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102 Cards in this Set

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The demonstration of empathic understanding requires the following of the counselor: a) disconnection from oneself in order to take on the client's feelings; b) empathic rapport and permeable internal boundaries; c) empathic rapport and communicative attunement; d) imagining the feelings of one would experience in the same or similar experiences
c) empathic rapport and communicative attunement
Which statement about client hidden shame is FALSE? a) hidden shame is due to excessive parental emphasis attunement; b) hidden shame tends to lead to an attack on others or self-loathing; c) hidden shame is unacknowledged, repressed, or defended against; d) hidden shame is associated with addiction, aggression, obsessions, narcissism, and depression
a) hidden shame is due to excessive parental emphasis attunement
The primary focus of person-centered therapy is ________. a) selecting specific intervention strategies that are tailored to the client's needs; b) promoting a therapeutic alliance characterized by empathy, genuineness, and acceptance; c) examination of behavioral patterns that are causing difficulty in the client's life; d) exploring the intrapsychic experience of the client.
b) promoting a therapeutic alliance characterized by empathy, genuineness, and acceptance
Understanding the client's perspectives alone is not sufficient. The counselor must also: a) express verbally the counselor's sense of understanding of the client; b) reflect on the immediate process in the counseling session; c) mirror the client's feelings without agreeing, disagreeing, reassuring, or denying; d) engage in all of the above
a) express verbally the counselor's sense of understanding of the client
Which of the following does NOT apply to the quality of positive regard? a) it may also be referred to as nonpossessive warmth; b) it is reflected in lack of disagreement with the client; c) it contributes to a long-term working relationship; d) it leads to the client feeling valued as a unique and worthwhile individual
b) it is reflected in lack of disagreement with the clien
The condition of being honest, transparent, open, and real with the client is known as _______: a) positive regard, b) accurate empathy; c) congruence; d) cultural and relational empathy
c) congruence
It is important that counselors offer congruent or genuine responses to the client in order to _____: a) model the process of claiming one's truths and speaking about them; b) foster authenticity and mutuality in the helping relationship; c) address persistent thoughts or feelings that may block full acceptance of the client; d) provide an environment in which all of the above will occur
d) provide an environment in which all of the above will occur
Generally, the most productive use of counselor disclosure occurs when the focus is on: a) the counselor's own issues and facts about the counselor's role; b) the counselor's reactions to the client and to the counselor-client relationship; c) the counselor's own issues and reactions to the client; d) facts about the counselor's role and the counselor's reactions to the counselor-client relationship
b) the counselor's reactions to the client and to the counselor-client relationship
The frequent use of self-disclosure is most likely to: a) enhance client confidence in the counselor; b) turn an adolescent away due to lack of trust; c) blur the boundaries between counselor and client possibly leading to multiple relationships; d) reduce anxiety in a client who is uncomfortable addressing his or her concerns
c) blur the boundaries between counselor and client possibly leading to multiple relationships
Which of the following does NOT describe positive feedback statements? a) according to Hepworth and colleagues (2006), tapes of helping sessions indicate that counselors clearly recognize the therapeutic benefits of highlighting client strengths and successes; b) similar to self-disclosure, positive feedback statements help the client to see the counselor as a real human being; c) positive feedback statements are constructed using the personal pronoun "I" to communicate acknowledgement and ownership; d) if the client responds defensively or with denial, this is a clue that the feedback was not solicited
a) according to Hepworth and colleagues (2006), tapes of helping sessions indicate that counselors clearly recognize the therapeutic benefits of highlighting client strengths and successes
Which of the following is LEAST likely to describe helping in school settings? a) much of the high school counselor's work is with the teaching staff rather than the individual students; b) the current force of school counseling is in comprehensive programs that focus on primary prevention and healthy developments for all students; c) the ASCA National Model focuses counselor efforts on achievement and educational needs; d) elementary counselors emphasize the total school environment rather than individual counseling of children
a) much of the high school counselor's work is with the teaching staff rather than the individual students
