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109 Cards in this Set

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mind is active; "ready made" innate knowledge. Reason based on theory rather than experience, deductive reasoning.

Immanuel Kant


The minds structure and capacities mold experience.

"There can be no doubt that all our knowledge begins with experience, but not all knowledge rises from experience."

Sensations precede knowledge.


knowledge through sensory information and reasoning based on experience. inductive, empirical reasoning

Categories of Thought (How many)

Perceptions become knowledge through their transformations by the mind's inherent forms of conception. These are independent of experience.

12 total, just some...

reality, totality, cause and effect, existence and nonexistence.

Noumenal World

Our experience of the outside world

Phenomenal World

Our experience of the outside world is filtered through the structure of our minds to give us the PW (inner world)

Categorical Imperative

The principle according to which we should act. A person should act in such a way that the rule behind his actions could serve as a universal law for all to follow. Its innate because humans have free will.

George Wilholm Friedrich Hegel on Categories of Thought

"The A______"

They exist independently of of any individuals thought. Ex. time and space are man made concepts.

The Absolute: one big seemless unity.

Dialectical Movement

every condition (thought, thing) leads inexorably to its opposite and from the conflict arises a new, higher whole emerges

Ex. Heraclitus: All is change (thesis) --> Parmenides: Nothing changes (antithesis) --> Plato: Some things change, some things don't (Synthesis)

Johann Friedrich Herbart

First Educational Scientist. Wrote first Psychology Textbook. Ideas do not cease to exist, they move to the unconscious. Wanted to educate the populous.

Threshold of Consciousness

a limit an idea had to surpass to become conscious. psycho-physics.

Apperceptive Mass

What your consciousness is currently paying attention too.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (sickle)


Idealist; Believes humans are born good, look for the noble savage. Aspects of belief reflect communism

Noble Savage

unselfish, yet social, and live in harmoney with others. altruistic. inherent human goodness. humans cant be what we are intended to be, influenced by society

General And Private Will

General will expresses what is best for the state as a whole.

Individual has his own particular will that expresses what is best for him.

Arthur Schopenhauer


Attacked Materialism (belief that matter is the only reality, everything can be explained as matter) Super pessimist.

Marriage: Halves ones rights and doubles ones duties

Will (TL)

Driving force behind human action. "WILL TO LIVE"


you must make your own meaning in life. only you can find meaning in your life, what other people do might not work for you. personal experience and feelings are the most valid guides for behavior, life should be personal achievement and fulfillment.

Soren Kierkegaard (sadboy, lof)

"People think I am happy but I am not"

People lose touch with themselves getting too involved in economic activity.

Coined term "leap of faith"

Find you have a unique and personal relationship (with god) Need to find meaning in our existence

Stages of Freedom


Aesthetic Stage

know we want something but don't recognize freedom to choose.

Ethical Stage

Using ethical guides set by others, but not embracing own freedom

Religious Stage

Where people recognize and embrace freedome

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (BLCP)

Best life is known as controlled passion.

Darwin is true but deadly. Rely on yourself.

Hated nazi agenda.

Primary Human Motivation

Will to power. Look within.

Ubermensch (superior)

The ideal superior man of the future who could rise above conventional Christian morality to create and impose his own values, originally described by Nietzsche in Thus Spake Zarathustra

Alfred Adler

Struggle for superiority influenced by FWN

Who benefits from intense conformity?

Not you.



the mind, the body.

nerves (maintenance and care)


Anatomy, money, human, any skeletons

Charles Bell & Francois Magendie

Both trained physicians, discover grey matter and white matter. impulse travel. nervous system and kill idea of nerves being hollow tubes filledwith animal spirits.

FM cause for first anti animal cruelty laws, no vivisection.

Johannes Muller (Vitalism?)

Believed in Vitalism: the theory that the origin and phenomena of life are dependent on a force or principle distinct from purely chemical or physical forces.

Different energy in nerves, cold table vs hot flame. Different energy to explain sensory touch.

Physiological basis for categories of thought (Kant)

Writes standard medical text for schools till end of 19th century.

Herman von Helmholtz

Measured speed of nerve impulses (about 90 ft/sec)

Body and nerves are what you are.

Looks for how we distinguish different pitches. (sounds)

Theory of Color Vision

Tri chromatic. three basic colors. red, green, blue-violet. everuthing is combo these colors. does not answer how we account for gray

Ewald Herring MD (see your breath)


Cutting edge research on oxygen receptors in the lungs.

