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11 Cards in this Set

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William Wundt
first psychologist 1879
- Introspection: carefull self-systematic obvservation of ones conscious
- Study parts of counsciouss
- Structuralist: analyze consciousness into it's basic elements and investigate how these elements are related
William James
Functionalist: study the purpose of the function of the consciousness
- argued consciousness is evolved and has characteristics. flowing consciousness
- Functionalist vs Structuralist
Functionalist won because struturalism cannot be measured
- consciousness is flowing
John B. Watson
Behaviourism: scientifically study behaviour
- manipulate environement will lead to change in behaviour
- Humanism: study of the unique qualities of humans especially their freedome and their potential for personal growth
- affair with wife with lab assistant
- moved into business
- first person to ever appeal to peoples wants, rather then whats logical
eg. Bikini Girls on billboards
Sigmeund Freud
psychoanalytic theory: attempts to explain personality, motivation and mental disorders by focusing on unconscious determinants of behaviour
- supressed urges
- talked patients through ALL of their problems
- took up to 15 years to treat patients
- replaced by behaviourism
BK Skinner
operant conditioning: Rewarded behaviour increases/ punished behaviour decreased
Skinner Box: box's used to observe rats/animals while testing on them
- radical behaviourist
Carl Rogers
Humanism: study the unique qualities of humans, especially their freedom and their potential for personal growth
- environement effects who you are, but so do genes.
- humans are self aware, unlike animals
Eight Guidelines to Critical Thinking
1.) Ask questions
2.) Define your terms
3.) Examine the Evidence
4.) Analyze your Assumptions and Bias's
5.) Avoid Emotional Reasoning
6.) Don't over simplify
7.) Consider other Intepretations
8.) Tolerate Uncertainty
Peer Review Process
through fellow psychologists before being published
was based on the notion that the task of psychology is to investigate how the elements of consciousness are related to each other.

The idea that psychology should only study observable events is the cornerstone of the school of psychology known as
environment, external stimuli
B. F. Skinner's conclusion that "free will is an illusion" was based on his belief that people are under the control of their