Professional helpers can be distinguished from non-professional helpers by which of the following: a) existence of an accrediting body that governs training, credentialing, and licensing of practice; b) identification with a professional organization; c) adoption of an ethical code and standards of practice; d) all of the above
d) all of the above
Professional counseling is described by all EXCEPT which of the following: a) it addresses the thoughts, feelings, actions, and social systems of clients; b) it is almost always multicultural in nature; c) it is premised on a basic acceptance of all clients regardless if their behaviors; d) it may necessitate strong persuasion and influence if the client is resistant or reluctant
d) it may necessitate strong persuasion and influence if the client is resistant or reluctant
The four conditions under which helping are most likely to occur include: someone willing to help, someone who is trained and/or capable as a helper, a setting in which help may be offered and received, and _________.: a) help offered by a professional versus a paraprofessional helper; b) a client seeking help; c) a reluctant client who has been mandated to seek help; d) a client who denies needing or wanting help
b) a client seeking help
Which of the following characteristics of a helper would enhance the helping process: a) a conscious need to be helpful; b) an unconscious need to be helpful; c) a conscious intent to be helpful; d) an unconscious intent to be helpful
c) a conscious intent to be helpfu
In addition to the common core of counselor characteristics and skills previously identified in the literature, Cormier and Hackney (2008) have proposed these four important qualities for counseling practice in the 21st century: a) virtue, cultural competence, emotional intelligence, and flexibility; b) cultural competence, neural integration, and resilience; c) virtue, cultural competence, neural integration, and resilience; d) neural integration, resilience, emotional intelligence, and flexibility
c) virtue, cultural competence, neural integration, and resilience
__________ in therapy/counseling can be defined as "the purpose and limitations of treatment" and is discussed in the initial appointment as part of ethical treatment. a) privacy; b) dual relationships; c) informed consent; d) client-disclosure
c) informed consent
Which of the following is FALSE regarding Robinson's (1997) concept of multiculturalism: a) multiculturalism involves a willingness to share power with those who have less power; b) multiculturalism is synonymous with the concept of diversity; c) multiculturalism requires a commitment to using unearned privilege to empower others; d) multiculturalism equates power with access to resources
b) multiculturalism is synonymous with the concept of diversity
The increased demand for counselors in health care and rehabilitation settings has been accompanied by role diversification including: a) wellness programs; b) disease prevention; c) medication compliance and pain management; d) all of the above
d) all of the above
Three major activities undertaken by counselors working in religious settings include all EXCEPT which of the following: a) mood management counseling; b) referrals to other professionals; c) bereavement counseling; d) marriage and family counseling
a) mood management counseling
When a counselor's facial expression radiates concern in response to a client's recounting of disappointment, this is an example of _____: a) animation; b) mirroring; c) sympathy; d) resonant empathy
b) mirroring
Knapp and Hall (2005) note that the greatest amount of information about a client's emotional state is communicated via: a) the hands; b) the face; c) posture; d) the eyes
b) the face
Prolonged eye contact, in the form of fixed gaze may indicate: a) deception; b) anxiety; c) shame; d) aggressiveness
d) aggressiveness
Verbal reinforcement of what a client has shared is demonstrated when the counselor: a) further explores the topic by focusing on significant others in the client's life; b) shifts topics to collect additional information about the client; c) does not add any new ideas and reacts only to what the client has just said; d) further explores the topic by focusing on the client's past
c) does not add any new ideas and reacts only to what the client has just said
When a counselor verbally acknowledges a topic that the client has brought up, the client will likely: a) continue to develop and pursue the topic; b) immediately interrupt him/herself and change topics; c) cut the topic short without fully pursuing it; d) become silent
a) continue to develop and pursue the topic
Which of the following is an example of a minimal verbal follower: a) intermittent one-word phrases; b) head nods; c) fairly consistent eye contact; d) smiling
a) intermittent one-word phrases
Three of the following represent obstacles to the attending process. Which is the exception? a) attending to the client's message and metacommunication; b) applying a categorization model to the client's concerns; c) focusing on the facts that the client presents; d) sympathizing with the client and the client's dilemma
a) attending to the client's message and metacommunication
