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35 Cards in this Set

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What is Richard Lazarus's definition of happiness?

Progress towards a goal

What is another view of happiness?

Wanting what you have

What are the benefits of happiness?

- bold social approach

- taking more chances

- lower response to threat

- flexibility (cognitive and emotional)

- better memory

- better problem- solving

What are the four concepts of happiness?

(draw the chart)

Subjective Objective

Low arousal Contentment Equanimity

High arousal Joy Eudamonia

(subjective means feeling good)

objective means doing well)

What does equanimity mean?

Calm, composed, even tempered

What does Eudemonia mean?

happy, healthy, prosperous

The paradoxical effects of pusuing happiness:

What does this mean and why does it occur?

The hedonic treadmill - your always planning things that will make you happy, and so you dont end up being happy

also because your expectations are so high, that your experience could not possibly live up to it and since your expectations are not met you are not happy

"happiness is not a goal it is a by-product"

What is an study that shows the paradoxical effects of pursuing happiness?

In a study they asked people what their new year plans were, people who had reported putting a lot of time and energy into their plans, compared to people who didnt, reported less happiness on the actual day

this could be because they had such high expectations that they couldnt meet them

According to Ford and Mass's study of the pursuit of happiness, what three things lad to lower happiness and what 3 things lead to greater happiness?

lower happiness:

- set unrealistically high standards for happiness

- engage in counterproductive action to attain happiness

- Monitor one's own emotions

greater happiness:

- set manageable standard of happiness

- engage in productive action to attain happiness (ex:helping other people)

- avoid monitoring one's own emotions

Mapping emotion to the social function

lets begin

Social function of Love:

Build social resources over time

Social function of Gratitude

Find, remind, and bind

Social function of joy:

Capitalization, enhances relationship

Social function of pride:

Capitalization, enhances relationship

Social function of interest:

initiate and build relationships

Social function of amusement/laughter

Social rewards / bonds

What is the positive upward spiral?

Positive emotions in relationships create positive relationships, positive relationships influence more positive emotions, and the upwards spiral continues

What does Barbara Frederickson say about how much positive emotions we need?

A ratio of 3 positive emotions, to 1 negative emotion

So how do we tap into our genuine positive emotions?

lightly create the mindset of positive emotions and from that positive emotions will grow

ex: be kind, open, sincere, generous, grateful

and reflect on your positivity and emotions of each day

What is attachment?

The idea that infants feel a special bond between themselves and their caregiver, and this type of bond is influenced by how their needs are met by the caregiver

What is the most important part of the strange situation?

The child's reaction to the mother's return

What are the 4 attachment categories?

Secure, anxious-resistant/ambivalent, anxious-avoidant, Disorganised

What is the infant reaction of a secure child?

- explores freely when mom is present

- interacts with the stranger

-distressed when mom leaves

- comforted when mom returns

What is the parenting characteristics that lead to the secure attachment


the child's needs are met

clear contingencies

What is the infant reaction of an anxious-resistant/ambivalent child?

- anxious about exploration and stranger

- distressed when the mom leaves

- ambivalent upon her return (wants to be held but doesnt at the same time)

What is the parenting charcteristic that leads to the resistant/ambivalant child?

Inconsistently meeting the child's needs

this type of attachment leads to the most anxiety - because of the intermitten reinforcement

What is characteristic of the anxious- avoidant child in the strange situation?

- some exploration, doesnt care about strangers

- distressed when mom leaves, avoids mom when she returns

What is the parenting characteristics that leads to the anxious avoidant child?

consistently disenaged

doesnt meet the child's needs

What is characteristic of the disorganised child?

erratic and unpredictable

what are the parental characteristics of the disorganised child?

parents show erratic and unpredictable behaviour

very extreme situations, often involves abuse

What are the critiques of attachment theory?

- there are different attachment relationships (ex: attachment to your mother is different than attachment to your father, so it is hard to categories these varying attachments under the strict for 4 option category)

- infants can change attachment categories over time

- the cultural context

Describe the study that shows that attachment style can change in an infant over time

they assessed a child's attachment at 3 diferent points in time, and they found taht only 29% retained the same classification across the different points

and it was equally likely for a baby to go from secure to insecure, as insecure to secure

the study also found that infants who stayed stable in the positive secure attachment had experienced more positive life events, and infants who switched between categories had experienced more negative life events... so it could be that the life events are influencing the attachment style rather than the caregiver's parenting and responsiveness

Describe the study that elaborates on the critique of attachemnt concerning cultural context

Across countries, the prevalence of secure attachment styles was the same, however within a country this prevalence changed across sub groups (more differences within a country than across a country)

this shows that attachment style is influenced by societal factors such as SES level

again, this shows that it could be life stressors and not the person's parents that influences the child's attachment style

attachment is influenced by the environment, and the person,s context

The most common attachment categorization is:

Secure attachment

the conclusion points of this lecture:

- the function of positive emotions is to build and maintain social relationships

- cultivating positive emotions is a good thing

- positive and negative emotions is related to attachment bond