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38 Cards in this Set

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Sensory Memory

Last a few seconds, high capacity, no conscious awareness and decays over time

Short-term memory

Lasts a couple mins, limited to 5-10 items (7 ideal), consciously aware and decays over time.

Working memory

Lasts a couple mins, limited to 5-10 items (7 ideal), consciously aware and decays over time. Involves the visuopsatial sketch pad, central executive and phonological loop. Primarily works in mental operations and manipulations.

Long-term non-declarative memory

Lasts days to years, high capacity you are NOT consciously aware and you forget via interference. Involves procedural memory, perceptual representation, classical condition and non-associative learning.

Long-term declarative memory

Lasts days to years, high capacity you ARE consciously aware and you forget via interference. Can be broken down into events (episodic memory) or facts (semantic memory)


Creates memory traces that are to be stored. Comprised of two parts the acquisition and the consolidation.


The process by which sensory information is stored in a buffer and only certain info is chosen to be stored in short-term memmory.


When the brain stabilizes a memory over time resulting in long term-memory


Result of acquisition and consolidation and results in permanent memories


The act of accessing and using stored information for conscious representation or to execute a command.

Episodic memory

Specific memories about a personal experience from a particular time and place

Semantic memory

Memories that are specific to knowledge about the world, objects, priming, language, etc... not personal

Procedural memory

Memory of skills like motor and cognitive actions

Classical conditioning

A response between two stimuli that is learned and you are unaware to

Non-associative learning

Habituation and sensitization


A form or memory impairment that affects all of the senses

Anterograde amnesia

Loss of memories that occur after a lesion to a particular area in the brain

Retrograde amnesia

Loss of memories before the occurrence of a lesion, can sometimes on affect an hour or two this is called temporally limited

Temporal gradient

The phenomenon characterized by loss of memory closer to the accident in retrograde amnesia patients.

H.M (Henry Molaison)

Only lost memories from 2 years prior to a surgery. Some selective memory loss was present as far back as a decade, however apart from that he had no problems with other cognitive abilities. He could learn new motor procedures BUT couldn't remember how or being asked to learn it.

Echoic memory

Sensory memory that only involves sound, usually heard as an echo in your head.

Iconic memory

Sensory memory for your visual system

Atkinson and Shiffrin modal model of memory

Sensory inputs -> Sensory register (+ attention) -> short-term storage (+ rehearsal) -> long-term storage

Studies show this may not be accurate


Information is slowly lost over time


New information displaces old information

Data from K.F. and E.E.

Show's that there's a good chance short-term memory and long-term memory aren't linked in the way that was described in the Modal model method. Surgery to remove tumors in the inferior parietal cortex left short-term memory impaired but not long term memory.

Central executive

A cognitive system that is is in command of the interactions between two subordinate systems that are short term memory stores (phonological loop and visuospatial sketch pad)

Phonological Loop

Responsible for acoustically coding information in working memory, does a better job with recall when word/letters/etc... do not sound similar. Studies show that recall of lists of words that are similar are poor compared to lists of different words. Left hemisphere specialization (lateral frontal and inferior parietal lobes)

Visuospatial Sketch pad

Responsible for visually coding information in working memory. Damage to the right hemisphere offers more problems but damage in either hemisphere can cause issues (parieto-occipital area)


Change in response to a stimulus or recognition of a stimulus due to prior exposure to said stimuli OR a description of it

Perceptual representation system (PRS)

Structure of objects or words can be primed and have the affects last for months at a time. It mediates verbal and non-verbal priming of stimuli, does not rely on the medial temporal lobe because this is present in those with amnesia.

Transient global amnesia (TGA)

Most commonly caused by physical exertion in men and emotional stress in women. Normal blood flow is restricted to the brain similar symptoms to those with medial temporal lobe damage.


Very important in memory. Damage to it and neural tracts around it and connected to it lead to a variety of memory problems. Patients with AD often see faster deterioration in this part of the brain.


When lesions affected both the HC and the A then damage was severe, however when the cortex surrounding these structures were spared then the presence or absence of A lesions didn't affect memory. Thus A is not involved in acquisition of LTM

Rats and Water mazes

Lesions to the hippocampus led to rats not being able to relate visual cues to the location of the platform to swim too, however when doing the test from the same place every time they can learn where to swim despite lesions in the hippocampus. Lead to the idea that hippocampus has a say in spatial memory.

Relational Memory

The hippocampus (info about representation of the item) and the parahippocampus (info about the context of the item) combine to form this type of memory. Also a form of episodic memory.


Left anterior medial parahippocampal gyrus and perirhinal cortex is activated during testing of this confidence based metric....hippocampus is not activated

Activation during memory retrieval

Areas in the neocortex that are involved in the perception of the senses (auditory with auditory).