The three core conditions of counseling are central to the therapeutic process and include all EXCEPT which of the following: a) genuineness or congruence; b) accurate empathy; c) attentive listening; d) positive regard
c) attentive listening
Attainment of the helping goal of attentive listening is enhanced by: a) frequent use of minimal verbal followers such as "mm-hmm" and "ah"; b) selective attention; c) regular, rhythmic head nods; d) encouraging the client to explore new topics
b) selective attention
Listening for context involves attending to elements such as religion or faith heritage, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social and economic class, occupation, geography, ablebodiness, and then: a) waiting for clients to discuss the relevance of the contextual elements to their identity; b) discussing only those contextual elements that clients bring up; c) seeking to clarify the meaning that clients attach to each of their contextual elements; d) discussing those elements the counselor believes are relevant to clients' identities
c) seeking to clarify the meaning that clients attach to each of their contextual elements
Clients often approach counseling with thoughts such as, "I know that I need help" and "I wish I weren't here." Given this dual set of motivations, counselors may anticipate that clients will engage in ________ communication at times: a) conflicting and contradictory; b) conflicting and complementary; c) complementary and contradictory; d) complementary and congruent
c) complementary and contradictory
When a client engages in frequent topic shifts during the first few counseling sessions, this may be an indication of: a) anxiety related to the counseling process; b) a need to exert some control over the counseling process; c) both a and b; d) neither a or b
c) both a and b
In traditional __________ culture, communication patterns tend to be vertical, acknowledging status and prestige: a) American Indian; b) Hispanic American; c) Japanese; d) Black American
c) Japanese
Which of the following does NOT apply to the concept of ritualized patterns of communication: a) situation specific; b) changing a previous style of interaction; c) idiosyncratic to the individual involved; d) trademark interaction style
b) changing a previous style of interaction
Misunderstanding and breakdowns in cross-cultural communication are LEAST likely to occur when the counselor assumes that rules and patterns of speaking are: a) universal across culture and gender; b) influenced more by culture than gender; c) similar in meaning across culture and gender; d) influenced by the client's personal worldview as well as culture and gender
d) influenced by the client's personal worldview as well as culture and gender
Gender has been associated with the amount of _______ in counseling sessions: a) talk time and swearing; b) interruption and silence; c) both a and b; d) neither a or b
c) both a and b
Which of the following does NOT typically describe the beginning counselor's response to client-induced silence in the counseling interview: a) the beginning counselor feels that his or her inadequacy is being demonstrated; b) beginning therapists view silence as therapeutic and a valuable use of time; c) beginning counselors tend to break the silence with an impulsive question; d) the beginning counselor feels that it is his or her responsibility to keep the conversation flowing
b) beginning therapists view silence as therapeutic and a valuable use of time
Karasu (1992) observed that counselors tend to _____ the power of listening and to ______ the power of speaking: a) deny; acknowledge; b) acknowledge; deny; c) underestimate; overestimate; d) overestimate; underestimate
c) underestimate; overestimate
With respect to counselor-induced silence, the under-participating counselor uses silence: a) as reflection of his or her tendency to hide, withhold, and self-protect; b) unsystematically when at a loss for words; c) to deliberately reduce counselor activity and transfer responsibility to the client; d) to avoid interfering with or impeding the client's momentum
a) as reflection of his or her tendency to hide, withhold, and self-protect
The judicious and deliberate use of silence by the counselor may be effective in: a) pacing the interview; b) communicative caring; c) helping the client develop insight into defense mechanisms such as displacement; d) accomplishing all of the above
d) accomplishing all of the above
When the counselor defines the nature, limits, roles, and goals for counseling, this is referred to as: a) assessment; b) an intake interview; c) treatment planning; d) structuring
d) structuring
The recently enacted federal government rule called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is concerned primarily with which aspect of counseling: a) counselor supervision; b) confidentiality and privacy; c) advertising of counseling services; d) counseling research
b) confidentiality and privacy
African American and Asian American clients may be more inclined to prefer a counseling approach that is: a) structured, logical, and individualistic; b) affective, reflective, and contextualistic; c) structured, logical, and contextualistic; d) affective, reflective, and individualistic
