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99 Cards in this Set

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Whose name is associated with the zone of proximal development?
How many calories does the average pre-scholar need per day?
Between 18 months and 6 years how often does a child learn a new word?
During the ages 3-6 which lobe of the brain sees the most rapid growth?
Frontal Lobe
A good word that Piaget would use to describe a child between ages 2-4
Which of the following doesn't affect the accuracy of children's long-term memories?
individual differences in susceptibility, age differences
How many pounds does the average child gain per year?
Which researcher suggested that language plays a major role in shaping thoughts?
Being able to bounce a ball under control is likely to first appear at what age?
49-60 months (4-5 years old)
Which of the following is not a leading cause of death among US children?
These are: heart disease, motor vehicle, cancer
What percent of right-handed people process speech in the left part of the brain?
Which of the following is a self conscious emotion?
These are: pride, guilt, shame, embarassment
The tendency to play in same sex groups increases significantly in what age group?
4-6 years
Which of the following parenting styles appears to be the most beneficial for children?
Which of the following is not one of the 6 types of child play identified by Parten?
These are: solitary, unoccupied, onlooker, parallel, associative, cooperative
The research on birth order on children idicates what?
Higher expectations on first born; only child is achievement oriented with personality traits; only child doesn't indicate much
The substance and content of one's self conceptions beginning with self-recognition is known as ______
T/F Children from divorced families tend to show poor adjustment and greater emotional problems later in life compared to children from non-divorced families
Which country forbids physical punishment of children by parents?
Approximately at what age does a child begi to believe that adjustment of behavior should be based on intentions and consequences?
10 years old
According to the psychoanalytic view, what process results in a child identifying with the same gender parent?
Oedipus Complex
Which of the following shows more of a tendency to "train" their children?
Which of the following is a type of child maltreatment?
The mean of the WISC-IV is ________ while the standard deviation is _________
100 (mean), 15 (SD)
What percent difference is found for children enrolled in physical education programs from 1969 to 1999
Decrease 60 %
Which of the following is not a criterian for mental retardation?
These are: 2 SD below mean (below 70), evidence of functional disability (has to cause some impairment), evidence of it before age 18
One of the most notable physical changes in middle to late childhood development is ________
Head and waist circumference, leg length in relation to body
An obese 6 year old has what percent risk of being an obese adult while an obese 12 year old has what percent chance?
25 %, 75 %
Which of the following is not a criterian for a learning disability?
These are: exculsionary criteria, IQ discrepency, specificity of learning problem
What is the most effective treatment for ADHD?
Behavior management treatment combined with drugs
The second most common type of cancer for children is what?
The idea that intelligence appears to be increasing with each generation of children is known as what?
The Flynn Effect
Which of the following is an area where a positive effect can be found for a child who speaks 2 languages?
These are: [Cognitive Development] brainstorming, environment, don't over control encouraging motivation
Who postulated a theory of 8 different intelligences?
Which of the following is a strategy for fostering creativity in children?
"These are: Encourage brainstorming
Goleman identified 4 areas of emotional intelligence which are:
Developing emotional self-awareness, manage emotions, reading emotion, handling relationships
Which area of the brain is hypothesized to be bigger in women than in men?
Corpus Collosum and emotional centers
Which group is most likely to be suspended in school?
In lecture, which two factors were noted as being very important to a child's well-being?
High self-esteem, and positive self-image
Child victims of bullying often _______, while bullies often have ______
victim: lonely, difficulty making friends, anxious, socially withdrawn, aggressive. Bullies: low grades in school, use alcohol and tobacco
What is the most commonly used moral stage by adults 24 years old and older according to Cohlberg?
Stage 4
What does parent-child interaction time appear to focus on with children ages 5-12?
Behavior management, scheduling, discipline and temper controls
Which of the following is a function of child friendship?
These are: companionship, stimulation, physical and ego support, social comparison, intimacy
Which of the following is not one of the 4 ways to help improve a child's self-esteem?
These are: identify cause of low self-esteem, provide emotional support and social approval, help child achieve, help child cope
Who stated that people engage in harmful conduct after they justify the morality of their actions?
Albert Bandura
Which of the following can change a latch-key experience for a child?
These can: Peer pressure, parenting styles, child care arrangements
What percent of white children attend schools within the 47 largest cities in the US?
