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60 Cards in this Set

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Baby Lindsay has combined her reaching, grasping and sucking schemes into a higher order scheme that allows her to reach for her pacifier and put in it her mouth. This is an example of


As described in class, deferred imitation experiments by Metzloff and colleagues suggested that Piaget

underestimated young infants' abilities regarding mental represetnation

Baby Travis is happy when he interacts with his parents and is comforted by their nearness when stressed. This strong affectionate tie is known as


Two year old Brooke points to a photo of herself and says Brooke. This demonstrates that she has developed

self recognition

The protective membrane surrounding a fetus known as the _, develops from the _.

amnion, trophoblast

Compared to childhood and adolescence, in adulthood the influence of genetic factors tend to


A child struggles with impaired mental functioning in four areas but his physical development has been typical and no facial abnormalities are present. After confirming that the child was prenatally exposed to alcohol, you begin to suspect the child may have

Alcohol related Neurodevelopmental Disorder

You are a physician. During a routine checkup, a patient in her second trimester tells you she has been experiencing swelling in the face and extremities. You know that swelling commonly occurs during pregnancy and is often harmless, but tests soon reveal that she has high blood pressure and high levels of protein in her urine. Your patient may have


Studies with young infants often rely on the direction and duration of an infant's gaze. These studies are based on the principle of _, which is the idea that infants will _.

novelty preference, look longer at something new

Which of the following statements is NOT true about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

SIDS babies are likely tohave slept on their backs

Executive functions (higher order cognitions like reasoning, learning and planning) are thought to take place in which of the following brain structures

Prefrontal cortex

Judith, a ten month old, follows her mother's gaze attending to the same objects as she does. The phenomenon is known as _ and is thought to be instrumental to infants' _.

joint attention, early language development

Which of the following statements best illustrates the two key components of the concept known as goodness of fit?

A child's caregiving environment should be adjusted to their temperament while encouraging him to modulate non-adaptive tendencies

Which of the following statements about fathers and attachment is NOT true?

The marital relationship has little influence on the father child attachment relationship; the quality of the father child attachment is rarely influenced by other factors in the home and family

Newborn Anna is born into an abusive, neglectful and chaotic home situation. She is left in her crib for long periods and has very little stimulation or affection. What can we predict will happen in regard to herHPA system

ALL OF THE ABOVE She will not experience normative stress response dampening in early infancy, she will not show atypically high cortisol in early infancy and she will show atypical functioning in the balancing of baseline and threat activiated cortisol at 18 motnhs.

8 month of Danielle is an experienced crawler. What happens when she is put into the moving room apparatus?

Her body sways as she perceives movement

Studies show that the chronic stress of early,deprived orphanage rearing

disrupts the brain's capacity to manage stress with long term physical and psychological consequences

The heritability of IQ seems to be about .5 when tested in younger samples and as high as .8 when tested in older samples. What mechanism might explain the larger heritability estimate among older samples?

Active correlation

In the video on labor and delivery, Gina's baby was in what position?


Imagine that the differential susceptibilityhypothesis is operating in an intervention study. After the intervention is concluded and thepost-test data are analyzed, what patterns would the researchers observe?

Children with genetic sensitivity perform betterthan children without genetic sensitivity.

Which of the following is an example of applied developmental research?

scientific evaluation of a program to modulatethe stress response in children who had grown up in orphanages

Alice was a fearful infant, her parents pushedher to take chances and try new things. As an adult, she will

still be somewhat anxious but not severly limited

Tommy was born with an aggression gene but isadopted by a sensitive, gentle mom. Heis not aggressive later in life. This isdue to

“environmental influences on gene expression”.

Kim and Mike video, challenge experienced was

frightening medical procedures

When newborn Megan feels the sensation ofdropping she flings her arms out and then draws them back in to her torso in anexample of

moro likely developed to retain hold on hermother’s body.

The most critical infant behavior in the strangesituation is

reaction when reunited with parent

Jane is in the second stage of labor. She canexpect

her baby to be born. (1. ?, 2. Baby deliver 3. Placenta delivered)

Most adults and older children cannot rememberevents that happened before the age of three because

they cannot translate early preverbal memories into language.