c) structured, logical, and contextualistic
Which of the following demonstrates best practice in writing up an intake report: a) psychological terminology is used to add to the accuracy and richness of the report; b) comprehensive inferences are offered in a section at the end of the intake report; c) steps are taken to ensure that the report will be viewed only by those whom the client (or guardian) has granted access; d) the report is lengthy enough to incorporate all of the details offered by the client
c) steps are taken to ensure that the report will be viewed only by those whom the client (or guardian) has granted access
Counseling sessions with adults are generally limited to 45-50 minutesin length due to recognition of a saturation pont that will detract from productive work for ______: a) the client; b) the counselor; c) neither the client or counselor; d) both client and counselor
d) both client and counselor
Which of the following would be LEAST helpful in terminating a session with a client: a) the counselor asks the client to summarize the session; b) the counselor offers a brief and gentle comment about time bring up; c) the counselor asks the client if there is anything else he or she wishes to address before closing the session; d) the counselor asks the client to engage in mutual feedback on the progress of the session
c) the counselor asks the client if there is anything else he or she wishes to address before closing the session;
Clients of color are more likely than Euro-American clients to: a) terminate before the client would anticipate termination; b) agree with the counselor on a termination date; c) wish to continue beyond the planned termination date; d) expect the counselor to be in control of the termination decision
a) terminate before the client would anticipate termination
Which of the following is generally NOT true with respect to terminating a counseling relationship: a) if handled well, the client and counselor may emerge from the termination process unchanged; b) termination may produce a sense of loss for both client and counselor; c) termination may be experienced as re-enactment of former good-byes in one's life; d) clients may feel anxious at the prospect of being on their own
a) if handled well, the client and counselor may emerge from the termination process unchanged
Open up the closed question, "Shouldn't you consider what your family might think?"
How might your family think about that?
Open up the question: Do you want to do something about your problems?
What do you want to do about your problems?
In a counseling interview, topic development may be shaped or molded by: a) paraphrasing; b) silence; c) reflection of feelings; d) all of the above
d) all of the above
In a counseling interview, topic development may be shaped or molded by: a) paraphrasing; b) silence; c) reflection of feelings; d) all of the above
d) all of the above
The process of choosing between client cognitive and affective topics is referred to as: a) distracting; b) differentiation; c) communicative attunement; d) selective attention
b) differentiation
Intercultural communication is enhanced when counselors: a) respond to client topics with which they can identify; b) attend to client topics that they have dealt with personally; c) address client topics that relate to the clients' needs; d) assume similarities instead of difference in cross-cultural counseling
c) address client topics that relate to the clients' needs
A study of counseling typescripts has identified that counselors tend to respond to the _____ segment of the client's communication: a) final; b) first; c) most interesting; d) most relevant to the client's concerns
a) final
An effective paraphrase is a rephrasing of part or all of a client's communication that: a) adds to the client's basic communication; b) repeats verbatim the content portion of the client's communication; c) confirms that the counselor has accurately heard the client's communication; d) detracts from the client's basic communication
c) confirms that the counselor has accurately heard the client's communication
Which of the following is accurate with respect to counselor use of silence in response to cognitive content: a) silence gives the counselor more control over the immediate direction of topic development; b) silence decreases the power of subsequent counselor responses; c) following a silence, the counselor's next response will have a negligible effect on topic development; d) silence suggests that the counselor does not wish to direct conversation or to select a topic at that time
d) silence suggests that the counselor does not wish to direct conversation or to select a topic at that time
Responding to the client's cognitive content tends to: a) reduce intellectualization and denial of feelings; b) foster thought processes involved in problem-solving and decision-making; c) promote and/or maintain behavioral rigidity; d) delay development of rapport with clients who are threatened by their feelings
b) foster thought processes involved in problem-solving and decision-making
Open up this closed question: Which do you need to pay attention to, your academic or personal life?
What aspect of your life needs personal attention?
