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75 Cards in this Set

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Why is estrogen known as a mediator of fear processing

During an experiment accuracy for fearful faces was highest during the highest estrogen phase, and lowest during the lowest estrogen phase

- estrogen was not measured directly in experiment

________ administration in post-menopausal women has been shown to reduce, increase, or have no significant effect of negative mood


Male reproduction:

_____________ binds to cells in the testes

- Induces secretion of testosterone

- Required for normal spermatogenesis

- High levels inhibit GnRh


____________ stimulates release of androgen-binding protein


Post puberty levels of testosterone remain fairly _________



Induces secretion of testosterone



High levels inhibit (stop) GnRH



Promotes testosterone binding



Required for normal spermatogenesis


Activation of ______ during puberty affects acquisition of secondary sex characteristics (features not directly related to production).


What secondary characteristics are affected in men, women and both through the activation of HPG during puberty?


- Lower half of pelvis and hips widen

- fat tissue increases


- increase in number of muscle cells

Both sexes:

- Growth of pubic and axillary hair (androgens)

- Cessation of growth of long bones (estrogens)

What secondary characteristic do androgens produce in both sexes?

Growth of pubic and axillary hair

What secondary characteristics do estrogens produce in both sexes?

Cessation (stopping) of growth of long bones

Exposure to hormones can alter the trajectory of brain development, how?

- determine how neutrons connect

- where neutrons migrate to

- how many neurons survive

The part of the brain that mediates sexual behaviour is sometimes referred to as the ___________

sexual brain

Does the sexual brain differ between heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals?

Some studies say yes

- some areas in the SDN are larger in heterosexual males than homosexual males and heterosexual women.

Some studies say no

- No significant difference in the overall number of neutrons in the areas mentioned above

The sexual brains scientific name is the ________

BNST (bed nucleus of the stria terminals)

The BNST is sexually dimorphic. Which brain is larger and which brain contains most neurons.

- Male BNST = twice the neurons as males

- Female BNST = twice as large than males

What type of BNST do male-female transsexuals (on estrogen) have?

female typical volumes (twice size)

What type of BNST do female-male transsexuals (on testosterone) have?

Male typical volume of BNST (half the size)

True or False: Hormone disorders seem to affect the volume of the BNST


- tHEY DO NOT seem to affect the level and volume of BNST

When does the BNST become sexually dimorphic?


What happens when the SRY gene on the Y chromosome turns on?

- indifferent gonads become testes

- Leydig cells in testes secrete testosterone

- Sertoli cells in testes secrete Mullerian-inhibiting factor (suppression of female internal reproductive system)

What does Mullerian-inhibiting factor do?

- suppresses the female internal reproductive system

- Full development of testes and male internal piping

In North Eastern Africa female and male babies are born sexually ____________


How are males and females made in North eastern africa

- Circumcision removes the female parts (foreskin)

- removal of the external portion of the clitoris (male part)

Homosexuality is correlated with the urbanization of residence during _____________ years


What is Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

XX individuals with high levels of androgens resulting in :

- facial hair

- early pubic hair

- infertility

- ambiguous genital formation

May grow up viewing themselves as male

Increases vaginal wall thickness, lubrication, and vasocongestion in menopausal women


What are the benefits associated with tesosterone administration (taking testosterone)


- libido

- mood

- Cognition

- Increased muscle mass

- Bone density

- RBC production

What are the risks associated with tesosterone administration

- cardiovascular-related adverse events (stroke, heart attacks, etc.)

- Respiratory issues

- Dermatologic issues

- Sleep apnea

- Prostate cancer?

- Etc.

Linked to libido (sex drive) in both men and women


ncreases genital sexual arousal in both sexes


What is Hypogonadism?

Low tesosterone

Tesosterone levels fall by 1-2 percent per year after __________


0.1% of males in their 40s

0.6% of males in their 50s

3.2% of males in their 60s

5.1% of males in their 70s

Prescriptions for tesosterone have _____________ in the last decade (U.S. Data)


- No increase in the incidence of low testosterone

- Increase in people asking

___________ is linked more closeley with testosterone than ____________

cuddling is linked more closely with testosterone than sex

Individuals in long term partner relationships have _________ testosterone than those who are single.


Polyamorous people have ____________ levels of testosterone than those who are single or dating counterparts


For men testosterone is related to __________ in/of sex


For women testosterone is related to _________ in/of sex


______________ levels are related to masturbation in men


____________ levels are related to masturbation in women


Physical presence of partner is associated with ________ testosterone levels


Men in long-distance or same city relationships have ____________ levels in testosterone


Cognition can alter horomone level

knowing you have a partner is enough to alter hormone levels

What affect do erotic images have on men and women

men = Increased levels of testosterone

women= increased levels of estradiol

What happens to women when they have thoughts of sex?

Increased levels of testosterone

What is the love hormone?


- regulates parental and reproductive behavior

What hormone causes orgasm?


Oxytocin is derived frmom the words Oxys meaning ____________ and Tokos meaning ____________

1. rapid

2. childbirth

What is the milk let-down response

a series of neural events that lead to milk ejection from the breasts

Oxytocin in rodents:

Increases ___________ in female rodents

Increases _______________ in male rodents

- Receptivity

- Penile erection

Oxytocin in humans:

Less direct role in sexual response. Increase in oxytocin affects

- _____________


- _____________

- sexual arousal

- orgasm

- cervical-vaginal stimulation

Intra- nasal oxytocin increases ____________ of genital arousal


FMRI detects ________________________ in people that have fallen out of love

Caudate nucleus activation

What is a Pheromone?

Olfactory signals that trigger social response in members of the same species

What organ detects Pheromones?

vomeronasal orgam

- First stage of the accessory olfactory system - secondary system of smell, that detects and processes pheromones

Pheromes in rodents:


- Odours related to _____________ induce mounting behavior in male rats

- _____________ in sexually inexperienced male rodents prevents ability to copulate

1. Estrus

2. Anosmia (loss of smell)


- Female-female mounting can be stimulated by exposure to __________ from estrus females

- The same behavior is blocked in females with lesions of the olfactory system


Pheromones in humans are produced by the ____________

Apocrine glands

- glands that open at the surface of the skin

2 areas with apocrine glands are:

- pubic areas

- armpit

Synthesis of pheromones in humans are controlled by ____________


What is the Pheromone found in men's sweat?



- Might alter salience (importance) of emotional info in both men and women

- Alter __________ levels in women

- Increases women's perception of ________

- Alters blood flow in the _________

1. Cortisol

2. pain

3. brain

Menstrual synchrony experiment

onset of menstruation was significally closer (4.6 days apart)

later in the year, compared to earlier in the year (when girls where apart) (6.4 days apart)

What is the Major Histocompatibility complex (MHC)

A group of genes that code for proteins found on the surface of cells that help the immune system recognize foreign substances

- May be a method of commmunicating genetic makup to potential partners

Male mice prefer female mice with a different MHC from them

Greater diversity in MHC allows for greater detection of foreign substances

Human females prefer males with a ____________ MHC type


- unless pregnat or on contraception

Females in late 40s produce less __________


- coincides with depletion of oocytes (eggs)

Wax and wane of female hormones happens during the _________________ period


What is Menopause

period of time after a women has ceased to menstruate (for 12 months or more)

During menopause tesosterone levels drop by ________


What causes low sexual desire during menopause?

- Testosterone drops by HALF

- Estradiol drop

What is Hormone replacement therapy?

treatment aimed at reducing the discomfort associated with a drop in circulating hormone levels