We process visual knowledge in the eyes as well. Depth perception.

Opponent-Process Theory
Three receptor couples: yellow green; red blue; black white.

Build up and draw down of energy to how we experience things.

Christine Ladd-Franklin (color)

PhD at john hopkins but denied cause woman.

Evolutionary Psych, how we see color in light

Trying to explain evolutionary view of color vision.

Animals and Vision

Animals can only see monochrome. cats can see faint blue and red. monkeys see like us. fish and raptors see lots of color.

Negative afterimage

Perception of the complementary or opposite color after prolonged stimulation with a particular hue.


Study of the contour lines on the skull, insight into personality.

Franz Joseph Gall

Anatomist. Different areas of the brain dedicated to different functions. Founded Phrenology.

Johann K. Spurzheim (faculties of brain? #)

Assistant of Gall. Dedicated faculties of the brain. 27 specific faculties. Bump - developedDepression - underdeveloped

Orson/Lorenzo Fowler

Profited through clinics focused on assessing personality by examining skull. (Use of Phrenology)

Publication of the American Journal of Phrenology

Unscientific, but popular and gets people thinking. Idea of dedicated faculties thanks to Phinease Gage.

Pierre Broca

Broca finds legion and names it Brocas area. Man had Broca's Aphasia.

Carl Wernicke (RA)

Had patient. spoke in rapid sticatto. Couldn't understand what they were talking about. Had aphasia. Receptive Aphasia.

Charles Sherrington

Finds the synapse. Big emphasis on the body, materialism. New world

Ernst Weber (JND)

Sense of touch, muscle sense. Kinesthesis. Two point threshhold. Tongue is most sensitive, parts of back least.

Just noticeable difference. Feels: 39<41; 39.5=40.5

Gustav Theodore Fechner

Interest in electricity. Color vision experiments. Damages eyes with after image experiments with the sun. Mental breakdown in 1840.

Intensity and back ground. (match and a dark room)

Measure all mental phenomenon.

Stimulus becomes greater, change must be greater to notice.

Elements of Psychophysics (P & M)

Measure stimuli and create an equation between the physical and mental worlds.

Fechner and Mental Events

Leads to reaction time experiments.

Wilhelm M. Wundt

First psych lab in leibzig 1879.

Son becomes nazi after ignored by father, "found a new dad."

Voluntarism (Wundt)

No two creative synthesis can be the same.

The power of the will to organize the mind’s content into higher-level thought processes.

Tridemensional Theory of Feeling (interact)

All feelings (components of consciousness) are made of all our feelings interacting.Quality of sensation - color, shape, duration. Feelings can be scaled. (Wundt)

Volkerpsychologie (link between P and C)

Link between psych and culture. literature.

Basic Unit of Thought

Impression. Independent of words. Language doesn't order thought.

Wundt Legacy

Expanded psych. first lab, discovered shortcomings and positives. All encompassing explanation of the mind. Creative syntheses is so personal that we cannot generalize. Wundt is too subjective.

First modern psychologist, first psych lab.

Edward B. Titchener (Struc)

Wants to identify structure of the mind. Starts Experimentalists. Rejected wundts tridimensional model

Wants disciples not grad students



Elements of perceptions


Elements of ideas


Elements of emotions


The basic attributes of sensations, images, and feelings were quality, intensity, duration, clearness, and extent.

Sensation #s

Over 40k sensations, 30k tied to vision, 12k to hearing, and a handful to other senses.


How elements of mind combine

Franz Clemenz Brentano (A P)

Empiricist. Act Psychology. Father of several phenomenological alternatives to Wundt's Psych.

Act Psychology (mp skit)

Mental processes acted toward some function. (love, judge, expect, etc.)


Focus with attention on something other than yourself.

Three Mental Phenom (P, J, L & H)

Presentations (most basic) , Judgments (feel towards something), Love and Hate.

Edmund Husserl (law of motion)

"Act toward somethings, also has effects on yourself."

Incompatible with Titchner

Foundations for gestalt, how we experience something inside that is part of a totality.

Hermann Ebbinghaus (mem, CR)

Focus on memory, continuous rehearsal.

Edmund Gustav Albrecht (phenom)

Formed the phenomenological method.

Herbert Spencer

Autodidact. Fascinated with The Origin of Species by CD. Evolution leads to a final perfection.

Coins term Survival of the Fittest.

Evolutionary Associationism

Frequent associations are passed on to future generations. (pleasure) Next gen will pick up on pleasurable acts andinherit these traits.