"I've had to wait in so many lines over the past week: To get on the freeway, to get my coffee, to pay my school bill. I hate waiting in line and I get really frustrated by all the other people who don't move along smoothly. You know, they can't make a decision, they have to consider every option on the menu, and they have to ask all their friends. These are the people who make the world chaotic and irritating. I've talked to my friends about whether we should include something in our driving license process that helps either train or eliminate people who can make good decisions." Write a summary if cognitive content to the above client's statement.
You've had to wait a lot this week.
"I've had to wait in so many lines over the past week: To get on the freeway, to get my coffee, to pay my school bill. I hate waiting in line and I get really frustrated by all the other people who don't move along smoothly. You know, they can't make a decision, they have to consider every option on the menu, and they have to ask all their friends. These are the people who make the world chaotic and irritating. I've talked to my friends about whether we should include something in our driving license process that helps either train or eliminate people who can make good decisions." Write a paraphrase to one of the above statements.
You think people who slow up the process make life disjointed and annoying.
Teyler (2006) believes that therapeutic change is more likely to occur when clients are able to: a) experience their feelings; b) talk about their emotions; c) share their cognitions; d) recall and discuss vivid dreams
a) experience their feelings
The nature of an emotion is conveyed nonverbally primarily via ________: a) the position of the body; b) head and facial cues; c) quick movements and gestures; d) voice quality
b) head and facial cues
Reflecting client feelings at a deeper level requires that the counselor: a) mirror an affect message that is overtly expressed; b) paraphrase all or a portion of the cognitive content of the client's message; c) stay below the threshold of the intensity of the client's feelings; d) acknowledge the implied admission of the client's message (what the client anticipates)
d) acknowledge the implied admission of the client's message (what the client anticipates)
All EXCEPT which of the following is true regarding emotions that are conveyed in a client's narrative: a) emotions enrich and modify the client's message; b) emotional cues are easy to read and are standard across cultures; c) emotions illuminate the client's reactions to life events; d) emotions may be inferred through nonverbal cues such as rate of speech and posture
b) emotional cues are easy to read and are standard across cultures
With respect to the affective component of a counseling interview, the term leakage refers to: a) the counselor drawing from personal emotional experiences to infer how a client is feeling; b) the counselor reproducing a similar feeling in himself or herself; c) client verbal and nonverbal cues that deliver an unintended message; d) client verbal cues that deliver an intended message
c) counselor verbal and nonverbal cues that deliver an unintended message
Which of the following requires particular caution and consideration when working in a multicultural context: a) responding to client affect tends to diminish the intensity of feelings; b) an emphasis on affect fosters an internal locus of preoccupation; c) counselors model affective competence by being accepting of feelings that clients have denied; d) affective communication with a receptive other leads to a sense of mutuality and community
c) counselors model affective competence by being accepting of feelings that clients have denied
The one aspect of nonverbal expression that does not appear to differ significantly across cultures is: a) directness and duration of eye contact; b) comfort with the use of touch; c) facial expressions of the basic emotions of joy, anger, fear, and sadness; d) preferred physical distance
c) facial expressions of the basic emotions of joy, anger, fear, and sadness
When clients are encouraged to reveal and release rather than repress angry feelings, this is likely to foster: a) heightened energy and sense of well-being; b) tension in a particular musculature of the body; c) decreased levels of assertiveness; d) permeable boundaries and limits
a) heightened energy and sense of well-being
"Well, I guess I was hoping that after applying for 18 different jobs over the last year I'd get an offer, not just be runner up in this interview process. I'm trying to stay positive so I don't give up, but that's not working this week. It's hard to figure out where to go now. I mean is it worth number 19." Write a reflection to one of the above client statements.
You feel unsure to one of the above client statements.
"Well, I guess I was hoping that after applying for 18 different jobs over the last year I'd get an offer, not just be runner up in this interview process. I'm trying to stay positive so I don't give up, but that's not working this week. It's hard to figure out where to go now. I mean is it worth number 19." Write a summarization of affect to the above client statement.
You feel discouraged by the past application processes and you feel hopeless about the situation.
