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80 Cards in this Set

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nourish neurons and form the blood-brain barrier


phagocytic cells that ingest and break down waste products and pathogens in the CNS

Schwann Cells

myelinate axons in the PNS


myelinate axons in the CNS

Glial cells

- cells in the nervous system that play both structural and supportive roles for neurons

- includes astrocytes, microglia, Schwann cells, and oligodendrocytes

Sensory neurons

- receive information from the external world and convey this information to the brain via the spinal cord

- specialized for each sense

Motor neurons

relay movement commands from the spinal cord to muscles


- integrate information: connect sensory and motor neurons as well as other interneurons

- processes cognitive processes (eg. memory, language, reasoning, morality)


Cells in the nervous system that communicate with one another to perform information-processing tasks.

What are the parts of a neuron and their function?

1. Dendrites - receives information from other neurons and relays it to the cell body

2. Cell body (soma) - coordinates information-processing tasks, and keeps the cell alive through functions such as protein synthesis, energy production, and metabolism

3. Axon - carries information to other neurons or effectors (glands and muscles)

Axon hillock

integrates incoming signals

Myelin sheath

an insulating layer of fatty material that speeds up neural transmission

Nodes of Ranvier

breaks in the myelin sheath

Terminal buttons

knob-like structures that branch out from an axon

How does a neuron send a signal down the axon?

conduction of electrical signals

How does a neuron send signals to the next neuron?

through chemical messengers called neurotransmitters

Resting potential

- difference in electric charge between the inside and outside of a neuron's cell membrane

- approximately -70 mV

"All or none" principle

- electric stimulation below threshold fails to produce an action potential

- electric stimulation at or above threshold produces an action potential with the same characteristics and magnitude every time

How do neurons communicate variations in intensity of a stimulus?

by varying the frequency of firing (more signals = more intense stimulus)


- increase in membrane potential due to an influx of cations (especially Na+)


restoration of negative membrane potential following an action potential, through the efflux of positively charged potassium ions


lowering of membrane potential below resting potential, due to an overshoot of effluxing K+ ions

Action potential

an electric signal that is conducted along a neuron's axon to a synapse

Saltatory conduction

"jumping" of electric signal from node to node down the axon

What is Multiple Sclerosis?

an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the myelin sheath, compromising neurons

What are the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?

depends on which neurons and what part of the brain is affected: for example, damage of the visual pathway can lead to blindness


junction/region between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites/cell body of another neuron


sacs that contain neurotransmitters


chemicals that transmit information across the synapse to a receiving neuron's dendrites


parts of the cell membrane that receive neurotransmitters and either initiate or prevent a new electrical signal

What causes vesicles to release their neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft?

When an action potential reaches the terminal buttons, calcium ions flood into the cell through voltage-gated channels, causing vesicles to fuse with the cell membrane at the synapse.

How can a neurotransmitter be removed from the synaptic cleft?

- enzyme deactivation

- reuptake - brings NT back into the presynaptic neuron, where it can be recycled for future use

- autoreceptors (on presynaptic neuron) - signal neuron to stop releasing NT when it is in excess

How do neurons have different functions?

depends on where the neuron is in the brain and which NTs it uses


- most common, major excitatory NT in the brain

- linked strongly to learning and memory, esp. the creation of new memories

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

- primary inhibitory NT in the brain

- responsible for depression of CNS activity


- depending on its location in the brain, this NT can be involved in reward, movement, working memory, motivation, and emotional arousal

- reward: dopamine release associated with pleasurable feelings so you are more likely to do that action again - could lead to addiction


- involved in the regulation of mood, sleep and wakefulness, eating, and aggressive behaviour

- low levels linked to depression


involved in (sympathetic) arousal: states of vigilance, or heightened awareness of dangers in the environment


involved in memory, attention, voluntary motor control, among others


increase the effect of a NT


reduce the effect of a NT

Yerkes-Dodson Curve

a plot of performance against different levels of NT in the brain

What are the four lobes of the cerebral cortex?

1. Frontal Lobe

2. Parietal Lobe

3. Temporal Lobe

4. Occipital Lobe

Frontal lobe

- motor cortex

- controls language (specifically speech)

- higher order functions: planning, abstract thinking, memory, judgement

Parietal lobe

- touch cortex: allows you to sense which part of the body is touched

- attention

Temporal lobe

- processes auditory information

- important for language/speech comprehension - involved in creating new memories, but also an important site for storing long-term memory

Occipital lobe

- processes visual information


- relays and filters information from the senses (except smell), transmitting this information (or not) to the cerebral cortex

- important for consciousness


- critical for creating new memories and integrating them into a network of knowledge so that they can be stored indefinitely in other parts of the cerebral cortex


- important for many emotional processes, esp. the formation of emotional memories

Corpus Callosum

a thick band of nerve fibers that connects large areas of the cerebral cortex on each side of the brain and supports communication of information across the hemispheres

Basal ganglia

- directs intentional movement


- coordinates information coming into and out of the spinal cord

- consists of the medulla, pons, reticular formation, and cerebellum


- a part of the midbrain that orients an organism in the environment (ie. toward a stimulus - eg. localization of sound)


- a part of the midbrain involved in movement and arousal

- also helps to orient an organism toward sensory stimuli

- contains the substantia nigra, which produces dopamine and sends it to the striatum in the basal ganglia to control movement


relays information from the cerebellum to the rest of the brain (cerebral cortex)


an extension of the spinal cord into the skull that coordinates heart rate, circulation, and respiration


controls fine motor skills

Reticular formation

regulates sleep, wakefulness, and levels of arousal


simple stimulation of a sense organ


the organization, identification, and interpretation of a sensation in order to form a mental representation


process where sensors in the body convert physical signals from the environment into encoded neural signals sent to the CNS


light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eyeball


process by which the eye maintains a clear image on the retina


blurring of the lens (often due to age), resulting in blurry images


buildup of fluid and pressure in the eye which can compress the retina and damage it

Macular degeneration

degeneration of macula and fovea causing distortion of vision and blurriness in the central field of vision


brain swelling which can be seen through the eye through an enlarged optic nerve


an area of the retina where vision is the clearest and there are no rods at all

Blind spot

a location in the visual field that produces no sensation on the retina

Bipolar cells

collect neural signals from rods and cones and transmits them to retinal ganglion cells

Retinal ganglion cells

organizes signals from the bipolar cells and sends them to the brain

Trichromatic theory

every colour you see is some combination of Red, Green, Blue, as the pattern across cones yields unique colours

Color opponent theory

- pairs of visual neurons work in opposition

- use to explain colour after-image

Visual Area 1 (V1)

the part of the occipital lobe containing the primary visual cortex

Visual Area 4 (V4)

the part of the occipital lobe responsible for processing colour

Cerebral achromatopsia

a type of colourblindness caused by damage to V4

Visual Area 5 (V5)/MT

the part of the occipital lobe responsible for processing motion


damage to V5, leading the person to see "snapshots" of reality as opposed to smooth visual movement

Visual form agnosia

inability to recognize objects by sight