Which children have the most difficulty as determined by peer status?
Being poorly educated, unable to by education materials, and not setting high educational goals is generally describing what?
Which of the following is not one of the type of peer statuses for children?
These are: popular, average, neglected, rejected
In which ways does service learning benefit students?
Grades and self-motivation, self-esteem, send of being able to make a difference, reflection on society's political organization and moral order, it also decreases sense of alienation.
Which of the following is most likely to drop out of high school?
Minorities- Latinos
Research has found that adolescence is not really a time of _______.
Storm and Stress
The third leading cause of death amongst adolescents is what?
According to Piaget, adolescents are at which stage of cognitive development?
Formal Operational
The prefrontal cortex of the brain has been associated with which behaviors?
Higher-level Cognitive Process
For males, adolescent sexuality is initiated by what?
(Spermarchy) First ejaculation, voice change, penis elongation, and testes development
A pattern of binge eating and purging combined with a failure to maintain a minimum body weight is a characterist of __________.
The most commonly used illegal drug is the US by adolescents is what?
Hormones during puberty are affected by an interaction of what?
Hypothalamus, Pituitary Gland, and Gonads
When do males tend to engage in sexual activity when compared to females?
About 1 year before females and tend to be younger than females
Which of the following is not a description of adolescent sexuality?
These are: Exploration, experimentation, sexual fantasies, and achievement of sexual identity
During puberty, the difference in time between girls and boys growth sperts is approximately what?
2 years
During adolescents, feeling like one's experiences are so unique and so different that nobody could possibly understand them is also known as what?
Personal Fable
Which of the following is not a risk factor created by early onset of puberty for girls?
These are: Depression, Eating disorders, use of alcohol or drugs, earlier dating and sexual involvement, possible lower educational attendence
What peer pressure is the strongest in adolescents?
Conforming to anti-social standards
In what areas are youth crime rates the highest?
Poverty-infested areas
_________ dating is more common in middle school while ________ dating is more common in high school
Cyber, Traditional
In which group do we see increasing juvinile deliquency?
Emotional development in adolescence is not characterized by _______.
These are: Increased interest in self-portrayal; Search for an identity; Emotional swings
T/F In most families moderate parent adolescent conflict and dispute is unlikely.
Adolescent girls describe romantic relationships in terms of _______ while boys describe them in terms of ________.
Interpersonal qualities; Physical attraction
Adolescent-parent attachments are __________ correlated compared to adolescent-peer relationships.
Which of the following is not necessarily a function of dating in adolescents?
These are: recreation, status and achievement, learning about close relationships, mate selection, strong emotional relationships
Males are more likely to _______ suicide while female are more likely to ________ suicide.
commit, attempt
The most common kind of offenses committed by juvinile deliquents is what?
Property Offenses
According to class lecture, which group is marrying earlier than US youth?
Russian youth
Outside the US, adult status is often marked by ________.
What proportion of those who drink alcohol will become alcoholics?
1 out of 9
How many hours per week do most college students work?
26 or more
The transition to adulthood begins in _______ and ends in _______.
biology, culture
How much money is spent per year in the US on dieting?
30 Billion
Compared to adolescents, idealism appears to__________.
decrease because of reality
Binge drinking is highest for what age group?
young adult/college/21-22 years old
Sexually transmitted infections affect what proportion of adults?
1 out of 6
Average peak physical performance in adults is _______.
19-26 years old, 20's
Which of the following is not one of Holland's basic career related personalities?
These are: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional
What percent of adults in the US are considered overweight?
Who is the most likely to attempt and complete rape against women in college?
What percent of american adults lived alone in 1970?
One of the main reason that remarriage after divorice occurs is _______.
Reduce loneliness and improve financial circumstances
According to Tannen, women prefer _____ talk while men prefer ______ talk.
rapport, report
The most important aspect of intimacy is ________.
Communication is more a problem in what types of households?
High-income households
The main reason cited for disillusion of a marriage is _________.
Fall out of love
Most recently, the percentage of marriage persons who said they were very happy appears to be ________.
Family life cycle appears to have how many stages?
Which of the following was not mentioned in class for making marriages work?
These are: establish love map, nurture fondness/admiration, turn toward eachother, let them influence you, share power, solve solvable conflict, overcoming gridlock, creating shared meaning
Which type of love is considered the strongest?