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30 Cards in this Set

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Psychodynamic Approach

>Deals with conscious, preconscious, and unconscious

>Defense mechanisms of the ego to deal with conflicts and anxiety

>Sigmund Freud: id ego super ego

>Psychosexual stages of development


>Our environment alone controls our behavior

>Classical and operant conditioning

>BF Skinner

>Focus on your conscious - (what is happening) here and now


>Free will & free choice

>Focus on personal growth

>We have a drive to move toward our ideal self

>Carl Rogers


the relentless pursuit of being thin

Psychological Characteristics + Definitions

Control - they feel out of control

Obsessive - thoughts

Compulsion - acts or actions

Perfectionism - they feel the need to be perfect. Low self esteem

Diagnosis of Anorexia

>Must be less than %85 of normal body weight

>Massive fear of fat

>Sense of self is tied to weight


>(in women) They do not have their period for 3 months in a row

Defense Mechanisms (For Eating Disorders)




Two Types of Anorexia

Restrictive - dont eat

Binge & purge - eats and: vomits, laxatives, or exercise compulsively

Treatment (for Anorexia)

Inpatient - 1 → 6 months

Education about sickness

Therapy - group, ind, family [To develop new coping skills

Change introjection to projection (letters to companies)]

After care: 2-5 year


Binge and purge - out of control eating and vomits, laxatives, or exercise compulsively

2500-5000 calories

80-85% are female

Treatment of Bulimia

Outpatient at home

Binge Eating

Dont purge


Socially isolated

Get gastric bypass

Disease Model of Chemical Dependency

1.Progressive - gets worse and worse over time

2.Chronic - long term, no cure

3.Potentially fatal

Disease Model of Chemical Dependency

Loss of control

Using alone

Multiple DUI

Use it to escape feelings and emotions

Bio-Psycho-Social model of chemical dependency (BIO)

Part of it is genetic

Bio-Psycho-Social model of chemical dependency (PSYCHO)

Self medicate feelings and emotions

Can be caused by childhood drama/ptsd


lack of coping skills

Bio-Psycho-Social model of chemical dependency (SOCIAL)

Social skills and support matter

Peer pressure

Parental addictions

Learning Theory In Addiction

>examines the role of environment, learning, and culture play in addiction (Encouraging or discouraging)

>Addiction is not a disease because patterns vary by culture and social environment

>Alcoholism is more likely in countries that ban kids from drinking but condone adult drinking

Stage One of Chemical Dependency

Initial stage - early use in social settings for fun

Stage Two of Chemical Dependency

Chronic stage - becomes part of their life and their self identity. Functioning addicts/alcoholics. Some fun but serious consequences

Stage Three of Chemical Dependency

Crucial stage - not possible to function without using. All consequences/problems

Defense Mechanisms of Addicts





Treatment For Chemical Dependency

Detox - gradually

Rehab - in and outpatient. Education, therapy to develop new coping skills.

After care - 12 step meetings. Therapy.


Psychoanalysis - a type of psychotherapy

by Freud

takes 3-5 years

Psychoanalysis (Free Association)

Person says anything that comes to mind

Psychoanalysis (Dreams)

They look at the meaning and content of the dreams

Psychoanalysis (Cathartic experience)

Gain insight into the impact the unconscious has on the person

Step One of AA

We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmangeable

Step Two of AA

Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity

Step Three of AA

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him