of explaining to ourselves our relative lack of control over our environment

Optimistic explanatory style

Can prevent learned helplessness

Pessimistic explanatory style

Spreads helplessness to all facets of life

Skinners assessment

Functional analyses

3 types to assess behavior

Direct observation

Self report

Physiological measures


Not a personality theory

Anti thesis of the psychoanalytic, trait, lifespan, cognitive, and humanistic approaches


Process of eliminating a behavior by withholding reinforcement

Operant behavior

Behavior emitted spontaneously or voluntarily that operates on the environment to change jt

Operant conditioning

The procedure by which a change in the consequences of a response will affect the rate at which the response occurs