An integrative approach to counseling emphasizes the following dimensions of client issues: a) beliefs and feelings; b) beliefs, feelings, and behavior; c) behavior, interaction, and relational patterns, and contextual factors; d) beliefs, feelings, behavior, interaction, and relational patterns and contextual factors
d) beliefs, feelings, behavior, interaction, and relational patterns and contextual factors
Complete the following analogy. Process goals are to ______ as outcome goals are to _______: a) tailored; general; b) tentative; generalized; c) unique; universal; d) universal; tailored
d) universal; tailored
It is common in the counseling process for outer, more obvious client concerns to precede more subtle, less obvious concerns. Thus, counseling is often referred to as a process of: a) carry-over; b) regression; c) unfolding; d) blocking
c) unfolding
Goal-setting is enhanced when outcome goals: a) are visible or observable; b) are subject to modification and refinement; c) are shared by the client and counselor; d) are characterized by all of the above
d) are characterized by all of the above
Clients who feel marginalized from the mainstream culture may not be prepared to address: a) long-term goals; b) short-term goals; c) physical needs; d) survival needs
a) long-term goals
All of the following EXCEPT which are true about the conceptualization of client issues: a) after the first session, counselors formulate hypotheses about the client, client's world, and client's concerns; b) conceptualization of client issues occurs quickly in sessions with competent counselors; c) initial hunches about the client, client's world, and client's issues will be modified in subsequent sessions; d) counselors will acknowledge and discard mistaken hunches
b) conceptualization of client issues occurs quickly in sessions with competent counselors
Utilizing the stages of change model (Prochaska, DiClemente, & Norcross, 1992), an individual who agrees that she would benefit from implementing a daily walking program, but cannot imagine how to fit in around a busy work day, would likely be identified at which stage of readiness for change: a) precontemplation; b) contemplation; c) preparation; d) action
b) contemplation
The three elements of an outcome goal include the target behavior, conditions for change, and level of change. What is missing from the following outcome goal? Goal: The client will decrease tardiness. a) behavior; b) conditions; c) behaviors and conditions; d) conditions and level
d) conditions and level
The effectiveness of goal-setting is enhanced when the counselor AVOIDS: a) prescribing a solution or goal; b) asking the client to envision life without the current concern; c) collaborating with the client on the establishment of goals; d) exploring the client's previous attempts at dealing with concern
a) prescribing a solution or goal
Use of a sequence or hierarchy to address action steps (subgoals) is likely to: a) increase of potential failure experiences; b) maintain energy to change; c) decrease motivation; d) reduce sense of control and empowerment
b) maintain energy to change
Greenberg (2002) contends that clients will not be able to change their emotions unless they: a) talk intellectually about their cognitions; b) talk intellectually about their emotions; c) act out their emotions; d) experience their emotions viscerally
d) experience their emotions viscerally
To determine the personal meaning of a slip of the body, Perls (1973), a Gestalt therapist, suggested that the client: a) monitor the body for tension; b) monitor the body for hot or cold spots; c) exaggerate a particular movement of the body; d) use word mantras with breath work
c) exaggerate a particular movement of the body
According to Lowen (1965), a bio-energetics therapist, _________ emotional problems are manifested in a disturbance in breathing: a) all; b) most; c) some; d) few
a) all
When using incomplete sentences to aid in eliciting and expressing feelings, clients complete a sentence stem such as, "If I felt mad, I..." by: a) responding in the way a parent or significant other would have responded in their childhood; b) responding spontaneously with different completions until they feel they have finished; c) practicing the way that they would like to be able to respond to emotional triggers; d) reflecting on the sentence stem and offering a response in the subsequent counseling session.