As discussed in class, the cellular injuriesoccurred to the Romanian orphans brains were

a deficient of myelin

According to our textbook, of all motor skills____ may play the greatest role in infant cognitive development.


Kara is the 30 year old mother of a year oldinfant. Kara had a difficult childhoodand was neglected and abused. Kara isgiven the AAI and her responses reveal she describes her childhood experiencesopenly with coherent discourse. She doesnot seem preoccupied or currently traumatized by her experience. Her attachment classification is ____ and we can predict her baby’s attachment will be ____.

earned secure, secure

Which of the following statements aboutimitation is true?

a. Newborns do not have the ability to imitate facial expressions - FALSE

b. While new born humans imitate some gesutres studies have failed to reproduce the findings in newborn primates – FALSE

c. According to Andrew Meltzoff, newborns do not imitate as much as older children and adults do. – FALSE

d. Some researchers claim that newborns, both primate and human imitate a variety of facial expressions and head movements with effort and determination even after short delays – TRUE

What helps parent-infant attachment occur?

Both Babies are programmed to elicit parental caregiving behaviors and parents are programmed to response to babies needs

In the video, Gina becomes upset because

shes worried she was showing failure to progress and would need another c-section.

7 month old Will is trainined in the moving carapparatus before he can crawl. A weekafter he begins crawling, he is placed in the visual cliff apparatus.

His peripheral vision had been exercised by the training and he will refuse to crawl over the cliff side.

The chart illustrates that

a. Because each person has different genes, they respond differently to the same environment.

b. Different gene environment combinations sometimes land people in about the same place.

c. A main effect of environment


The cardinal movements ensure that

the widest part of the baby’s head is aligned with the widest part of the mothers’ pelvis.

The effects of teratogens vary with

the age of the organism at time of exposure

Animal evidence suggests that one reason for aninconsistency in results from studies regarding the risk of ADHD in individualswho are homozygous for a Chromosome – 5 gene may be that

environmental influences associated with ADHD modigy the gene’s activity

During the Strange Situation, 1 year old Jackclings to his mother when they are alone and he his and pushes her when shereturns. Hack’s behavior is consistentwith

the resistant attachment pattern,

Dr. Albright wants to determine if people whoare genetically more alike are also more similar in intelligence. Dr. Albirght should

use a kinship study.

Violation of expectation method, ReneeBaillargeon and her collaborators claimed to have found evidence for

object permanence in the first few month of life (also look up age of mental representations and tertiary circular reactions)

Newborn baby Julie is showing weak response toseveral tests of reflexes.

This is likely due to damage to the subcortical areas of her brain and she will likely experience substantial neurodevelopmental disability.

Research indicates that the sense of motion anddepth is connected to infants’

peripheral vision.

Piaget believed that babies constructed allmental representations from

sensorimotor activity.

Stability in development can arise from

genetic influences and early experiences

Experience expectant brain growth depends on

ordinary experiences.

Maris is inactive, shows mild, low key reactionsto environmental stimuli and adjusts slowly to new experiences. According toThomas and Chess, Maris would be classified as

a slow-to-warm-up child

During childbirth high levels of infant cortisoland other stress hormones are


A language experiment we watched in classdemonstrated greater newborn attention to content or meaning words rather thanpreositions. What perspective does thisresult support?

Interactionist/information processing

Accord to Mary Rothbart, variations in effortfulcontrol are evident in

how effectively a child can focus and shift attention, inhibit impulses and manage negative emotion.

During rapid cognitive change, children are in a

state of disequilibrium

Based on the differing results of severalstudies of the stress response of Romanian orphans, it has been suggested that

the children had problems in the calibration and regulation of baseline and stress cortisol.

_____ needs to occur before the cervix candilate completely.


As a result of synaptic pruning,

seldom stimulated neurons lose their synapses.

When children are not changing much cognitively,

they assimilate more than they accommodate.

Linda will exhibit and average IQ in an

unstilumating environment

Infant sensitivity to depth is promoted by

independent movement

The groundwork is laid for all body structuresduring the period of the____ whereas the rate of body growth is greatestduring the period of the_____.

embryo, fetus

According to Bowlby, the _____ serves as a guide for all future close relationships.

internal working model