Francis Galton

Nature vs Nurture Guy. Loves to measure, loves numbers.

Study of Individual differences, use of stats, development of methods used by later psychologists.

Jacques Quetelet
Comes up with the standard normal curve.

Feeble minded

catch all for anything wrong with you

American Psychology


Stage 1: Moral and Mental Philosophy (1640-1776)
British model. Some johnn locke wiritngs in 1790 are the best examples of psych available at the time (more philiosopshy based)

Stage 2: Intellectual Philosophy (1776-1886)

Intellectual trends (scientific methodology, common sense philosophy) influence what psych becomes in the US>Morality is based on self evident intuition. Feelings can be trusterd. Looking at perception, imagination, and association.

Stage 3: The US Renaissance, (1886-1896)

Psych completely broken free from religion and philosophy. 1886: dewey published book called Psychology. described it as a science.1887 - First american journal of psychology founded

Stage 4: US Functionalism (1896-Present)

Dewey: the Reflecx arc in psychology (beginning of functionalism)


Don't think much of looking for elements of consciousness.

Interested in the mental process and the behavior. Use of introspection (how are you feeling). Interested in what makes organisms different opposed to similar

William James

Father of American Psychology. Founded Harvard's psych department.

all animate creatures possess a form of consciousness. (animals, insects, etc) Dependent on creatures neurological complexities.

Personal, Everything, Continuous, Selective.

William James on Titchener

Poses that Titchner is looking at the bricks of the house, no, you need to look at the whole house. Cant understand house by looking at individual bricks.


The me of personality.

The Material Self

Everything you own and your body

Social Self

The you known by others.

Spiritual Self

Own states on consciousness.


Emotion results from perception of event. reactions of the body, innate.Reflex adjustment to external stimuli.

James-Lang Theory

Control your response. (wait and count to 10) Watch how you label a physiological response (we react accordingly to how we label a feeling)

Efficiency (find what works for you). Practical.

Tender Minded

Rationalists, intellectual, optimistic, religious (not james though), believe in free will

Tough Minded


William James on Materialism

Wanted to take it down by by proving the mind was independent from the body (mind-body dualism)

Hugo Munsterberg

Disagrees with Wundt on Materialism

Came to america with William James to take over psych lab at Harvard. Substantial contributions to applied psych.

Low opinion of Freud and psychoanalysis. Subconscious does NOT exist.

President of APA

Hugo and Applied Psych

Uses eyewitness testimony (but can be stressed and influenced)Liars show physiological symptoms.

Mary Whiton Calkins

First woman president of APA and the American Philosophical Foundation. Developed a system of self psychology.

Granville Stanley Hall

Second to William James in American Psychology. Influenced by Darwin.

Known for Psychology of Religion and interest in psychoanalysis.

GSH Accomplishments

Founded the APA

First American Journal of Psychology

Started Psych Depts at John Hopkins and Clark

Ernest Haeckal

German Naturalist. The development of the individual. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. Go through all evolutions over the 9 months.

Cruel impulses in kids must be "gotten out of the system"


Does it exist. Reflex. Is it unknown cognitive response or just reactions to environment.

Experimental Psychology

Away from introspection. What can be observed, techniques, methodology, etc.

Historical Psychology

Evolutionary Perspective. Culture evolves, develops, based on environment. Evolutionary History of Culture. How does it happen?

GSH and Adolescence

A time of storm, stress, etc. Modern industrial society will put extra pressure on adolescence. Needs schools and churches involved in raising.

Wanted Gender Separated schools to increase mystery between genders and not harm normal female reproductive development.

Child centered curriculum.

James McKeen Cattell

experiments with stimulants and intoxicating drugs. clashes with Hall.

Reaction times, intelligence (testing)

Tries to develop mental test (two point threshold, just noticeable difference.) Poor validity, good ideas with poor execution

Cattell ends academic career in 1917 when publically disagrees with the America getting involved in WWI.

Establishment and control of several scientific journals,

John Dewey

Primarily a philosopher who initiated the school of functionalism with The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology.

Uncomfortable with idea of stimulus and response. Breaking down pieces separates the sensory from the motor.

"Oh im burned" - "*Pulls away*" Reflex "ARC" is a whole, motor and sensory take place with some learning involved.

Mind helps you function.

John Dewey on Psych

Should be applied not theoretical.

Need to understand mind and apply lab research.

James Rowland Angell

3 things on card