b) responding spontaneously with different completions until they feel they have finished
In a counseling session with a cognitively oriented counselor, the client's irrational or illogical beliefs are questioned. This would take place during the _______ phase of A-B-C-D-E Analysis": a) activating event (A); b) specific thoughts or beliefs (B); c) emotional and behavioral consequences; d) disputation and challenging irrational beliefs (D)
d) disputation and challenging irrational beliefs (D)
Successful cognitive restructuring is LEAST likely to occur when clients: a) practice for at least 6 weeks through overt (role-play) and covert (imaginary) rehearsal; b) substitute mastery thoughts for obsessive, illogical, or negative thoughts; c) identify self-defeating thoughts; d) engage in in vivo practice to promote confidence
b) substitute mastery thoughts for obsessive, illogical, or negative thoughts
When a counselor includes extended family, community elders, an/or spiritual leaders in the treatment of the client, this would be an example of a role extension known as: a) facilitator of indigenous support systems and practices; b) change agent; c) adviser; d) advocate
a) facilitator of indigenous support systems and practices or is it d) advocate
Social modeling, rehearsal, feedback, shaping, successive approximation, and in vivo tasks are elements of: a) cognitive restructuring; b) affective deepening; c) behavioral skills training; d) somatic sensing
c) behavioral skills training
Self-efficacy is a cognitive process that mediates behavioral change (Bandura, 1989, 1997). When clients report a high level self-efficacy, this appears to: a) promote a sense of personal agency and empowerment; b) influence not only feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, but also biochemistry; c) facilitates the adoption of change in female and culturally diverse clients; d) foster all of the above
d) foster all of the above
List and define 1 cognitive distortion identified in class discussion.
Where would you hide if a UFO lands and the aliens are coming for you?
The dryer
As unfamiliar counseling terrain is navigated, and new skills are acquired and implemented, _____ counselors experience fears and worries associated with their professional role: a) beginning; b) experienced; c) both a and b; d) neither
c) both a and b
When a beginning counselor strives to be all-knowing and flawless in his or her execution of counseling skills and strategies, this often: a) enhances the empathic connection between client and counselor; b) promotes a shared worldview; c) shifts the focus from the client's need to the counselor's needs; d) fosters the counselor's professional esteem
c) shifts the focus from the client's need to the counselor's needs
According to Harvey and Katz (1995), which of the following is NOT accurate with respect to the imposter syndrome? a) mistakes made by counselors are indisputable evidence of incompetence; b) all counselors make mistakes in their interactions with clients; c) counselor mistakes may promote self-awareness, genuineness, and flexibility; d) beginning counselors tend to exaggerate the frequency and magnitude of their mistakes
a) mistakes made by counselors are indisputable evidence of incompetence
Which of the following is an example of distorted cognition: a) my role as a counselor is to facilitate a client's journey toward change, if and when the client is ready; b) I cannot function effectively as a counselor as long as I am dealing with my own issues; c) there are any number of reasons why a client might terminate early. The reason may have nothing to do with an act of omission or commission on my part; d) neither my clients nor my supervisors expect me to have all the answers
b) I cannot function effectively as a counselor as long as I am dealing with my own issues
Which of the following does NOT represent an exception to confidentiality? a) a client discloses that his or her actions are likely to put an identifiable third party at risk for contracting a fatal disease from the client; b) a client discloses that he or she has committed a criminal action; c) a client files an ethical complaint against a former counselor; d) a client launches a civil suit claiming that he or she required counseling due to psychological harm caused by someone's actions
b) a client discloses that he or she has committed a criminal action
Which of the following is TRUE with respect to sexual behaviors with clients? a) it is unusual for an experienced counselor to feel sexually attracted to a client; b) consensual sexual intimacy us not sufficient grounds for a malpractice suit; c) sexual boundary violations; d) sexual involvement with a client is often preceded by person self-disclosure by the counselor
d) sexual involvement with a client is often preceded by person self-disclosure by the counselor
Potential consequences for sexual boundary violations with clients include: a) civil charges; b) criminal charges; c) loss of licensure; d) all of the above
d) all of the above
Ethical standards are established for: a) the clients; b) society; c) practioners; d) a and b primarily; e) all of the above; f) none of the above
e) all of the above
Provide the term and definition for both parts of APA ethical Principle A.
beneficence: for the benefit of those involved; nonmaleficence: to NOT DO HARM
What is a reflection? What is a paraphrase?
A reflection rephrases one emotion "you feel..."; a paraphrase speaks to the cognitive content "you think..."